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Everything posted by Warte

  1. Sorry for second post, but i forget to say that I took the quest by reading "War of Aetherium" in the Dawnguard castle.
  2. Sorry for bothering you, but i´ve met a bug in the "Lost to the Ages" Dawnguard sidequest, and i´ve been looking for a solution unsuccessfully, so i thought to inquire directly in the forum. Well, bug is the next: I have taken three Aetherium shards perfectly (Arkngthamz, Raldbthar and Mzulft) and i went for the last one, in Deep Folk Crossing, which marker wasn´t active, but, anyway, a piece was there (Katria wasn´t there, neither). I thought she would appear taking the shard, but, for my surprise, it was a glowing crystal shard, nor an Aetherium shard so í´ve been stuck in the mission because it doesn´t work properly. Hope you can help to fix, and sorry for my english.
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