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About robert101410

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  1. yeah xprometheus i'm working on getting some better lore friendly texture's and the village idea has been in the back of my mind even before the ninja outfit. :) but ya gotta remember this isn't really my mod but 1A1A's cause if he never helped me get my headband model in the game and upload it to the nexus i probably wouldn't be modeling for skyrim XD so thanks to him im interested in modeling for skyrim. :) and also i'm really interested in that cloak idea :thumbsup:
  2. your welcome! :D and yeah i was thinking about that making some things for the cbbe bodies and better males, and im not sure whats up at the skyforge, maybe 1a1a knows but we both will get better at this so it just takes time. :)
  3. nice TS i'll come here to get all this stuff done and i know you like ten ten so here scrolls will be made soon :D and mabe her hair style :)
  4. Alright i just finished modeling the first request on here which was deidara's eye piece. I'm not sure how long it's gonna take 1a1a to get in skyrim (probably not long) but here it is hope ya like it! :biggrin: (I'm still looking for the right texture for the metal part of his eye peice :P) Now im working on maybe a kimimaro sword or shield (probably sword) deidara's eye piece. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/043/a/1/deidara_s_eye_patch_by_robert101410-d5uo95w.jpg It should be on this mod when 1a1a is ready to upload it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565/ Also check it out here on deviant art for a wider view of it and some other things im working on :thumbsup: : http://robert101410.deviantart.com/art/Deidara-s-Eye-Patch-353850980
  5. I really like these idea's! :thumbsup: Pain: yes i will keep on making stuff for pain, cause he is my second Favorite character, and the next hair i make will be for him. Deidara: I love the idea of a eye peice! i never thought about it! i will make it very soon and probably his hair too. :thumbsup: Kimimaro: kimimaro is pretty awesome, :yes: i'm wanting to make a bone sword that resembles his spine. ;D Sasuke: If you have seen the sasuke outfit thats on 1a1a's mod then you probably know whats gonna happen, ;D Yes eventually i'm gonna model him his own akatsuki outfit just like the one in the picture. :thumbsup: Hairs: I'm already starting on a hair pack, itachi's is already done im just waiting on 1a1a to put it in game and pains hair is next. :yes: Alright so far these things you guys requested are awesome idea's! I'll be working on them and when i get them done i'll post some pictures here or on the akatsuki mod here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565/ or just check my deviant art here http://robert101410.deviantart.com/ for the latest pictures and updates on what im making. :thumbsup:
  6. Hey guys! :dance: I decided to make a thread for you guys to request stuff for 1a1a's naruto mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565 if you have seen 1a1a's awesome mod, I model armor and mask and other things that i think you guys would like to see in skyrim naruto related. You can ask for weapon's, armor, mask, really anything if its possible for me to model. So just leave a comment in the thread for a request, and i'll let you know if im making it and when it will be done. :thumbsup:
  7. hey guys just go here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565 i modeled the sage scroll and soon the sage jacket will be added with naruto's outfit :thumbsup:
  8. i plan i modeling all the outfits from naruto so go here :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565
  9. i model naruto armors for this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565 I'ts still being updated with new outfits all the time so just go check it out :biggrin:
  10. here it is and im planning on modeling more of the other pains :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565
  11. be nice im in for that idea but if you guys are looking for naruto outfits go take a look at this mod :tongue: im currently working on naruto's outfit and the sage cloak and sage scroll. :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565
  12. well its done guys go check it out :D even added kakashi's and pervy sages version :biggrin: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565
  13. this is a really good idea even i thought about it and still am its just that not that many ppl want to get together to help make a naruto world but if you ever get started on this let me know cause it sounds like a good idea :thumbsup:
  14. if your wanting clothing from the anime naruto shippuden i've been modeling some for this mod like i have the leaf village outfit done sasukes outfit and a few other little things like tobi's mask http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565
  15. hmmm i never thought about making that! like a bone sword! :thumbsup: if i do make it i'll let you know :thumbsup:
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