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Everything posted by greeneyed

  1. I tried few other versions and they all did same black screen but they did work beforehand or at least appeared. True enough that my game crashes less now as well but came across a weird issue with Reshade as well. When I first reinstalled New Vegas for New California, I had Rudy's ENB and it had DoF which worked but I turned it off as I dislike DoF so did not play with it. However, with reshade ... no DoF shaders work in any version - be it official or custom. Either they do not comply in presets or do not appear when I fiddle with them myself. Another shader is MXAO and Denoise. No idea how that relates but I have a feeling it does as it works in all other games, some with same shader version so it is puzzling. I have updated my GPU drivers but no change happened. Does anyone know if New Vegas supports Z-Depth Buffer? I know DoF works without it but I also have a blank grey screen when using 'Display Depth' regardless of settings. I will double check with other games just to see if anything comes up as been only playing SWtOR lately. Edit: I tested and other games work fine. To show what I mean, I bring screenshots. This is FNV and the best depth I can get it to display besides none: [ 01 / 02 ] and this is FFXIV where said depth works and you can see DoF in use: [ 01 / 02 ] . I know FFXIV is set to DX11 but I do not have DX9 shaders for it :(, however I doubt they would try to pull same thing off as FNV. I did check if I had all DX9 repositories just in case it had been that but all are installed.
  2. I am fairly certain no update sneaked past me as disabled them both from user level and network level since one of laptops at home already gotten bricked by one of those (not mine though but had to replace it xD). I do not think any software updated without my knowledge as well since I do not have anything on auto-update but it could be something obscure I have not yet detected. I wonder if a failing monitor could possibly be the cause but it only affects how my colours are displayed, however it has an additional soundcard inside it. Monitor acting up more is the only thing that really changes recently on my machine but that had been this way for a long time as cannot replace it at the moment. I indeed have tried loads of versions of ENBSeries including the one you mention as well as 316, 322, 278 and I lost track of them by now. Reshade .dlls do work so I am suspecting you might be right about ENB not plugging in but what suddenly caused it, whelp, no idea.
  3. I have just encountered most puzzling bug ever because FNV worked completely fine yesterday and today it loaded with black screen. I googled the issue which told me it is ENB one and despite me not changing anything in one I had (Rudy's), I removed it to test and game worked fine. I thought maybe something affected it and went to test other ENBs ... with same result - all black screen. It did not matter which version I used or if it was a wrapper or injector one (or both as someone on Reddit recommended using .dll from wrapper one with injector one). Nothing on my computer changed so no updates, new software, no antivirus updates, no new drivers and so on. Nor did I change anything with New Vegas until now as fiddled with .ini files to see if anything will make it work. I followed all the guides linked on forums and whatnot and none of the solutions worked for me. As for my details: FNV: GOG version, 4GB Launcher merged into New California that came with it (I have an inkling I might need to separate those but never had issue with it and it does appear when typing a prompt into command console which checks it), NVSE, modded using Viva New Vegas guide minus the incompatibilities with New California and adding FCO (nope, not working in New California but it does work in New Vegas) and different Nevada Skies version than guide mentioned. Under plugin limit and using Mod Organiser. Computer: NVidia 1080, i7-8700k, 32GB RAM, Aorus z370. Drivers for GPU are from November but do not want to update them since FNV with ENB worked on it before. Custom OS that is 64Bit (It is something like an unholy baby of Windows 7 and 10. Had to get it as motherboard only likes Windows 10 whereas I hate it. Again - had it for years and no issues plus nothing updated with system). Any ideas if there is anything that could have affected just how ENB is perceived without me doing anything? Or any idea at all? Or black screen solutions not mentioned on forums or website? Or maybe a working ENB preset as I tried loads of ENBseries on their own as well as various Nexus ones. I do not mind playing without ENB as Nevada Skies in itself adds nice lighting as well as Interior Lighting Overhaul and all. Just ... annoyed and curious WTF as never encountered that D: . Edit: Out of pure curiosity, I checked if Reshade would work and it indeed does so the above case is even more mysterious. I also found another glitch which appears in action mapping in game menu only; never seen it before. Here is how it looks: ( link ) . My screen resolution is set up correctly (1920x1080) and again - never happened before. What is worth, I only looked there because my keys mysteriously changed from arrows to wasd. Any ideas how to realign the menu D: ?
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