Hi, [ Firstly : not sure if this is the right section or if i should move it to troubleshooting ] I'm trying to do a very simple dash mod, that would allow the user of an object to move very quickly for a fraction of a second. To do that i have an item that launches a "magic effect" which starts a papyrus script , that for the main part: -backs up the previous Speedmult (that's an actor value) value -sets the speedmult value (not my backup int, the real actor value with SetValue() ) to whatever it was *100 - waits 0.2 seconds - sets the speedmult back to it's original value I'm having no issue whatsoever with the item itself ,and technically speaking my code works ( i think). After multiple tests (more precisely after a test in which i increased the wait to 5 seconds), it seems that the value is assigned, yet the game doesn't instantly apply it, it's like it's trying to have a continuous speed and only reaches the desired speed after ~1second, and that's very infortunate given what i want to do with it... From what i can gather it's not really a problem with how i use speedmult but really the engine in itself, since if you use console command to modify speedmult it does the same, and it was the same in skyrim apparently. However in skyrim such mods were made ( "kt dodge" and "dodge mod" for example) and from what i understand of their description (without having the source script) they are also pretty much just using the speedmult value, so apparently there is a way to do it, the catch might be that they both seem to recquire a script extender of some sort, so maybe it's not possible with the vanilla papyrus ? So my questions for you: [ Pretty sure this first answer is no (or at least not regarding my current problem (yes i know it's a waste of resssources but i don't mind my papyrus thread hanging around unused for 0.2 second guys :wink: ) but : ] - 1a)Am i doing something wrong? [ Then : ] - 1b) is their a way to bypass the slowness of the speedmult change without any script extender (while still using speedmult )? - 1c) Is there a script extender for fallout 4 that would allow me to do this ? - 2) is their some other value i could try to change our speed, whithout using speedmult ? - 3) Can you think of an other way to (quite easily) implement dodges in the game ? ( I thought about teleporting the player 10m forward for exemple, but i don't want to teleport in a wall so i would have to get a way to know if there is any object/wall directly in the player crosshair within 10 m, and even then a lot of bugs could happen...) Any help would be really appreciated ! ( and sorry if my english is not as good as it could be, it's not my native language)