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About soja669

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    United States
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  • Favourite Game
    Zelda - Ocarina of Time

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  1. Chickens are super 1337! It is always a sight to watch a group of bandits chasing the silly bird :rolleyes:
  2. soja669


    So with the newest update is this : http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1013 not needed anymore?
  3. I ran through my first character with axes which was fun, and there was much more power than what swords crank out now im on my second run through using a sword and shield and i think that sword is much nicer in comparison, it just feels more balanced and if you spend the perks, you get crits like crazy. it just seems to have a better feel to me.
  4. Wow! thank you all for all the speedy and helpful replies! Perhaps I didn't state my problem quite right crash may not have been the right word, i was getting the black screen (im such a newb :blink: ) someone here had mentioned CLICKING the skyim tab in the bottom taskbar then ALT+TAB to bring it to life, that was precisely what i needed to do! :thumbsup: Problem has been solved for me! Again, thanks for all the replies, this a fantastic, responsive, and helpful community! :biggrin:
  5. Hey i don't know if i am the only person with this problem or if it is an easily fixed one. While playing Skyrim (not in windowed mode) and i ALT+TAB to switch to an open firefox, it works fine, but when i try and switch back to Skyrim it crashes 100% of the time. Is there a way to switch back and forth from a web browser and skyrim? any solutions would be much appreciated! :biggrin:
  6. Thanks guys, i went a little father in main quest and just re-visit the dragon shrines and now im up to my eyeballs in dragon bones! :tongue:
  7. So, I really enjoy dragon battles, but they seem to be few and far in between for me. Does anyone know of a way to make them appear more often? or many just locations that they appear at more often? please and thank you! =D
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