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Posts posted by NatanusLikens

  1. Ah, ok. So my "REAL" issue here is Paint.net is unable to do this (Save files in those compression types). A quick search shows me someone is working on a plugin for this and it's not a core function.


    Thanks pixelhate.


    Er...... Well, the Plugin is actually finished.... but I must be missing some knowledge on this. Cause I tried all 3 types... same result on each. Checked all the meshe settings and they aren't altered..........

    Just dawned on me... I should try to start with a fresh texture then try again to see if I get the same result.





    I'm a moron.... yeah, so my old "edits" of this didn't work... but starting fresh I got it working.

  2. Well.... the original texture and my edit are in DDS... Not sure if that's what you mean. As for the "parts" the dress is all one meshe... including the tranasparent portion (Breakdown of parts: Boots, Dress, Belt/accessories, Shirt, little round things on the shirt you can see one just above the left boob, panties, and Body). Also, I didn't mess with the meshe just altered the target of the texture file to see if my test was looking right... nope, it failed due to this problem that I don't understand.

  3. Need some help understand why I can never seem to edit a texture that has see through portions and not get the same result as the original.


    I've attached a picture of a custom armor for a remodeled Veronica. In this picture I point out where the portion of the texture is that I'm having issues with on this outfit. I have the same issues with any and all armors/clothes. Any time I go to edit the texture to a different color what happens is the transparent portion is no longer transparent. I'm assuming this is caused by my texture edits, however, I'm just not sure cause this is not something I've messed with a lot. Just want clarification on the why.


    First off I use Paint.net for all of my texture edits for personal use (can't afford P.S.). Here's the steps I took. Duplicate layer, Turn off one layer to have as original, Black and White Adjustment on one, New layer with the color I want edited to be an overlay, merge overlay with black and white, Turn back on the original layer and proceed to erase the original parts I want as the new color.


    Now for this one seeing as I've had the same kind of problems with other textures with see through parts (though those had lots of tiny protions with cloth decorations around it) I decided to erase all the color behind that portion. Merged the two layers then saved it as a test... should work fine I'm guessing. But what I saw in Nifscope wasn't a transparent lacy portion of the dress, rather it was this hideous opaque color instead.


    Why am I unable to get the same result with a transparent area as the original one? Didn't touch that portion, it's the same thing.... so why??? I'm not even sure what the right question would be for this issue.

  4. :P not sure what happened... but I got it just a few minutes ago. Tested Working... just having to fix the textures on the mod.... seems like either the person who made the the second version of this mod with altered colors either didn't put the textures in the right spots... or I messed up something majorly.... Bouncing breast is at least working in game.

  5. Ok, I've been trying to convert http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45492/? to have bouncing breast (Personal Use). Well, my attmepts aren't going 100%. I get to the blender portion do all that I need to there for the conversion and try to export it. Then I get the error that there are to many vertices. I'm stopped dead in my tracks here because the guide for converting an armor to BNB doesn't cover this issue.


    It does say to decimate the meshe and try again... but I don't know how that will effect the armor in game.


    Little help please xD

  6. I have a massive collection of armors, however with one set of armors the scale is off badly. The scale is off to the point that the "neck" of the armor is down around where the belly button should be. (hands, head, and feet are normal). I'm trying to fiddle around with it in Nifscope to see if I can fix it, but not familiar enough with it to do the fine detail adjustments I need to make it and the body fit how it should.


    Any ideas/suggestions?

  7. I know what my problem most likely is but no idea how to fix it considering what it is. I'm using CoTW which changes the skeleton to be child friendly. But All female adult actors have their breast extending to infinity due to BnB. I'm guessing because none BnB outfits don't have that problem. One of the Veronica mods has a none BnB outfit which doesn't have that problem which is why I'm 99% sure that's where my problem is. Is there a fix to this issue? (tried searching but couldn't find my exact issue).


    I know this is an old issue and hope there is a fix.

  8. I have a similar problem to what you described above only a lot more noticeable. What is going on is that I'll see NPCs with very different body and head skin tones (Only on Adult Female NPCs and Only Human NPC races. ie Nord, Breton, etc...[High Elf females might be affected as well but I'm unsure]). For instance there is an npc in whiterun that has a white skin tone with a black/brown head (This is an added npc with Inconsequential NPCs). I'm unsure if any Vanilla NPCs are effected by this problem... However, I think some of them might be seeing as the redguard woman in the Whiterun Inn (can't remember the characters name just that the redguards are looking for her there, the skin tones for her face and body are that of a redguard, however, they are mismatched... reddish brown body with a pale brown face).


    So... I guess what I'm really asking is does anyone know of a body and face texture set that works good with Caliente Body BBP? Hopefully all I need is a texture set to fix my current issue(s).

  9. >.>... I have Eisen... what I want is a bodyslide conversion of it so that I don't go from Double D to Child Training bra.


    like the first download for:





    Right... so I failed bad at this... I really have no idea how to convert an outfit.




    Apparently I don't have permission to up load mods. I was going to ask if someone could take the meshes from it and make it bodyslide compatible like what I posted above. Still am if anyone would do that.

  10. Noted and Downloaded...


    quick question though... I was going to make my own versions using the the armor option in the bottom right corner... but when I go to make a new project all the drop downs are empty... all of them. What do I need to try and make my own conversions?

  11. I use CBBE and I'm looking for bodyslide conversions of armors.


    Eisen Plate Armor (Saw a UNP conversions but not a CBBE, this is my favorite set by far),

    R18PN Lingerie Set,

    Hentai - Jamella, Void, Mixed Armor,

    Seraphine Hunted Armor,

    Mord Sith (T.T wish that show had done better),

    Layer Bikini,

    WitchPlate (Great for Housecarls),

    LB Lady Bat (I love this set),

    Demon Hunter (I think this is based on Diablo 3).


    Also if you have any suggestions for armors with bodyslide capabilities please I'm always looking for more interesting armors. Just remember if you suggest something I like CBBE versions.


    Thanks and hope someone else finds something on this thread for them.



  12. This has happened to me a few times where I'll go through a door and my companion/follower won't be there with me. Map shows her/him at the door but not there when I look. Went back through the door, nothing. Used TCL to see if they are stuck in the building... nothing. They are no where to be found. Tried waiting/sleeping a while to see if I got the notice that they have returned home but got nothing. Returned to spot, map still shows them at/in the door.


    Normally I'd just reload at a point before they got stuck but I'm kind of tired of losing progress due to this.

  13. I'm looking for the outfit "Lady Bat" if anyone has a mega link for it. (Can't get on any "sites", for the moment. exp: LL)


    Note: I'm looking for the adult version that the x117 is based on.

  14. (First Problem) I'm trying to get help trouble shooting a problem with a mod; the mod author wants a papyrus log from me in order to see what is happening. Possibly another mod is interfering with this mod, which is why he wants the log. However, I don't have a Skyrimcustom.ini file in order to add the lines necessary to create the log. I've looked around briefly on the forums for this but found nothing. So how do I get a Skyrimcustom.ini file?


    (Second Problem) Trying to create the necessary file I messed up something, what is happening is in game the Skyrim logo (Start screen) and all items/characters on the load screens now have a red tent to them. Everything else is fine. How do I fix this? (Not very important but annoying).

  15. Need a suggestion to fix my skin texture problems with both male (Better Males/SoS) and female (CBBE).


    My problem with males is that the textures of the head don't match the body for everybody... for example Redguards have a slightly lighter color head than the body. I'm using Better males/SOS (applied in that order).


    As for females I have CBBE Toned muscles/abs applied however the hands and feet don't match. Ironically the head textures are a decent match (kind of reversed this problem from female to male... no idea why or how).


    Any ideas on what textures sets I could use to match up across all body parts? Prefer High Res ones. Hair optional.




  16. I've done everything in this forum and on the link... it's partly working. I can load Dawn Guard and Dragon Born just fine but when it comes to Heart Fires it crashes creation Kit. Any suggestions on where to look for this problem? Because the mod I want to work on uses all that and <insert funny joke here>.



    SArchiveList=Skyrim ...... Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa

    SResourceArchiveList=Skyrim ....... Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa

    SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Heartfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa


    I get this right before it crashes

    Retry or Ignore it crashes either way




    File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES


    Line: 2871

    LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file.



    Well....... ??

    Ok, so my problems got worse in a weird way. I'm posting this here because it had something to do with CK. In an earlier post someone suggested uninstalling and re-installing CK, so I gave that a shot....

    I don't know what happened but this completely deleted Skyrim off my computer; Data files, Mod Files, Esm's, Esp's, even save files. All gone... no idea why or how. However, for what ever reason the game would still try to launch (tried this just to see if maybe files had somehow been moved) and it would pop up saying missing executable files. With that being said, at this point I did uninstall Skyrim. So now I'm having to re-install the game and a few of the mods I'd like to keep.


    Frankly while this is a pain in my ass... I did have alot of junk mods (WoW Dungeons that Crashed Skyrim on start up or crash on entering the "instance" for example) that I need to get rid of along with their data files; meshes, textures, sounds, etc.


    I hope someone looks into what could have caused this to happen when all I was trying to do was uninstall CK.

  17. When it comes to modding I'm still very much a novice. I can build places, links, etc... and that has lead me to an idea I'm working on. But I have no clue where to start.


    What I want to do is make an Amulet with an enchant that causes it's wearer to dance... Forever, muhahaha. HOWEVER, I don't want my mod to have a master other than Skyrim and Update. So, what I need to know (or where to find the information) is how to add everything I'll need to make this work. Specifically how to add the dancing animation to CK for my mod. I stepped through the mod to take a quick look at what things I might need to add, but I don't really understand what I need to add to make it work. Magic Effects, Animation Files, Scripts, Effects, Keywords, etc... I see the puzzle pieces but have no Idea how the puzzle fits together.


    Can anyone point me to a tutorial that'll explain what I need to know in order to make permanent dancers?


    Thinking about it... I might need to get a quick lesson in scripting. Otherwise the NPCs will do the dance animation once and stop, never dancing for my amusement ever again.


    As a side note... how the hell do you make torture victims act like torture victims??? They stare at me and tell me "You shouldn't be here." like a normal NPC. I seem to missing a key piece here.


    (Player House with a Dance Hall and a Torture Chamber.... for those that won't dance. Muhahahaha.)

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