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  1. I don't think I can make these happen but I'm here to share what I think.First off,I think these are good and useful ideas,BUT,for the bow part, I just think spamming arrows with a bow and casting fireballs at enemies would make you a terminator.. 0_o especially if you focus on destruction and archery.What about using magic to enchant the arrows? You use a fire spell on the arrow,it's a burning arrow, +x fire damage,etc.You could use the environment too,like,there's fire coming out of a wall,you shoot an arrow through it and get bonus damage. :P Still love both of your ideas.
  2. +999! LOVE THIS IDEA.Decapitation is not enough.I hate the fact that after getting wounded heavily,like,by a daedric or a dwarven greatsword,they get back up and start to punch you,wth? The game is brutal already,adding a bit more blood just makes it look more epic. @windheaven - TOTALLY AGREE. Maybe not like the gore in Black Ops where you can see the damn limbs and veins,but,damn,at least a freaking scar?! I'd love this. LET US CONTROL OUR FINISHING MOVES and ATTACKS,DOWN,UP,LEFT,RIGHT,FOR EXAMPLE You press the down arrow / s key / whatever you have,you slash legs. Left / Right - arms. Up - Head / chest / neck. It just ain't fun to see somebody get hit by " Midas Meteor Storm " , than get back up and try to punch you. Why won't that damn meteor rip them to pieces? Why won't my huge battleaxe be useful? >_< ... medival wars were brutal.What,compared to seeing your friends getting dismembered and decapitated is far worse than the 2d blood we have in this game. 0_o Also to all you parents who think blood/gore should be removed - They don't put the huge "+18" text onto the box for nothin'. >_< GORE FTW!
  3. Woah hahah that'd be a bit op for low level players,dragon priests can one-shot most low lvl people if they don't have proper gear..well...you get that "proper gear later on in the game" , but IT WOULD BE FREAKIN' AWESOME.A GOD-DAMN DRAGON-PRIEST-DRAUGR-CORPSE-THING shooting fireballs at you from on top of a dragon? YES PLEASE! But it should be a tactical battle imo..since you face two strong enemies at once ( hated the goddamn Krosis battle at Shearpoint...i got my ass kicked million times ) .. and not just "FUSRODAHing" them off their dragons and killing them with bows.They may control the dragons,or the dragons may control them,so you have to take one out and than the other, Or..let's say,make it more difficult.The dragon priest casts a shield spell,you take the shield down first,than wound the dragon enough to make it crash for some time,you can than damage them as much as you want 'till they fly off,second phase starts with the priest casting offensive spells at you and the dragon doing it's job,you take it down again,and it flies off again,phase 3. Dragon priest goes in the good ol' priest way,starts to heal himself and the dragon,you have to damage one of them ( they'll share the same health pool..obviously o_O ) enough to make the PRIEST fall off the dragon,losing control,and the dragon will crash-land,it'll be wounded and will be passive / won't engage you in melee combat because it won't have the power to do so.Than you can finish them off. A BIT LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT'S BOSS BATTLES :D GOTTA LUV EM. Side note : I FREAKIN' HATE THE FACT THAT YOU SLICE THE DAMN DRAGON ONE HUNDRED TIMES WITH A GODLIKE DAEDRIC 2H BLADE,and when it CRASHES,it still has the power to walk,attack you in melee,and cast shouts to full effect.WTH? They should be weakened,at least... >_< I SUPPORT THIS!
  4. Wars of Skyrim actually adds random spawns.Since I started using it,bandits,thugs,thieves and even Dremora started to ambush me while I'm travelling. :P I'm not really sure if it's Wars in Skyrim's doing,but i'd greatly appreciate a mod like this.
  5. What would be immersive is if enemies reacted to our blows..that..you need an animator for.Maybe a bit of scripting,'cause who gives a damn about a "Brawling" tree when you're punching dummies all day. TL;DR : dude,I have a DAEDRIC gauntlet in my hand,I just hit you with an uppercut,Y U STILL LOOKIN' AT ME? I HATE the fact that enemies watch you as you kill them.They're all dummies,they don't feel no pain,they get back up after being slashed a hundred times and hit with a god-damn meteorite,and keep attacking you. >_<
  6. Unpack all of your BSA meshes files and that will stop it from crashing the 4GB patch and all the other fixes don't work but this one does. Man why do you post the same thing on every thread? This is nothing related to the 4gb patch,he replaced some of the files in a mod accidentally and that caused his game to crash.You NO LONGER need a 4gb patch .dll if you're using at least version 1.3.. Unpacking meshes won't help because this is about TEXTURES,also,doing that fixes the crashes related to your ram,or in-game quests,like if you unpack the mesh files for esbern he will start talking and he will open the door in that Blades quest. >_<
  7. Unpack all of your BSA meshes files and that will stop it from crashing the 4GB patch and all the other fixes don't work but this one does. Man why do you post the same thing on every thread? This is nothing related to the 4gb patch,he replaced some of the files in a mod accidentally and that caused his game to crash.You NO LONGER need a 4gb patch .dll if you're using at least version 1.3.. Unpacking meshes won't help because this is about TEXTURES,also,doing that fixes the crashes related to your ram,or in-game quests,like if you unpack the mesh files for esbern he will start talking and he will open the door in that Blades quest. >_<
  8. If you are not a Werewolf the ring will not work.What it does is,it allows you to transform into a werewolf and play as much as you want,it gives you unlimited time.But ONLY if you already are a werewolf. Cursed one may ruin your life lol,you can't take it off and you'll have a 10% chance to turn into a werewolf everywhere,dungeons and catacombs won't be a problem,but think,whole Whiterun is running after you >_> By the way if you turned into a werewolf than cured yourself in the fire the ring will have no effect.Maybe your problem is because of that?
  9. Unpacking mesh files also fixes the problem with Esbern in the Ratway Vaults :D ! He wouldn't open the door,that's how I fixed it.Thanks by the way,you saved my life. ( or my save? )
  10. My idea about this,is,the heavier your armor,the less damage you take.Okay,you can just jump from a bridge totally nude and die,but taking the same damage with a dwarven/ebony or daedric set is ridiculous :D
  11. Skyrim HD - 2k Textures - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=607 Skyrim Flora Overhaul - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=141 Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3621 Improved Rock and Mountain Textures - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=849 Skyrim HD applies to everything except the armors and creatures. HD Armor - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2009 Better Reflection for Armors - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1197 RWT - Realistic Water Textures - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=711 Enhanced Night Skyrim - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=85 Even tho you did not ask for the last 2,I gave them,'cause they're awesome. :D There is no compilation of these mods,but you can download all of them seperately.Be wary,tho,when you install all of those mods it'll be quite demanding for your system. D:
  12. If I were you I'd talk to the maker of Midas Magic.You can import many new spells in to the game,but if you want variety you need new effects,and an animator,to make them look different. That spell in the video is hard to make,you have to adjust everything one by one...creating a projectile,a sound effect that fits,and making the spell trigger an explosion.My guess is that it'll also require a bit of scripting.At least this is how spells are in WoW.Each one of them is scripted to act in the way the developers want them to.
  13. Skiing...would be weird.Greybeards are meditating in their temple,High Hrothgar,soldiers are training with their swords at Whiterun,and you're skiing down the Throat of the World at full speed..rofl. Let us also add the Alduin Davidson's Skull-Sucker Bike.American muscle.LOL.10x faster than walking. :P IT COULD BE fun tho,I might be able to do the textures and maybe the animations but I'm not sure.I don't give a damn if it breaks the lore,damn the lore,I've completed the game 1 month ago. =P
  14. I have never had a problem like this before the quest "House of Horrors" .. Now my screen is constantly going nuts.The screen shakes,there is a weird sound as if a conjuration portal opened,but a bit different than that,screen goes blurry,everything starts to glow,and I have no colors.It sometimes fades away when I kill somebody,but if I don't have anyone to kill,I'm gonna have to wait,and sometimes it takes a really long time. Can this be associated with me killing that priest when Molag Bal traps him in a cage? :(
  15. Can you click on it and get an ID when the console is up? If you can,save your game,and than do it.Write disable,and hit enter.It should be gone. Why I said save your game : Whiterun is full of crap and sometimes you click the stuff below the object you want to click................while trying to remove a dragon corpse that would not go away,I accidentally removed the streets.Everybody fell down.LOL. Also one time I had a frost arrow (the spell) stuck in me,after getting the blessing of a god,drinking a cure disease potion and sleeping it was gone.XD One of these might work,I dunno.
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