Leliana is softened in the particular playthrough I'm testing this on, so it should work. Might be a silly question, but how do you designate where the file goes? I tried exporting the file, but couldn't find it... I did make a copy of the UTC that I had downloaded and opened that in the tlkedit. When I tried changing the item name (in the CResRef field ), the new name wouldn't "stick", it kept reverting back to what it had been, Tried "save as" and saving it by adding a number to the end of the name, but when I reopened that one, it too had gone back to the "gen_im_cth_nob_af2" that was there originally. I thought maybe it was something with the name from the download, so I tried changing it to the name of one of the commoner cloths, "gen_im_cth_com_a00", just to see if that would work - still did the same thing. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Knowing me, it's probably something simple and obvious, lol ETA: just noticed your username, I think the epi200cr_leliana.utc file I'm using to try and do this with is actually one of your mods.