I really like these idea's! :thumbsup: Pain: yes i will keep on making stuff for pain, cause he is my second Favorite character, and the next hair i make will be for him. Deidara: I love the idea of a eye peice! i never thought about it! i will make it very soon and probably his hair too. :thumbsup: Kimimaro: kimimaro is pretty awesome, :yes: i'm wanting to make a bone sword that resembles his spine. ;D Sasuke: If you have seen the sasuke outfit thats on 1a1a's mod then you probably know whats gonna happen, ;D Yes eventually i'm gonna model him his own akatsuki outfit just like the one in the picture. :thumbsup: Hairs: I'm already starting on a hair pack, itachi's is already done im just waiting on 1a1a to put it in game and pains hair is next. :yes: Alright so far these things you guys requested are awesome idea's! I'll be working on them and when i get them done i'll post some pictures here or on the akatsuki mod here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24565/ or just check my deviant art here http://robert101410.deviantart.com/ for the latest pictures and updates on what im making. :thumbsup: