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  1. Yes Zherlthsh, the release of the official wiki would be a good starting point to find out how the Creation Kit is built and so on, the point is that would be great if modders could really get into a Nexus schedule tutorial and write down clear examples of modding. Personally I could make tuts about modeling, sculpting and texturing (I wrote a quite exhaustive list of tuts about modeling, in the first post). My lack is all about scripting.
  2. Ok, the Wiki helped people a lot, but the idea of this thread was to build a really in-depth set of tutorials, from the foundamentals to the most hard and technical operations, with detailed images, videos too... I think the Wiki is mostly a "reminder" for those who already have become familiar with the construction set. I thought something similar to the TES Alliance school, but even more in-depth, hope. Plus, i left blank the scripting, quests, AI fields etc.., in order to let the respective gurus to complete them, and having a good starting point to build the right schedule.
  3. I loved the animations. Thinking they're a good compromise between action, violence and agility. I really think Skyrim would be the almost-perfect RPG...can't really wait! :yucky:
  4. The title speaks by itself. Don't forget to vote. With the incoming release of the Creation Kit, what about a clean and well organized step by step list of tutorials, divided by category? i.e.: [This is a work in progress, it is not intended to be the ultimate tutorial guide or so, just a starting point.] - First steps: The Creation Kit - The interface; - Moving inside the Kit/ useful shorcuts; - Basic operations; - ... - World building - Finding and modifing a cell; - Terrain editor, trees, water, rocks... - Texturing the terrain; - Saving your work and testing in-game; - Interiors - pathfinding, doors etc...; - NPCs and AI - Creating a new NPC; - Adding AI and routines; - ... - Modeling - Useful information - The polygon count; - Useful information - Avoiding tris, ngons, overlapping and inverted faces; - Useful information - Thinking about animation while modeling; - Useful information - Getting a nice silhouette; - Importing a custom character mesh into your 3d application - Modifying the mesh and linking bones to the vertices; - Creating a mesh from scratch; - Weapon creation example; - Armor creation example; - Creature creation example; - Preparing the base mesh; - Sculpting the mesh in high polycount programs; - Retopology and back to lowpoly; - Exporting the Nif files and preparing for in-game tests; - Texturing - Intro: how the textures work; - Different types of textures; - UVs space, UV islands, correct aspect ratio, optimizing UV space for more capture details, texture sizes; - Baking high polycount scuplt to low poly models; - Exporting baked textures to 2D image editing programs; - Final adjustments, mipmapping creation; - Rigging and animations - Linking a mesh to bones structure; - Vertex weight; - Creating animations; - Exporting animations and testing in-game; - ...; - Questbuilding, dialogues - Intro; - Questbuilding basics; - ...; - Scripting - Intro; - Scripting basics; - ...; What you think guys? Cheers
  5. It's mainly a technical and industrial design program (and other fields like those - jewellery, cars...) really powerful and cheap, great for nurbs modeling and surface control, but surely it is not indicate for assets game modeling, characters and stuff like that. Cheers
  6. In most cases it is better to maintain the native res of your screen vs graphic card instead of downscaling it. I have a 24" monitor and a GTX 570, and I've figured out in Crysis it prefers calculating the 1080p res instead of the 720 for example. BTW, cutting down the AA a little bit, shadows and draw distance would be the smartly option to increase FPS though.
  7. Lol yeah I was talking about it in another topic, sex mod with your wife/partner!
  8. Lol, yeah, 3-7 days. And what about a mod that permits you having sex with your wife? Lol
  9. Why not threaten them instead off killing? They would run away crying maybe, but I'm not gonna support/install any killable children mod at all...just personal taste.
  10. Tesselation seems to be interesting, but i'd prefer a good overhaul and implementation of parallax mapping first. From the previews I didn't notice POM. It would be a really good improvement in terms of graphical realism and I don't really get why they did not implement it! I'll do some tests by myself as soon as I can.
  11. Cool idea, I'd like to see the effect in 3rd person too.
  12. Yeah, that would be awesome. The kinda similar Olivion mod was able to raise your merchantile skill too if I remember correctly, even during quests/exploration, so, no selling pain! :tongue: I'm with you. Cheers
  13. So, it is confirmed? No character preview in the menu? :facepalm: Ok you can spin around like clintenhorne said, but...you have to select what you want to equip, esc the menu, look, get back in the menu, select another....damn! So sad
  14. @NoxyGame Did you do the 3d ship yourself or you found it over the web? I mean the ones in the gray renders.
  15. Thanks! :tongue: Can't wait to discover the Creation Kit. Cheers
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