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Everything posted by SlayingMellow

  1. In case anyone else is having issues figuring out where the values need to go they should be added to the skyrim.ini file under the display section. They will not be there by default so you need to add them.
  2. As far as I can tell fSunUpdateThreshold sets how often the suns position in the sky updates. The lower the value the more often the sun will move. The higher the value the less often the sun moves. Keep in mind higher values will make the suns movement and more importantly the shadows that are cast appear to shift dramatically because the sun is moving further in the sky when it updates position. Lower values will have the sun updating position more frequently which can also be jarring if shadows are constantly updating position. fSunShadowUpdateTime appears to be the amount of time over which the updating of the suns position occurs. This value can be used to "blend" the movement of the sun or to make the transition appear to be faster. In practice I have yet to find a perfect setting for both of these settings. setting both of these settings to near zero will give you the closest thing skyrim has to realtime shadows as best as I can tell. To me it looks bad. The shadows move too much and it seems to degrade performance. Setting fSunShadowUpdateTime too high appears to cause flickering during shadow updating that bothers many users. Myself included. I am currently using fSunShadowUpdateTime=.25 fSunUpdateThreshold=1.5 For me It seems weird to have the shadows moving all the time. It feels more natural when shadows are stationary for a period of time. When they do move position I like to a have a slight blend but not enough to cause flickering. I would try out different values to see what you like best. Hope that helps.
  3. Check out my thread below it may help. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/473301-fix-for-flickering-shadows-also-how-to-change-the-way-shadow-timescaling-and-sun-position-intervals-works/
  4. First off I apologize if this has already been covered elsewhere on the forums but I couldn't turn up anything with quite a few search attempts. I have been really been trying to find a fix for changing the way skyrim updates shadows. Finally I came across two settings that have allowed me to fix the flickering shadow problem that is associated with the way Skyrim draws shadows. In addition the settings give you more definitive control over the intervals of time over which shadows move. These settings only work in skyrim.ini not in skyrim preferences.ini and please save a copy of your .ini before you make changes in case you want to revert back. I have not tested these settings to see how changing the games timescale effects them so ymmv if you have changed the default timescale to something else. From the testing I have done two settings affect two variables the first variable is how often the sun's position is updated in the sky. That setting is: fSunUpdateThreshold= the lower this variable is the more often the sun will update its position in the sky. The second setting is probably the most important for eliminating "flicker" and that variable seems to be responsible for the span of time over which the shadows update. That variable is: fSunShadowUpdateTime= the lower this setting is the quicker shadow position will update. Which means less flicker but the movement of the sun is more sudden. for instance if you set both values to .01 shadows would appear to be generated almost real time as the suns position in the sky would by updating faster and the changes would occur almost instantly. In practice I don't feel as though this setting looks very good personally. It also is probably hard on the framerate with the shadows being constantly redrawn. By contrast higher values of both variables would result in the sun moving far less often and the movements would be drawn out over extended periods of time. What looks good to one person is probably going to look like crap to another. So I would encourage people to play with both settings to see what they like. For me personally I prefer the shadows to remain relatively stationary for a longer period of time as constantly moving shadows seems quite odd to me. When the shadows do move I like them to update quickly but not split second as that seems jarring to me. To accomplish this I am using the following settings. Increasing the sun update threshold will give you longer spans of time between when the sun moves however the distance the sun moves per movement will be larger. This can be somewhat combated by upping the sunshadowupdate time however higher values seem to lead to flicker. fSunShadowUpdateTime=.25 fSunUpdateThreshold=1.5 With these settings the sun moves position about once every 16 minutes of in game time. And the position updates pretty quickly with minimal flicker. You may hate my settings but please feel free to experiment to find out what works best for you. I hope this helps!
  5. Instead of reinstalling try renaming clientregistry.blob in the steam folder and verifying the game cache. This usually works for me.
  6. I agree actually, I had to invest a grand total of 0 points to open master locks and bypass most if not all of the traps in some of the bigger dungeons. (that and the extreem abundance of lock picks EVERYWHERE Think i constantly have like 100+ to try my luck with, dont think i have ever used more than 10 on a master lock only to find another 3 or so in the very chest i was going to open. :P ) I definitely agree, lockpicking is extremely easy and in my opinion there aren't enough locked containers around. I can't justify using any of the perks as they are completely unnecessary but I'm sure they fit into someones build somewhere.
  7. FYI DCDeacon Pete Hines Testing for PC specs is going to run into tomorrow. Sorry, I tried. Shouldn't have given a timeframe without being sure. Apologies. http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon
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