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About Ninjaluxray7685

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim Anniversity
  • Favourite Game
    Warframe / Phansaty Star Online 2 NGS

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  1. thanks for yall help this is so confusing im just gonna scrap the idea and just leave it as a base 1handed weapon scripting is just too much for me since i just started modding but thank you all for helping me
  2. so here is the new script but i keep running in to this issue (23,53): mismatched input 'enchCount' expecting INTEGER
  3. i didnt know that this makes more since now thank you im gonna get to work on that
  4. Core Concept: You want the Blade of Chance to have random enchantments every time it is crafted or initialized. A D20 roll is used to decide how many enchantments will be applied to the weapon, with a chance for either 0, 1, 2, or 3 enchantments. Details of the Randomization: D20 Roll System: You roll a 20-sided die (using the function Utility.RandomInt(1, 20)), and based on the result of that roll, the number of enchantments to be applied is decided. You have divided the D20 roll into 4 groups: Group 1 (3 enchantments): If the roll is 8, the weapon gets 3 random enchantments. Group 2 (2 enchantments): If the roll is 2, 9, 14, the weapon gets 2 random enchantments. Group 3 (1 enchantment): If the roll is 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 18, the weapon gets 1 random enchantment. Group 4 (no enchantment): If the roll is 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, no enchantments are applied. Array of Enchantments: You have created an array of 11 base enchantments (such as Fire, Frost, Shock, Absorb Health, etc.) that the script will choose from. The script shuffles this array to randomize the selection of enchantments. Shuffling the Array: The script randomly rearranges the elements in the array so that the enchantments are not always in the same order. Applying Enchantments: Based on the result of the D20 roll, the script applies the appropriate number of enchantments from the shuffled array to the Blade of Chance. If 1 enchantment is to be applied, the first element of the shuffled array is used. If 2 enchantments are to be applied, the first two elements of the shuffled array are used, and so on. Desired Outcome: The weapon's enchantments will vary each time it is crafted, making each version of the Blade of Chance unique. Depending on the D20 roll: The player may get a powerful version of the blade with 3 enchantments. They might get a weaker version with only 1 or 2 enchantments. Or they might get an unenchanted version (if the roll lands in Group 4). This randomness aligns with the "chance" theme of the weapon, giving it a different power level and functionality each time it is acquired.
  5. so i fixed the script thank you by the way but now i have a new issue i am trying to compile a script for the weaker blade where crafting has a chance to apply a 1, 2, or 3 random enchantments here is the script i am deciding to use the base enchantments provided by the game so i dont have to make new ones i hope but i am getting this and do not know what this means
  6. i also realize i didnt make spells so i fixed that akActor.Cast(InstantKillEffect, akActor) RNGInstantKillSpell.Cast(mySource, akActor) for "mysource" would it be InstantKillEffect or RNGInstantKillSpell
  7. so i have been letting chatgpt teach me how to script because i couldn't find a video to teach me how to create a 1-20 chance roll system for a object to simulate rolling a d20 but for what ever reason its failing the save with a error here is my script and screenshot of my work can some one please help me im getting annoyed trying to make this work error i get is "ApplySpell is not a function or does not exist" or when i change applyspell > cast i get "Cast is not a function or does not exist"
  8. thank you for the advice ill keep that in mind
  9. yea so i didn't know how to properly add a title so i just copy my stream title. So an introduction you already know my name clearly i love f2p games like warframe, maple story, closers, master duel, the first descendent... however i love rpg games legends of the seven stars, Skyrim, Pokémon, Zelda, etc. i first got in to mod through oldrim and the "relics of hyrule mod a zelda dlc mod" once my poor self finally got a upto date gaming pc and se/ae i wanted to make my own mod so i created two handed sword from my favorite overlord in the nis games zetta in the mean time as i am still learning designing my own weapons i want to learn how to port and help keep alive mods that can climb out of the grasp of oldrim community i hope that the nexus community will help teach me to learn everything i need to know so i can create great mods that has inspired me to make this post today thank you
  10. hello im looking for a mod that is just like this one in the picture with the three swords it dosent have to do damage
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