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Nexus Mods Profile


  1. I thought so :D
  2. Hahahha That's bad ass!
  3. ....so i let buddha know that he was a selfimportant ignorant a**hole that clearly had lot grips with the real world,so turns to chat rooms storming around trying to assert what little wimpish power he has banning people for having appropriate intelligent debates.

    Needless to say I was banned from the forum completely within five minutes hahaha

  4. ah see thats where you went wrong lol thats how i got banned the first time too! i messaged buddha because he kicked me and blocked me from the forum chat. because me and this other fella were having an argument. i replied asking why i got kicked. and he told me that i started the argument. ....
  5. Makes me sad that I was loyal to this forum and got banned because I accidentally forgot to sensor one swear word, and then messaged buddah to tell him that there are more important things to deal with on this forum (such as trolls) than a measly swear word that 99.99% of people on this forum have heard before :(
  6. Yeah makes you proud dont it! haha
  7. hahaha Group....BANNED LOL
  8. and you can have a kudos for pissing Buddha off! haha
  9. Have your first comment on me! (Again) :D
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