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Posts posted by MrPancakeman

  1. I hope that third person is forced. Otherwise I know I will use first person. Don't know why.

    I think that you can turn to werewolf after completed one quest related to it. (once per day)

    And that ring. It allows you to transform (once per day again)

    But if you do both, its twice per day.

    (pretty nice anyway?)

    More kills = longer transformation.

  2. I've been thinking about "dragon" mage.

    Heavy use of dragon shouts, otherwise its just mage.

    Maybe some kinda melee weapon so I can defend myself in melee fight?

    Or maybe just pure mage.

    Vampirism, maybe.

    (I like the way how vampirism negative effects are in skyrim, check wiki for them)

  3. NO.

    I HATE it when game studios ruin games with coop.

    Too many games ruined with it.

    Of course it might be "little extra" to original game.

    But I always have bad connection, I don't want that my game is kinda ruined because "Ultimateuberninja has joined game"

    And its not just the connection, but it is just annoying.

    Especially it wouldnt be good in this kinda sandbox game.

  4. 00:12, dragon killing another one. I wonder if one of these is the one you can get as "companion".

    (I understanded it so that it like kills some enemies and goes away, maybe with shout?)

  5. I thought all the game play footage was supposed to have characters that were deliberately pumped up to make them stronger. It would make sense though if they made combat encounters more numerous though. Instead of swinging your sword six times into one enemy, you swing it six times against four.



    I think it was like that in footage videos.

  6. I am also going for something that little looks like me. (no khajits or argonians, no not racistic.)

    Khajits and argonians are cool, but I just can't play them myself, not sure why.


    Gonna go for nord or bosmer, depends wich one looks better

  7. I think you can add weapons to slot 1 or 2.

    Then you can somehow scroll trough your weapons in 1 and 2 slots, and choose what you need.

    Not sure if there is some kinda one button equip thingy.

  8. I'm pretty sure there is no perks for werewolfs. And that is good.

    I guess that werewolf is very hard to kill?


    And with that ring you can turn into werewolf twice a day.

    Wich is nice.

  9. It`s hilarious. I`m unable to play any other games I was still playing before starting to devour Skyrim footage from youtube. I don`t want to do anything, I have no interest in anything else than this game. I`m obsessed. Lol what`s happening to me. I don`t think I have ever been this anxious about anything during my entire life and it`s completely deliberate I can`t control it. WTF. Anyone else?




    "I'm unable to play any other games"

    TF 2, I just keep dying all the time.

    Rage, meh.

    could try fallout tomorrow..

  10. I'm not that bothered about it, Oblivion had you transfer regenerating mana to health, this just saves spamming the healing spells. The only downside I can see is It might make leveling up restoration a little harder, you'll be using the healing spells less often.


    I think you still need (a lot ) of healing if you are playing mage-like character (not so heavily armored) Tough can't say for sure.

    But well, We see it all in 5 days.

  11. I strongly believe its not like in fps games. (Wait behind stone for 6 seconds and you are again ready to kick dragon's butt)

    Something logical.

    Like regen outside of combat, that would be nice.

    It was annoying in oblivion that you fight against minotaur in the woods and got like 10 hp, killed minotaur, heading towards beach.


    wild mudcrab appears

    You've been killed.


    And ppl who liked cooking and such, I guess there is special buffs on food items, so it's not just +5 hp for 10 seconds.

    And you can eat if you think it is right.


    A lot of ppl think its crippling gameplay if you need to be alchemist or foodmaker to survive.

    (Don't get me wrong, I don't support that fps style hp regen)

    But a little bit of regen is also immersion, not breaking it.


    "oh poo, that mudcrap made small wound, That is not gonna get any better unless I drink this potion of magical healing"

  12. You can talk about werevolves, but you can't post leaked videos. Only when bethesda officaly announces it.



    What a stupid rule. Spoiler is still a spoiler why does it matter if Bethesda announced it or if it's leaked?



    I agree with this one.

    And why not then remove these threads immediately when admins see that ppl start to post tons of videos at thread?


    Yes yes, I understand its in the rules that its not allowed to post these videos.

    Then why allow threads that kinda provocate ppl to send those videos?

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