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Posts posted by sniperguy1337

  1. Taking inspiration from Far Harbor and a Clive Cussler novel, I realized how relevant a sub pen could be. The russian sub pens in real life were massive, large enough to fit several Typhoon class submarines underground. If a pen was added to F4, it would have to be as big if not bigger than the russian's. The question is: who would have built it and who is in there now? Is it an American pen filled with ghoulified G.I.s? Or is it a secret Chinese Base filled with the innocent descendants of the Reds stationed there?
  2. Taking inspiration from Far Harbor and a Clive Cussler novel, I realized how relevant a sub pen could be. The russian sub pens in real life were massive, large enough to fit several Typhoon class submarines underground. If a pen was added to F4, it would have to be as big if not bigger than the russian's. The question is: who would have built it and who is in there now? Is it an American pen filled with ghoulified G.I.s? Or is it a secret Chinese Base filled with the innocent descendants of the Reds stationed there?
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