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  1. Hi everyone, Problem 1) I'm having a weird bug with the NCR ranger armor ( any other mod on top of it) and more precisely the mask. A picture would explain it a lot better so : http://i.imgur.com/Z8zAMWo.jpgSo as you see the glow of the eyes has been weirdly transformed one day, it was fine at first, and I think that it was after the first time I ran LOOT that suddenly it started doing this. At the time I was like Meh won't kill me...so whatever, didn't really care. problem 2) But now, i just installed Enclave X02( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11017/? ) and I also have some kind of light/glow problem with it : when i try to use the power armor light with it, I don't get any light created and the eyes don't light up like there supposed to (so basically NOTHING happens when I try to light up my flashlight ) The tests I ran : PB1 ) I lauded a very ealry game without any mod, I disabled everything in the load order except the DLCs and the ncr ranger mod ,hoping it would be a conflict, I even reinstalled it completely, I gave myself the mask and as it still didn't work I took the screenshot above. PB2) Didn't really know what to do, heard the vanilla x01 helmet also had its eyeglowing when you active so I tested it and it worked flawlessly. I don't know if both my problem are even related, but I can't really wrap my mind around the origin of the problems, I knew for a fact that I didn't have any issue with the ranger armor at first and then (I'm pretty sure I only did that) I ran LOOT and suddenly problem 1 appears... LOOT doesn't write anything in any file except the plugin.txt right? Even so, as I completely reinstalled the mod afterwards (and didn't run loot) it shouldn't make a difference if i'm not mistaken ? If you have any idea on how to solve problem 1 and/or 2, even maybe test ideas that could narrow it down it'd be greatly appreciated !
  2. Don't worry I've tried with const and without it, it doesn't change anything ;) So yeah it seems to me that it's the inheritance from Scriptobject that's stopping me As for the order, don't worry it'es the CK layout, if you look at the top of the columns, it does correspond to what your saying, with good type and such ... I'm quite puzzled : why would ObjectReference get this script ? The script extends ActiveMagicEffect which comes directly from ScriptObject, so how would it get a hold on this script , by the fact that an object launches a magic effect that itself has this script attached ? That seems far fetched ( i'm not saying it might not be the case, just seems odd to me :/ ) I can't run the test tonight but I'll be sure to check it out thanks ;)
  3. Thank you very much for all this ! I will try verything when I get time, but just for the My problem is that the property manager doesn't ALLOW me to select it, whenever I want to get a ScriptOject or a particualr script (that inherits from it) all it offers me is a list containing none (the type si recognized but it won't allow me to select my script): ( The true name of COntroller is CloakingScript ) http://i.imgur.com/jGsiJhz.jpg
  4. Hi everyone, I'm having 2 pretty simple (I think the answers are quite simple) problems but I can't seem to wrap my mind around the solutions 1) I wanna have a very simple script effect that you cannot re-launch until it has been completed (if the script is already running than just do nothing) So i did this : Scriptname DashScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Bool Property canUse =false Auto Event OnInit() canUse=true EndEvent Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) #...SOMETHING...# If( canUse ) canUse =False #...SOMETHING...# canUse =True EndIf EndEvent For me what should happend: - OnInit() is only launched once so that canUse will only be true the first time - If I launch it once it turns canUse to False until it has completed its task then back to True - If try launching a 2nd time while the other is active it shouldn't do anything But at runtime I can chain-launch it without it being completed Maybe OnInit is called severall times and not just one ? I tried using only a variable and not a property (I used a property the first time because I'm not sure how to pass a Boolean or Int property to another script and I though as I might need it in some other script I might as well put it directly as a Property) ->(Q1)So how do I do that the simple way ( without applying a useless Spell to act as a bool for example, as I've seen it being done sometimes) ? 2) On a completely unrelated object I have an other "ingestible" (=skyrim potion) kind of item that does (I based it on Bullet Time - Slow Time by registrator2000 , and I'm trying to implement a deactivable invisibility mod by simplifying his process ) and ended up with this : 1st time you use it to activate the effect : Item=> (MagicEffect) Controller => (Spell) MainEffectsLauncher |=>(MagicEffect) MainEffect | |=> (MagicEffect)AutomaticDispel if actionpoints are bellow 1.0 | | => (Spell) APDrain 2nd time ( if no AutomaticDispel before) to deactivate Item=> (MagicEffect) Controller ( checks if MainEffectsLauncher is present and if so removes both spells)The MainEffectsLauncher Spell is used here as a substitue for my problem earlier in (1) and as registrator2000 was using it I kept it this way, even though i'd want to get rid of it, if possible ... -> (Q2.a) Is there a way to launch MagicEffects on an Actor directly from a script without using an intermediate like a spell ? From the AutomaticDispel script I'd want to use a function from Controller (not a global one) to do that I've tried : Scriptname AutomaticDispel extends ActiveMagicEffect ScriptObject Property LinkToDispell Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) #...SOMETHING...# (LinkToDispell as Controller ).EndCloakEffect() ; the function i'd want to call #...SOMETHING...# EndEvent (Controller also inherits from ActiveMagicEffect who is a child of ScriptObject ) The compiler is fine with that but I can't seem to be able to link the ScriptObject Property with Controller within the Property manager, it just does not offer me this option : when I hit "Edit value" the "Pick Object" field only offers me NONE as an option... I'm assuming this comes from the fact that the ScriptObject template has the keyword Hidden in it's definition, so : ->(Q2.b) How do I link my LinkToDispell Property with the actual Controller script ( I've tried to change it's type from ScriptObject to Controller but as its value is still <<Default: None>> it doesn't do anything ingame ) ? or How to call functions from an other script more generally if my way won't work ? Any help would be gratly appreciated !
  5. Ok Thanks a lot ! I'll try to look into F4SE, and seeing how i could find virtually nothing that would guide me toward creating a plugin with F4SE and how difficult it is to find tutorials and info on creating plugins with SKSE (wich I assume is quite close to F4SE) , I truely hope both work pretty much the same way ( with different includes) so that i can use the tuto written for one and apply them for the other ><
  6. Hi, [ Firstly : not sure if this is the right section or if i should move it to troubleshooting ] I'm trying to do a very simple dash mod, that would allow the user of an object to move very quickly for a fraction of a second. To do that i have an item that launches a "magic effect" which starts a papyrus script , that for the main part: -backs up the previous Speedmult (that's an actor value) value -sets the speedmult value (not my backup int, the real actor value with SetValue() ) to whatever it was *100 - waits 0.2 seconds - sets the speedmult back to it's original value I'm having no issue whatsoever with the item itself ,and technically speaking my code works ( i think). After multiple tests (more precisely after a test in which i increased the wait to 5 seconds), it seems that the value is assigned, yet the game doesn't instantly apply it, it's like it's trying to have a continuous speed and only reaches the desired speed after ~1second, and that's very infortunate given what i want to do with it... From what i can gather it's not really a problem with how i use speedmult but really the engine in itself, since if you use console command to modify speedmult it does the same, and it was the same in skyrim apparently. However in skyrim such mods were made ( "kt dodge" and "dodge mod" for example) and from what i understand of their description (without having the source script) they are also pretty much just using the speedmult value, so apparently there is a way to do it, the catch might be that they both seem to recquire a script extender of some sort, so maybe it's not possible with the vanilla papyrus ? So my questions for you: [ Pretty sure this first answer is no (or at least not regarding my current problem (yes i know it's a waste of resssources but i don't mind my papyrus thread hanging around unused for 0.2 second guys :wink: ) but : ] - 1a)Am i doing something wrong? [ Then : ] - 1b) is their a way to bypass the slowness of the speedmult change without any script extender (while still using speedmult )? - 1c) Is there a script extender for fallout 4 that would allow me to do this ? - 2) is their some other value i could try to change our speed, whithout using speedmult ? - 3) Can you think of an other way to (quite easily) implement dodges in the game ? ( I thought about teleporting the player 10m forward for exemple, but i don't want to teleport in a wall so i would have to get a way to know if there is any object/wall directly in the player crosshair within 10 m, and even then a lot of bugs could happen...) Any help would be really appreciated ! ( and sorry if my english is not as good as it could be, it's not my native language)
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