Of all the game worlds over the years (and there have been a lot) nothing has held my imagination more than the Ultima series. If you're not familiar with the Ultima games, you can find out all sorts of information on Ultima Forever or on the Ultima Wiki. I'd like to request various models and retextures that are Ultima themed so that those in the community that are interested can create new adventures based in the Ultima realms. Here are a few mod ideas for people that are interested: Gargoyle Wings (for placing on orcs to make gargolyes) Ultima Statues (Ankh, Virtues, Silver Serpents, etc) Any Virtue Tapestry Reagents tied to casting spells The Black Sword Ultima Armor (Avatar, Virtue Symbols, Serpents Hold, etc.) Ultima Races (turning off Khajiit, Argonian, & Elves as playable and renaming Orcs to Gargoyles, and human races to Ultima regions like Britain, Moonglow, etc.) More Ultima creatures like Gazers, headless, mongbats, imps, etc. I'm sure there is a ton more, I'm just posting stuff off the top of my head. If people are interested in this and have more ideas, post below...please don't post responses like "You should do this all yourself" as such a post is useless and really quite rude. The point of this forum is to post requests, and ideas and generate interest. If you're not interested...move on...nothing to see here. Also, if you know of Ultima themed projects in the works for Skyrim, please post the info here with links!