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About crazynuts

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    United States

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  1. I had that too just relaod steam and you can install from your disk drive. Hope that helps
  2. Oh snap, just do it! haha. (pllllease?)
  3. Also, could you explain the vampire mechanics, are they similar (identical) to oblivion?
  4. Awesome, So I have two questions. 1. Given the scope and expanse of the world, and the height of the mountains, will they ever add flying mounts to the game (future DLC?) 2. What does being a "thane" really mean? --- if you can answer this last question, your the man. Got any main questline spoilers?
  5. How do you know these things? Are you just an overly zealous fan of the game, or do you have some "secret source"? Not trying to sound like a dick, but I have lots of questions to ask you, if this is legit. (:
  6. Haha I love this topic my fiancée told me I could have seventy two hours of uninterrupted play time... The downside it's costing me 250.00 dollars a day.. Gold diggers haha
  7. Hey thats exactly what I wanted to hear, Thanks so much for your reply Vblackfang!
  8. The thing is I dont really understand what those requirements mean, or if my computer is even comparable.
  9. Alright, I hate myself for having to ask this question, but ill blame it on lack of sleep, and anticipation. What do you guys think, obviously there are better PC's out there, but do you think I will be able to run Skyrim at max? I have an Xbox 360 as well, and I am really curious if I will be able to run it at Max, or if I should upgrade anything. Really looking for some educated suggestions, now that the system requirements are out. Again, any help is appreciated and thank you in advance! Hope you all are as excited as I am! =========================================================================================== These are my PC's specs - Intel® Core™ i7-2600S CPU @ 2.80GHz 8.0 GB Ram Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit GeForce GTX 560 Ti -Video RAM 4gb -Hardware T&L -Pixel Shader version 5.0 -Vertex Shader version 5.0 Free disk space: 731.0 GB And my TV is - Sharp Aquos Quattron LC-60LE830U [/font]
  10. Hello everyone! I had great luck with the last technical support thread that I started, and I am now happily running my pc on my television. However,.. I know virtually nothing about computers. So, my question is, after having done some research, (and browsing these forums) I noticed that I may need to add what is called a "Large Address Aware Patch" to my system, in order for it to use more than 4gb of ram at any given time. Does anyone here know if this is necessary with a 64-bit operating system? ( And if so, could you explain it in laymen's terms for me?) I am sure there are other (computer illiterate) future PC-version Skyrim players out there who are wondering the same thing. Thanks for any help! These are my PC's specs - Intel® Core™ i7-2600S CPU @ 2.80GHz 8.0 GB Ram Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit GeForce GTX 560 Ti -Video RAM 4gb -Hardware T&L -Pixel Shader version 5.0 -Vertex Shader version 5.0 Free disk space: 731.0 GB
  11. Hey thanks for the help guys, I have my pc connected to my TV now, got a wireless 360 controller and omg its f***ing sweet. Thanks a lot PC = Winner.
  12. Thank you for your responses everyone, I greatly appreciate the information. I'm not to computer savvy, but I do love the idea of hooking my PC up to my T.V. This may sound odd but I was not aware I could do that. Before I started this thread, I was very interested in the 360 version of the game, and as of right now, I am strongly leaning towards the PC version. These are my PC's specs - Intel® Core i7-2600S CPU @ 2.80GHz 8.0 GB Ram Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit GeForce GTX 560 Ti -Video RAM 4gb -Hardware T&L -Pixel Shader version 5.0 -Vertex Shader version 5.0 Free disk space: 731.0 GB And my TV is - Sharp Aquos Quattron LC-60LE830U **Now without making myself sound to retarded, with this setup will I be able to play Skyrim on my T.V with a controller ( 360 version or not ), without the graphics and or resolution going all out of whack on my television?** Thanks for all the information guys!
  13. The title basically says it all, my PC is more than capable, of running Skyrim with all settings on max, assuming its not harder on my setup than Crysis 2. The problem is I really dig playing games on my nice big HD TV, in my nice comfy lazy-boy. I'm not sure why, but the feel of a game, and the way I play it with the 360 controller feel more natural to me. BUT! With a game as epic in scope as Skyrim, I don't want to sell my self short. I hope you can all see my dilemma, I'm not trying to start a PC Vs 360 war here, I really intend to just purchase one copy of the game at midnight, and I want to put my pre-order in by this Friday, but I just cant commit myself to either setup! Help!
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