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  1. Just a couple of clarifications: There is no NWN3 being worked on. There is a game called Neverwinter Online which is at very early stages of development and will be a F2P MMO. NWN3 it is not. The Vault is not going anywhere right now...it's current state only has one person working on it so it seems less active. It isn't going anywhere anytime soon. We have confirmation from IGN on this. Just so people don't start with crazy rumors. NWN2 is still active and there are several module projects in the works. NWN2 is the closest we will get to NWN3.
  2. I have several UI mods and was wondering if anyone else has seen the issue of the item preview getting stuck in the center of the screen instead of where it should be. This becomes a huge issue when you need to examine an item, like **Spoiler**a dragon claw for the puzzles.**end Spoiler** The UI mods I have active are: SkyUI Headbombs Better Sorting Categorized Favorites Menu Here is a screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9882100/2012-02-10_00001.jpg I also have Headbomb's Complete Crafting Overhaul, which does modify the crafting UI, but I'm not thinking it is related. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Is there a mod that disables leveling progress when you increase utility skills like smithing, or alchemy, or merchant skills? I think it's goofy that I'm level 20 and I haven't done anything but craft.
  4. The fact that you cannot attack underwater makes slaughterfish the deadliest creature in the game. An underwater combat mod would be greatly appreciated...and then Sea Serpents.
  5. Having a swamp dragon following you around is like having a crate of TNT on a string. One sneeze and your toast. Could be funny, however. Especially if you could "rent" one for adventures.
  6. Great distances does affect the arrow hitting the target. Although I play an archer almost exclusively and am having little problem taking out targets from even the shorter distance. I can still be within AI range but outside of the NPC's search radius, so if I miss, they look around, but then stop looking soon after. Beth, probably patched this as a balance thing, as shooting something that has no chance of fighting back isn't very fun in my book. You may like it, but I am glad they changed it.
  7. Of all the game worlds over the years (and there have been a lot) nothing has held my imagination more than the Ultima series. If you're not familiar with the Ultima games, you can find out all sorts of information on Ultima Forever or on the Ultima Wiki. I'd like to request various models and retextures that are Ultima themed so that those in the community that are interested can create new adventures based in the Ultima realms. Here are a few mod ideas for people that are interested: Gargoyle Wings (for placing on orcs to make gargolyes) Ultima Statues (Ankh, Virtues, Silver Serpents, etc) Any Virtue Tapestry Reagents tied to casting spells The Black Sword Ultima Armor (Avatar, Virtue Symbols, Serpents Hold, etc.) Ultima Races (turning off Khajiit, Argonian, & Elves as playable and renaming Orcs to Gargoyles, and human races to Ultima regions like Britain, Moonglow, etc.) More Ultima creatures like Gazers, headless, mongbats, imps, etc. I'm sure there is a ton more, I'm just posting stuff off the top of my head. If people are interested in this and have more ideas, post below...please don't post responses like "You should do this all yourself" as such a post is useless and really quite rude. The point of this forum is to post requests, and ideas and generate interest. If you're not interested...move on...nothing to see here. Also, if you know of Ultima themed projects in the works for Skyrim, please post the info here with links!
  8. I agree and support this! The 3D map is a feature that sounds nice in theory, but in practice just doesn't work. Also, the map icons are completely too big and ridiculous! The Oblivion map was far superior, and the modded map was much better still.
  9. Yeah, I'd love a trap disarming mod that gives you parts to craft new traps based on your lockpicking skill.
  10. I think poison and disease are likely affects of swimming in the river Ankh. Also retexturing some ice placeables as floating garbage and other unmentionables would be in order. A project like this is going to have to have some custom modeling and texture work done, but I'm sure there are fans with the skill. Once the CK comes out you can start in by building the UU to gain interest in the project. A custom UU player home would be a nice way to gain attention and a small enough chunk that it won't be overwhelming. and then just add from there...
  11. The biggest thing for me is that rewards should come from doing something useful. In Oblivion, I was rewarded by jumping and running everywhere. IRL, people would give me meds for such behavior...of course I'd also get the chair for the other behavior... Crafting skills have their own rewards for getting the skill higher, so I just don't see the point of awarding levels for them. Seems like I'm getting more rewards for my effort then is needed and the game soon falls apart.
  12. I personally find it really annoying that I'm leveling from selling items to a merchant, or smithing a dagger...that 100 daggers is going to get me killed, cuz now my level is higher and all I have is a bunch of daggers... Skill gains should add to skill levels...not player level. I am stronger as a character because my skills are higher. Exp should come from being an adventurer - I finish a quest, I get exp. I clear a dungeon (that cleared tag on the map) I get exp. I kill a monster...I get exp. I get enough experience, I can increase my level. I fully support this kind of mod mainly because I'm level 25 and I feel I haven't done anything but craft things...
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