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About mastar891

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  1. Thanks for the info, it actually works out really well. For some odd reason I've had a lot of patience when placing roads, which is the least I can about other things I'm doing with GECK.
  2. Hello, I recently started building a worldspace. I'm still new to regions and such and was able to utilize it for vegetation, but I'm having trouble making roads. I was wondering if there was a better way than just placing the object down, and trying to match it up with the previous model. Perhaps object clipping? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I looked all over the place for a tutorial or a tip, but nothing so far that was able to help me. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? Thank you.
  3. Ahh I understand, are there any tutorials worth recommending to make custom animations? I have experience making and editing custom meshes for the GECK but I've never tried making animations. I know it has to do with KF files, but that's as far as my knowledge goes with it.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm working on a pretty large mod that'll probably take a long time, but before I get into that on a later date I have a very unrelated question to it. Basically I want to crucify a super mutant (gasp) and I have the crucifix + animation set up and I linked the creature to the animation and made a Travel package for it, but for some reason the giant beast won't perform the animation. I was wondering if it's because super mutants simply cannot do that animation, or if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks!
  5. Hello, Recently I've been trying to make a cutscene in my mod. So I have a timer and I want to make the player run an animation and then have the 'illusion' of a bag going over their head (using ImageSpace Modifiers). So for the animation I did: scn XXAnimationTokenScript Begin ScriptEffectUpdate player.PlayIdle <animation> PlayerRef.RemoveItem XXAnimationToken 1 1 End It did not work on the player, but when I do it to another NPC, it does work. Secondly, I was wondering if anyone knew how I would be able to ImageSpace Modifiers to make it seem like something is going over the players head. The options for the modifiers don't really give you that sort of option.
  6. Oh wow it actually worked. I was afraid that stopquest would actually stop the quest because I needed it for other things, but it didn't and it just...works. Thanks a lot! I praise you for not quitting on me and my 100 questions. I only hope now that I'll be able to do this with 6 more menu's.
  7. Yeah it doesn't work. I tried making an integer that would go for both scripts, but I guess integers aren't global.
  8. So I did: scn LTATOStationChecker Begin Gamemode If (LTATOStupidRangerNEW.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier1.GetDead == 1 && RSAlphaCastilloRef.GetDead ==1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier2.GetDead == 1 && LineholmREF.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier3.GetDead == 1) SetStage LTAttackTheOutposts 30 int IntegerCheck set IntegerCheck to 0 if IntegerCheck == 0 set IntegerCheck to 1 PlayerRef.AddItem LTATOAlphaItem 1 1 EndIf EndIf End Didn't work.
  9. Okay so it works :D which is amazing! But the message keeps showing up every time you choose something. Here's the item: scn LTATOAlphaItemSCRIPT short doonce short button Begin OnAdd PlayerRef ShowMessage LTATOAlphaDestruction End Begin MenuMode set button to getbuttonpressed if doonce ==0 If (button ==0) (useless stuff that makes it really confusing to look at, they're all commands) PlayerRef.RemoveItem LTATOAlphaItem 1 1 EndIf If (button ==1) (useless stuff that makes it really confusing to look at, they're all commands) PlayerRef.RemoveItem LTATOAlphaItem 1 1 EndIf EndIf End And the Quest Script: scn LTATOStationChecker Begin Gamemode If (LTATOStupidRangerNEW.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier1.GetDead == 1 && RSAlphaCastilloRef.GetDead ==1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier2.GetDead == 1 && LineholmREF.GetDead == 1 && LTATOAlphaSoldier3.GetDead == 1) SetStage LTAttackTheOutposts 30 PlayerRef.AddItem LTATOAlphaItem 1 1 EndIf End
  10. So it worked, problem is. I can't go menumode: begin gamemode if Actor1Ref.GetDead && Actor2Ref.GetDead ; do this endif end Begin MenuMode set button to getbuttonpressed if doonce ==0 If (button ==0) {commands here primarily enabling stuff like Reference.Enable 1} EndIf If (button ==1) {commands here} EndIf EndIf End
  11. So, I've had this problem for a while. Basically in scripts, if my NPC's aren't duplicates it's impossible for me to do: If everyone's dead, then run this. This is because what ends up happening is that I do: begin OnDeath If (Thisactor.GetDead == 1 && Thisotheractor.Getdead == 1) run this command EndiF End What ends up happening is that the script checks if everyone's dead after I kill the actor with this script and if they're not, nothing happens. So I'm forced to make the command run only once one actor is dead, which is...not what I want. I was wondering if anyone knew how to do it like in the Hoover Dam Battle where the script checked if all of General Oliver's soldiers are dead as well as General Oliver before ending the game.
  12. It's weird because I'm trying to disable Lineholm, and then enabling other props. But I get this weird mess where some props are enabled and others are disabled and lineholm is just chilling.
  13. Hey guys, I seem to have this constant problem where whenever I try to do anything with NPC's such as "Lt. haggerty" or anyone that's somewhat important and has a name it's impossible to do anything with their script. Like in Ranger Station Alpha I tried disabling "Ranger Lineholm" but it just won't work out. Any suggestions?
  14. I think I figured out why it's not working. I believe it's because once the stage starts it automatically checks if the references are dead. And because they're not, it doesn't do anything. Although I can't figure out any workaround.
  15. So I got it to work, but my problem is that it won't do what I'm telling it to. Like if I were to do: if (ThisRef.GetDead == 1 && ThatRef.GetDead == 1) SetObjectiveCompleted Whatever 10 1 SetObjectiveDisplayed Whatever 20 1 MakeThisPropVisible.Enable 1 EndIf The new objective won't display and the objects aren't enabling.
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