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About pringerxx

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  1. Any mod: that is...odd. Logically, if you've tested this with a range of mods that do not add or change existing textures, this shouldn't happen. One possible solution: put the Beautiful People ESPs towards the end of your mod lineup. Since you state other mods are affecting BP, if the latter load afterwards, you shouldn't see any changes. Ok, I will try that. I only move the ESPs towards the top, because I read somewhere they were supposed to be up there. I will first try to run BOSS again then do that if BOSS doesn't. Thanks. Sounds like you're installing the MBP then overwriting with something else probably a texture pack. That's why I recommend using Wrye Bash so you know exactly what you're installing. OBMM does not have a feature like this and its conflict detector is next to useless. Using Wrye Bash, you should be able to install almost any mods and then set it up the way you want. It has a learning curve.. true but in the long run it's worth it. This is from someone who preferred OBMM not too long ago. :tongue: No, that's not it. Even if I did it would not make that happen. Like I said before, when you install MBP it asks you if you should allow or not allow the mask guys and the one eyed guys. I always click no, and everything's fine. But when I install new mods thereafter for some reason it gets changed to yes and everyone is either one eyed or masked. Can anyone help with the other questions in the first post? Thanks
  2. Any mod: that is...odd. Logically, if you've tested this with a range of mods that do not add or change existing textures, this shouldn't happen. One possible solution: put the Beautiful People ESPs towards the end of your mod lineup. Since you state other mods are affecting BP, if the latter load afterwards, you shouldn't see any changes. Ok, I will try that. I only move the ESPs towards the top, because I read somewhere they were supposed to be up there. I will first try to run BOSS again then do that if BOSS doesn't. Thanks.
  3. I'm a bit confused, here. What specific mods have you added that cause the Beautiful People changes to vanish? If we can isolate the mods, we can isolate the cause. I does not matter what the mod is. If I uninstall MBP and then reinstall it everything is fine. Then no matter what mod I install thereafter these changes happen. Can anyone else help with the other two problems? Thanks
  4. But if you're running Beautiful People, you're running a texture replacement mod that does overwrite files. No way around that. Like Shinobi2008 notes, you can certainly make a backup of your vanilla Oblivion/Data folder and then make changes--but reasonably texture replacement mods are intended to do what you want: make things look better. You can install the mod and deny it the ability to do what it wants, but that seems counterproductive. I'd also add a second to BOSS. It will often spot out of date or conflicting files, and it does a generally good job of reordering. I would recommend installing Wrye Bash first, though, so you can use it to make sure your new mod loading order and your saved game are fully synced. I sorry I misunderstood you. I did overwrite everything with MBP. And I do use BOSS. This error has nothing to do with MBP. It only happens when I install new mods, that is when the seograth eye and imperial mask thing gets placed on everyone.
  5. I don't install mods that overwrite things, I am afraid it would mess things up. When I installed the MPB stuff I put everything into one folder then used OBMM. Posted load order in first message. Thanks
  6. These are some things that have been very annoying and been bugging me. First, I have installed the beautiful people mod and all that xeo stuff. For some reason all of the males and females have either a bald head or a cloth covering there eyes and sometimes that one eye thing pops up. I know when you install these it asks you to allow or not and I selected no. However, after installing new mods it is change and all look that way again. I uninstall and re-install and it gets fixed but then after time of installing new mods it does it again. Does anyone know how to fix this? Second, for some reason, sometimes but not always(does it about 80% of the time) when I enter 1st person the 3rd person view flickers on and off. This is very annoying. Cant seem to find out whats causing it. Lastly, when there is a animation that is supposed to overright my character. She just keeps standing. This only happens with mods that change you animation like chainbeast and dominatrix. Riding horses, swimming, etc all work fine. If anyone can help with anything I would really appreciate it. If needed I can supply more info/detail. Load Order Oblivion.esm Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm mpc.esm x117race.esm xeorace.esm xeoracex117.esm Chanpon.esm Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esm CM Partners.esm BreakUndies.esm xeoex.esp Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp VipCxj_HighHeels.esp Edhildils Savior Bikini Armor.esp GOMAS SET.esp HentaiSummerFesta.esp Lady Flirt.esp MechaFox.esp VipCxjHHTest.esp Neo's Morrigan.esp Neo'sFelicia.esp HentaiLovelyHouse.esp Active_Inventory_Spell_1.2.esp CTAddPose SPB 02.esp SexyPlOneHand.esp zzEstrus.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed ENG Dialog.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed ENG Race.esp Vampire Race Reloaded.esp SuccubusRace.esp KT_CustomRaceFix.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esp BBYggdrasill.esp TentacleWitches.esp SPB DMMC Ribbon Armor 1_5.esp Mahou.esp RuneKnight.esp Haruka.esp Cutlass.esp SPB E Kunoichi.esp DemonEmpress.esp DemonEmpressRealHighHeels.esp HeavyKnight.esp DskRings.esp MenaceoutfitHgec.esp milkslave.esp SPB DMMC Kuikomi Bikini SE v1100630.esp xeonpc.esp Edhildils Doom Bikini Armor.esp OHTeheavy3.esp OHTeheavy4.esp OHTeMheavy2.esp Demonika.esp face library.esp xeoice.esp Dominatrix Suit.esp OHTeheavy2.esp Restia.esp SArmor.esp LoliMaid.esp HepsCloth.esp HomuhomuArmor.esp Diablorobe.esp tera_hfh07.esp aion_dfrb003.esp Dizzy No High Heels.esp SharK_H_Religion.esp Succubus.esp Aishabreak.esp VipCxj_Pose_Extend_System.esp NaRae Pose - 02.esp 77_Umpa_Animation.esp actors_in_charge.esp BasicInstinct.esp bondage_sex.esp CTAddPose_ bondage_sex.esp CTAddPose_v_1.esp EFGAddPose.esp Eroblivion.esp personality_idles2.esp shinyEmotions.esp Slof's Sexy Anims.esp StandingJOJO.esp Snow Dragon Temple v1.0.esp NibbenShores Estate.esp SeductiveIdlesgloomfrostcustom.esp Specialanims.esp MakotoOutfit.esp Rockh00 Nouhime.esp CuteHalloweenCostume.esp Warglaives by Jojjo v1.0.esp CTAddPose_Halo.esp Touhou_wings.esp 00CrimsonWings.esp SnakeArmor.esp VBOrderWeap.esp SG001_BunnyGirl.esp SpeedBuster Collection.esp CM Partners NPC.esp CM Partners.esp ShevaTribal.esp slinky kunoichi.esp BIGPEN.esp CB Dark Enchantress.esp Fingernails For HGEC.esp AirOC04 Vat.esp AirOC04 Auto.esp DiabloEF 6 in 1.esp Apachii_Wigs_MaleFemale.esp SPB E X Outfit.esp DMwardropemerged.esp ElvenSorceress BU.esp MegaOppaiCostumeSet.esp DMwardropemergednoenchant.esp Dominatrix01.esp DominatrixFXSound.esp Thank you
  7. I mistook this as your intending to make a mod out of it and upload it to the Nexus. Sorry. *shrugs* And no, it's not a simple drop-in. The nif structure between Oblivion and FO3 is vastly different, the structure between FO3 and NV takes it a step further, and finally the difference between NV and Skyrim is another distinct step. Taking each of those into account, you can perhaps imagine how large the difference between Oblivion nifs and Skyrim nifs is. You're talking about 5 years worth of changes. TL;DR: No. Your game would probably crash as soon as the game tried to load a wolf you were approaching. What you described IS the basic method of replacing things in any post-Daggerfall TES game, though. Assuming Archive Invalidation is set up properly and all your file dates are all proper-like, anything in the Data folder will override whatever is in the base BSAs, assuming the path and filename is correct. Iwillneverforgiveyou :armscrossed: Cool thanks you answered my question. I know how to change a mesh in order to make it work in the game I was just unsure one how set it up. Most of the meshes that I edit were already made into esp files. Yes I don't have the game skyrim but I was planning on buying it if I could successfully put the wolf mesh in the oblivion game. The reason why is that my computer wont be able to play skyrim because of it amazing graphics and I had just purchased oblivion and a new graphics card literally the day before skyrim can out. So I wanted to put some of the new meshes to make my game look better, that is all. Thanks for you help.
  8. This is just for myself. Why are you guys talking about illegal stuff. Since when was it illegal to take a mesh and put into a game? I was just basically looking for a tutorial to know how to take a mesh and put it into the game. Like for instance if I were replacing the wolf texture or mesh would I just create the same folders and name it the same as that of the one in the game? For example: meshes\creature\dog\wolfbody.nif Would it automatically override the old mesh with the new? Or are there steps involved in making it work.
  9. That is not much help. If people can put in custom meshes then what is the difference if use a mesh from skyrim?
  10. Can some one tell me or direct me to somewhere how to take meshed and textures from skyrim and put them into oblivion? I basically like the mesh/texture of the wolf from skyrim and would like to replace it into oblivion. If it works out well I will be doing it with other creatures as well. Also if possible can someone upload the mesh of the wolf from skyrim or direct me somewhere where I can download? I don't have the game. Thank you for you help.
  11. Great, thank you for the link! It worked perfectly! Really appreciate it.
  12. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to take a character from a save and import it into another save as a CM partner. Here is the save. http://paparoach-slowdown.blogspot.com/2011/11/savedata-maria-chocolateelf-xeo.html I would like to take that characters face and use it in another save I have as a CM partner. Here is what I tried so far. I tried taking the values shown in game and re-create her face in my other save, but the values are completely different. I got the values from DarNified UI here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763 in character creation mode and copied them down and went to enter them in the construction set. But since the values are completely different I can't re-created her face that way. Please help, thank you for your time.
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