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Posts posted by thedodus

  1. So I've logged a billion hours and a billion mods on my first and only character...troubleshooted several minor problems myself, and everything's working fine with him now.


    Today I went to start a new character in preparation for Dawnguard, and everyone is having seizures. From the first second of the wagon ride to the freedom after Helgen's Keep, everyone, including my character (unless I'm in 1st person view) is stuck in a weird convulsion loop that looks like they're simultaneously hurling and doing the wave with their arms. Most things are functional, other than the fact that all of the Imperials I killed in Helgen's keep levitated 4 feet off of the ground and continued to convulse, unable to be looted. I think Ralof took down a couple himself--these npcs did a different, weird imploding thing and crumpled on the floor in a weird yoga pose, kind of like Christopher Lloyd when he gets steamrolled in Who Framed Roger Rabbit except more disturbing.


    I've looked everywhere online, including this forum for anyone having the same problem but have come up empty handed. The weird thing is, my first character is fine and none of his saves are or have ever exhibited this phenomenon. It's just the new character. All I can guess is that some of the mods I have installed cause the game to be FUBAR if used during the start? Or some animation file that's working great for an established character screws everything up if it's on for the intro? I've no idea.


    If anyone has experienced this, figured it out, or otherwise has any idea what could be the problem, my currently shelved dunmer stormcloak assassin thanks you?

  2. The UI for the start button menu, as well as the favorites menu, have somehow doubled in size.


    I had to do quite a bit of tinkering with Skyrim today due to suddenly starting to experience the dreaded Black Screen w/Sound crash. I'm pretty sure I sorted it out, but now both my start menu and favorites menu are huge! It used to be medium sized and clean, and now it's extremely jarring to even pull up the start menu to save--I'm talking like 10 saves span the entire visible area of the save menu, the favorites menu takes up 1/3rd of the screen and shows 4-5 items at a time--does anyone have the slightest idea what's going on, or how to fix? Did I accidentally uninstall a "non-insane font size" mod and am just reacting to vanilla?


    I've spent the last 3 days trying to get my game to behave...if you guys can help me figure this out, I might actually be able to start playing again. :'(



    I'm just posting this in case anyone in a similar situation comes across it.


    1.) Here's how I solved the AMD driver problem. I downloaded my driver of choice (11.11b seemed to run the best, so I went back to that). I did not download the AMD driver control center or autodetect utility--they weren't working. I just downloaded the driver, unpacked it, let it install an AMD folder on my C:/ drive, and then manually browsed to that folder in Device Manager and made it install the driver. Worked like a charm.


    2.) Then I got on Steam and verified my game cache, and defragmented the cache--both of these options are found when you browse to your game, right click and go to Properties. I suspect this was what solved the texture issue, but the driver thing seems to be a pretty big problem for everyone in Bootcamp for various other reasons.


    Happy gaming everybody.

  4. First of all, Maboru, thank you for taking the time to respond :)


    Uninstalled Apple video drivers and then, with Driver Cleaner, the ATI drivers. Tried to reinstall just the Catalyst drivers, but said my computer didn't have proper graphics adapter. So reinstalled Apple drivers, at least got back to a native resolution on the display, which is now recognized, but still can't reinstall the Catalyst drivers. At this point video drivers may or may not be the problem, but at any rate, Skyrim still looks like s***. Do you or anyone else have any more suggestions? This blows.

  5. Problem is pretty much exactly that. I had to do a load of research to even realize that it was a texture problem - all I knew was that all of a sudden everything in Skyrim looked like absolute garbage and I had no idea why.


    It is almost exactly as described what happened to XBox360 owners that installed their game to the HDD or whatever, except I'm on a PC and no one is talking about it on the PC. Everything is blurry, no detail, Lydia's arms look about as compelling as a number 2 pencil and if I look down at the rocky paths, tears start rolling down my face.


    Previous to this happening I had just hooked up a brand new HP 25" display and started running my desktop off of that with no problems. The game was still working fine. THEN, because I started to get itchy to run Skyrim with playable at 1920x1080 (I'm on a late 2011 MacbookPro running Bootcamp, at 1440x900 High and a shitload of mods I get about ~25 FPS, which is just fine for me, but no way I could pull off 1080p), I uninstalled my catalyst drivers, reinstalled, played around with a bunch of overclocking programs and finally settled on MSI afterburner...at some point in this chain performance went up and textures went way way down. At one of these points Skyrim did another one of the "Skyrim will now detect your graphics card" things, I'm thinking that may have corrupted something Nothing I've done has solved the problem. I tried going back to the laptop screen. I tried setting everything to Ultra, making sure everything's cool in Skyrimprefs.ini, etc. I'm completely out of ideas, it's like something glitched and I can't get good textures back. I've tried to retrace my steps in case I set something wrong along the way, but yeah, out of ideas. I'm hoping one of you guys might have some idea what I did or what I can do, because this sucks. I'm even thinking about dropped $1000 on building a gaming PC just so I can finish enjoying Skyrim. Which is nuts, but man, I love this game.

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