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About PhantomofSkyrim

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  1. Has anyone figured out a way to stop them from popping up yet?
  2. i had the same problem and that worked for me. it was a book texture mod that caused the crashes. Mine was the "book covers skyrim". After deactivating it, the CTD's at merchants stopped. Crap... If Book Covers Skyrim is the problem then I'm screwed, cause I apparently have that installed due it being packaged in with Legacy of the Dragonborn. Well, there goes my idea for a relic hunter playthrough...
  3. One of the versions of Moonlight Tales does add werewolf hunters that have a chance to spawn in and try to kill you. Sometimes you get Silver Hand, other times you get Vigilants of Stendarr. It depends. They're pretty tough, but it's satisfying to succeed in killing them. The mod is Moonlight Tales: Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul.
  4. Gotcha. Depending on when the sequel comes out, it'll be interesting to recreate the character I'm doing this quest with once it comes out. Though depending on how long development will be, I might not have to. We'll see. Since you mentioned a revamp of the original Rigmor of Bruma mod, I'll probably have to play through that again too to see any changes that were made. Definitely not complaining though. It'll be fun. Though now I'm imagining the potential marriage quest that will occur in the sequel if you chose the romantic path with Rigmor... Something tells me that vanilla marriage definitely won't be a factor, and the ensuing chaos of that quest (if we get one) will be entertaining.
  5. Here's a quick question I had about continuity with Rigmor of Bruma and this mod. Will there be different starts to the Rigmor of Cyrodiil mod depending on your final choice in Rigmor of Bruma? Like one start involves her sending you a letter or something from Cyrodiil if you chose the "let her go" option, then starting a different way of starting it if you decided to keep her around? Like maybe she gets word from Cyrodiil about whatever it is that your quest mod revolves around and she asks you to come along? Cause greater destiny or not, I'm probably going to be selfish and keep her around. She's too adorable to give up.
  6. I wish I could help. I'm having the same issue, and I have no idea what caused it either. Pretty much all beards are affected except the ones with massive facial hair or the really big sideburns (and even that one has a screwed up model) It's definitely irritating, and unfortunately this seems to be the only forum addressing this problem. A fix would definitely be awesome, but unfortunately I doubt it will happen any time soon.
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