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Status Updates posted by AngelValentine

  1. Lol I know I already said it, but I seriously like my pic <3
  2. Hey Mr. Millenia, y u always work so hard :D
  3. Is anyone else excited for the new fire emblem or is just me???
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AngelValentine


      I love the series and would kill for the newest game.
    3. NinjaGoddessAyra


      A little late, but yes I am thoroughly excited about it. Can't wait :)
    4. NinjaGoddessAyra


      A little late, but yes I am thoroughly excited about it. Can't wait :)
  4. :kiss: and :kiss: keep kicking the spammers and pirates
  5. i added u hope u don't mind
  6. just came to say hi
  7. hey i heard your in charge of this so called nexus dating, i would love to see a link so send me one <3
  8. OMG like why hasn't there been a new Xbox yet. This is soo not lol.
    1. QuinnMallory45


      It's coming soon, don't worry.
    2. QuinnMallory45


      It's coming soon, don't worry.
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