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Everything posted by FleetwoodJack

  1. I want some kind of spell making brought back.
  2. Warhammer online was a great game, I've only just quit playing it :rolleyes: I've gotta agree, I love the design of the top tier armor sets... extreme kudos to anyone who even thinks about making the black orc or witch hunter armors :biggrin:
  3. Even though it doesn't personally bother me, I'm sure there will be people for whom it is a great annoyance. I'm sure someone will mod it out shortly after release (if possible).
  4. It's a shame they removed this feature, I too would really like to see it modded back in.
  5. 1st person view is always just a click away :thumbsup:
  6. There may already be perks for this, we just don't know yet. Although, if not, then there definately needs to be a way to improve run speed/jump height.
  7. What has me the most excited about Skyrim is simply that it is the next ES game, but if you want something specific than I've been looking forward to dual wielding since oblivion.
  8. Making a mad dash to find a shop that will still be open after I finish work.
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