Hello! Let's imagine you want play as Vigilant of Stendarr ot just good guy. Obviously, in some cases we can simply ignore daedric princes's quests at certain point when they give player a task that can be described as 'evil' or 'dirty job'. Quest will stop progressing and stay unfinished forever, and this is not satisfying for roleplay. We want finish the story, close the case. Even more, we want punish those cocky and assertive daedric prince guys. And stop them from manipulating people of Tamriel. Thus, the idea of quest is implement these features: - Betray, cheat, and backstab all daedric princes including Hermaeus Mora in Solstheim at certain point of their respective quests, leaving them in rage and frustration. - Physically destroy every shrine, statue, and temple relating to daedric princes. By brute force, or by using special Thu'um voicepowers, or ask Odahving/Dournevir to melt them with dragonbreath shout, whatever. - Destroy, cleanse, or transform(like we can transform Azura's Star) any daedric artifact in some ways The goal is clear: Skyrim is roleplay game, so let us choose ourselves what kind of person Dovahkiin is gonna be in current playthrough. Lore friendly: as we know, the less worshippers certain Aedra or Daedra deity currently has, the less power and influence it posesses, and vice versa. This is how Thalmor wants Talos to lose his power: destroy his shrines, forbid worshiping him. Basically, we doing same to Daedrca guys.