I've been digging around with some advice and links from some helpfull sorts in the community I've adleast manage to find what I -think- are the files using the Fallout Mod Manager thing.. under textures\armor\ thievesguildarmorclothesfvleader_n.dds thievesguildarmorclothesfvleader.dds thievesguildarmorclothesfv02.dds thievesguildarmorclothesf_n.dds thievesguildarmorclothesf.dds These are what I found that I -think- one is the Linwi's armor torso.. should be the only Grey one.. as Linwi is a Variation of Theifs guild clothing.. stormcloakscuirasssolitudef.dds Well.. as it says Solitude Guard armor or 'stormcloak' armor. texture\actors\character\argonianmale\argonianmalebody.dds texture\actors\charactor\argonianmale\head I'm using Gimp, and trying to use a Gimp plug-in to read these files to edit, however I've been having a lot of issues' getting the plug-in to actually work, the recoloring should be fine enough, though I'm not sure if the Argonian complexion coloring will work, I was unable to find the texture files for the individual skin complexions, which is a Shame, the Red Argonian part was the part I was really hoping for, still there may be hope. I'm still somewhat unsure on how to go about doing the whole 'putting the new files' in the game, and I have a tendancy to muck around a little bit with files and in general make a bit of a mess, some help would be greatly appretiated, I'd prefer to just.. have the files and be on my way but I won't shy away from advice to push me to trying once more to get that plug-in to work. Heads begining to hurt, I admit when it comes to the technical stuff I'm pretty... 'slow'