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About Mironic

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  1. so i tried following the armor tutoiral and applied it with the bow... that did not work... is their a bow tutoiral somewhere?
  2. Bumping will earn you a lock and a strike. do not do it again.
  3. when i finish my mod, can i message you to test it out?
  4. Great! I'll have to read witchblade to get he feel for it. I will warn you, I can do only a few characters, not a dozen. So if you plan on having lots of voices, be sure to have another voice actor. Looking forward to helping out. My Orsimer could probably use some work. Good name for a goldfish. can i have a sample? :3
  5. i request that every playable race in skyrim be transformed into a pony version of that race :> it would be epic... and the tatto and war paint marking be changed to cutie marks :D
  6. you could always make new animations for the 3 characters... and make the human witchblades be hidden or unlearnable to other races.
  7. If not... how the hell do poeple figure out the weights of bows helms armors and other junk... if so... please link me.
  8. for some reason my helm is invisable... swords bows and everything else work... but no... a helm does not appear ... can anyone tell me why? it should work... i did everything right like i did with all my other models... but it does not want to show...
  9. i just use the generate button. saves a lot of time. lol.
  10. naw, dif dont suck, you do... i killed a dragon at level 5... other then the starter dragon you kill LOL
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