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About VaciliNikoMavich

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  1. That is so AWESOME that you can control your dead Andromedon's shell in combat! Thank you so much! It helped a bit in the final battle :) Keep up the great work!
  2. The Invisible Head mod works for the Viper- I didn't see eyes or "human teeth and gums" except for the Skyranger loading screen where they all sit down. Otherwise I only saw the viper I created in the tactical fight. As for the MEC, there was a pair of eyes and the teeth sticking out of its chest some, but you only notice it if you're looking for it, or see it in a cutscene (like a kill). I don't use Chrysalids, so I cannot really tell you if it worked on them. So perhaps there is some kind of element inside the Invisible heads mod that "might" be of some help. But I am not an expert in that field.
  3. Oh guys? The "return fire" perk for the Muton, does not actually work. I have had mutons using that perk and they get shot at, or damaged by X enemy, andthey never attack or fire back at the hostile. This perk was meant for Xcom sniper classes only, mutons cannot use it. I personally think you should replace the return fire perk, with the vanilla muton (enemy muton)'s "Counter attack" perk. "Counterattack: Chance to ignore melee damage and instantly respond with a melee strike of their own." That way you can have users that utilize the Muton either choose between SUpression, or Counter attack.
  4. Alright -I'm contemplating if I should use the aliens or not though ^^; I've already killed one alien Ruler... When ever the Update goes through, am I going to have to restart the game?
  5. Alright so I just went in game and tested both the Muton, Andromedon, and Beserker in the tactical play -they do indeed work :) No head glitches, nothing. They act like they had before the patch mess up. My question is, since you said you are able to release it at some point, is this mod still safe to use? I'm happy just using Mutons, Beserkers, and Andromedons if it is.
  6. Uhm...okay..? I don't fully understand, but I will be patient. But you're saying I could use the "second class" aliens just fine, and not worry about weird head glitches coming from them in the tactical game? Cause I am about to go test that.
  7. Do the two muton types and andromedon look somewhat normal in tactical? Since their bodies are kinda big; woukd the head not show up?
  8. Ooh..well I am confident you guys can fix it ^^
  9. Hey guys? I just subscribed again and built the aliens for free via ini files, and they look normal in the armory screen on my end. Is this a sign that they are being fixed or is something still "off"?
  10. Havoc has a point -the armor last time I tired days back, just doesn't actually get equipped, even if you click for the armor to be on the character in the armor load out screen. This odd glitch thanks to the update and likely the DLC, may have messed up the armory side of the mod, which in turn messes up the mod. But I am talking hypothetically and agreeing with a decent sounding theory.
  11. I just got an email saying i got pmed, butbi looked and don't see anything on my mobile site of this... *NVM, ignore this post.
  12. So is the mod fixable? From what it sounds like, you guys are going "backwards" and having us use the vanilla models again? (Which i didn't have a lroblem with in my opinion concerning the viper and mec)
  13. Oh and doing the "givealienarmor" cheat in the console does give me all the armors for the XCOM aliens, but when I put the mec armor into its armor/clothing slot, the armor just disappears from it. So there isn't any way to make that head bug/gltich go away. I don't even want to know what happened to the other aliens.
  14. My Rescued MEC had a human head bugging and poking out of its neck and chest area, and this is a new game playthrough...thats not supposed to happen right?
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