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Everything posted by Notneb84

  1. Ok well I just stumbled upon the answer. In the games file, there's an oblivion configuration settings "read me" document. In the steam "oblivion" folder, there was the same one, only it said oblivion_default. I swapped the one from my games folder *documents/my games/oblivion*, with the one that was in the *program files x86/steam/steamapps/common/oblivion folder. Now I can loot bodies again. I'll try loading up all my dlc and mods now and see if it stays working.
  2. Well... I've taken everything out of the Oblivion folder except for the orig version, no DLC and I still cannot loot corpses. I click on any item on the corpse, or hit "take all" and it just closes the inventory screen, and doesn't remove any of the items. I'm beginning to think it's a Steam thing?
  3. Yes, it's Version 1.2.0416. I DL'd it from Steam, so it came with Shivering Isle, Nights of nine, ect. I just deleted everything and re-downloaded it, and didn't put in any mods to the oblivion folder, started a new game, and still the same problem. Do you think it could be the DLC that came with the steam deluxe package? I'm still working on it, but i'm just not program savvy enough I think to really realize what i'm looking at. I'm using common sense and trial and error right now.
  4. Yes, i'm activating either corpses or chests, and both clicking on the items on the corpse/chest or selecting "take all" do not work, the inventory window closes, but the items stay on the corpse or in the chest.
  5. Forgive me if this is covered in another thread, and if so can you PLEASE link it! I'm unable to loot anything from chests, corpses, anything that brings up the "tab" window. I can pick things up from the ground, like single weapons laying around, but that's it. I have the following mods: EVE_HGEC_BodyStock_and_Clothing, HGEC- Lady Death 0.9, Sexywalks by Mur_Zik Compilation 1.2, Custom_Race_Fix-1815, and Skeletons-27945. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I should note that I've just re installed oblivion on a new computer since playing a few years ago, so i'm rusty on modding.
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