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Everything posted by BusinessVulture

  1. I understand what Pre-Vis and Pre-Combine data is and how they improve performance, but I'm unsure how they're actually implemented. Is it exterior cells only, or both exterior and interior cells? Is it a procedural process where it's generated on-the-fly, or is it done during the actual creation of the cell in the CK? If it's not procedural, do I need to generate this data myself after creating an interior? I imagine that Pre-Vis would not be an issue in interiors, but I'm unsure about Pre-Combines.
  2. No matter what I change or toggle, shadow omni lights are not working for me. In the CK the markers are red, and they don't work in-game. Enable Shadows is ticked in Preferences, and I've tried re-installing the CK. Shadow spotlights work just fine. Am I missing something? An INI setting maybe?
  3. I'm working on getting a custom workshop item to work, but for the life of me I don't see what's causing it to be sunken halfway into the ground when placed. It was a Static Collection and it was combined in such a way that the origin (rotation) point was on the bottom, where I thought it would snap to the ground. However, in game it snaps to what seems to be the center point of all of the individual components. No combination of Properties such as AnythingIsGround or StackableItem have fixed it. Do I need to edit the NIF file in some way, or am I missing something else?
  4. I'd like to include a new island in a mod I'm working on. It'll be relatively large (About 1.5x the size of Cranberry Island in Far Harbor). Is there anything I should know when creating it? LOD, weather, or anything to do with boundaries and cells is mostly what I need help with. I'm not sure if I can just create a new island and call it a day (I know the world map won't change, and I know about landscape texture limits).
  5. Thanks, that's exactly what I needed. I never use the Selection Only or Same Base Object functions so I forgot they even existed.
  6. I'm so close to finishing this mod, just one thing left to do. I need to replace all copies of a movable static with an identical, custom havok-enabled container (like a corpse). How can I do this? There's no way I'm going to replace all 1500+ of these items individually.
  7. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're telling BusinessVulture to have paired leveled lists containing A and B at 50/50 so that it chooses one and only one for every paired combination of items he wants to have this relationship, and then have a list of these leveled lists applied to his container. Is this correct? I may have solved my issue. It appears I can create leveled lists within leveled lists. I can have a "Master List" that chooses between the available Sub-Lists (each of which is composed of leveled lists). There's a "Use All" option, which if left unticked will choose only ONE of these Sub-Lists. If i properly organize the Sub-Lists, I can prevent overlapping items from being present at the same time.
  8. I'm working on a small mod that deals with custom containers. I want the loot from them to have some variation, but I don't want them to contain Item A if Item B is present, and vice versa. I'm aware of the "Chance None" function, but that still leaves the possibility of containing both Item A and Item B. Is there a way to, say, give Item A a "chance none", then have it replace it with Item B if it doesn't contain Item A? Hope that makes sense. Help?
  9. Pressing M to Show Markers will sometimes take up to 45-60 seconds to work, with my CK being unresponsive until it completes. Pressing it again to hide markers is fine. My fps also drops considerably when markers are shown. Deleting a few items that use markers (furniture) mostly fixes it, and I'm just unsure if it's a memory issue or if there's a limit to the amount of markers you can have in one area. Anyone have feedback?
  10. I can't seem to fix my shadow lights in the CK- they always have red light markers and don't behave properly. I have "Enable Shadows" checked in Preferences. There's currently only one shadow light and a handful of non-shadow omni-directional lights in my cell, so it's not an engine limitation. I can't find anything else that might be disabling shadows. Help?
  11. After doing a complete re-install of Fallout 4 (deleting all mods, plugins, scripts, saves etc), as well as a complete re-install of NMM, I'm running into some issues. Some mods I download don't seem to install properly. The .esm or .esp files are added correctly, and they show up in my Plugins tab just fine, but the mod doesn't work in-game. For one of them, I tried manually copying the .ba2 file (included w the mod) into my Fallout 4 directory, and this fixed it. For another mod, it was a few scripts that were missing. I'm aware that NMM is supposed to handle all of this file moving on its own though, and I'm wondering: Is there a setting or file path that I've messed up while re-installing NMM?
  12. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make certain items activate and deactivate. Specifically, I'm looking to make some "on/off switches"- for example, a water valve that turns on some water effects, activates sound effects, and enables use of sinks- until toggled again, which turns off those effects and disables the sink. How can I do this?
  13. Recently, NMM has started disabling a seemingly random assortment of Skyrim mods whenever I close the program. I don't mean they get unchecked from the plugins tab, they get disabled- removed from the plugins menu with the red backslash-circle symbol. The mods in question are all up-to-date, and I've tried deleting and re-downloading them, to no avail. A system restart doesn't fix it either. This only occurs with Skyrim, my other games work just fine. Any way to fix this?
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