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Everything posted by RDTG

  1. So, I know this is a really old post, I've just been having issues with NV, got em fixed though. But your post gave me a chuckle. I remember back when having 4 GB of RAM was top tier :P Now days 8GB is the standard and 16GB is the moderate-gaming standard. Back then I never would have imagined having a gaming PC with 32 GB of ram as I do now.
  2. Hey all! Writing here to inform you of a new 'Fallout Mods' Discord help server. We are replacing the old 'Fallout Mods' server with this new one so we could moderate it. The old one had no active moderators and was prone to issues. Anyway, here is the link: https://discord.gg/D7jV6kX The server is for mod creation help/information/discussion. It's not really a mod usage help server -- if you are looking for help using/installing mods, I recommend the Nexus Discord server. This is dedicated to helping new/old mod authors with issues pertaining to the Creation Kit.
  3. Like with most games, you are forced to go through the motions to get rid of the stupid tutorial.
  4. Hello, I ran into this SAME issue. The fix was the dynamic shadow mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1822 I have: Intel i7-4770k @ 4.4 Ghz SLI GTX 960 4GB (Both cards OC'ed) Back in december I was getting 60 fps solid. Then after running it again recently, I would get 45 ~ 50 fps in the wilderness, 10 ~ 25 in the city areas if I was lucky. Someone pointed me to dynamic shadow, now im back with all my settings on very high (cept' godrays) :D Getting a solid 60 FPS now, occasionally it will drop to 50 if there is a crap ton of stuff to render, but it pops right back up after a few seconds.
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