Fed up of being the only one contributing to the guild, get the useless wandering guild members of the thieves guild out of riften and doin quests of their own, it would be great if they all contributed to the guild, they leave and go on pilfering missions on their own. or even accompanying the player or player accompanying them as they hit the town (random) and steal anything? surely someone can make them more active? Same with Dark brotherhood? after main quest? whatever. Also increase the amount of criminal NPC's wandering around, I would love to see more thefts robberies muggings murders going on in random places of the world? In oblivion it wasnt rare to see them sneaking around acting dodgy like stealing food, and leggin it when they got noticed. or even making a stand. NPC's in this game are just too nice. Am i the only one who acts like this in my game? surely there should be more criminals!! Edit: on another topic heres some idea's that would be brilliant and Bethesda should really do this but it will probably be unlikely so it will be left to you guys:/ I see there are a lot of posts concerning gold so therefore have wondered why not reduce the value of all weapons and armor; drastically? shopkeepers only seem to have enough gold for one or two items but any item we carry is worth at least half that? In my personal opinion struggling to stay ahead of the game with the cost of things makes more sense. games like baldurs gate and others where you had to save up for the item in the shop was a lot more rewarding to me. In my early game i used to loot everything carry it around until i could get it all back to the merchant and I never realised that the value of goods on the item was not the value I was going to get from the merchant, how about listing the price calculated by my current speechcraft level, this would have at least let me know the 'real' value of said item? reduce our carry weight maybe for everyone except orcs or nords? make khajitt night eye toggable. how about some racial differences? Skyrim is full of them with NPC's but not for players. When i get married in game my spouse opens up a shop to sell misc items? this makes no sense? she stays in my home all day cooking my meals; i have never seen her go collect any of this stuff. how about she opens a shop where i can sell all my junk?., Weight overhaul.. Is this this based on something? cause it makes no sense at all everything is completely off, misc items are huge but weigh less then smaller items of the same metal. leather weighs more then ingots? a crafted item weighs more then the items used to craft it? it go's on and on. needs fixing badly. a simple dialogue option or favorite system for your companions equippable items, to stop them from equipping their own useless items. Lydia, FFS, use your bow and wear THAT armour. Dragons are too easy especially when anyone in the area helps you attack them, I wouldnt have believed for a second that a farmer tending to his crops would suddenly run to the dragon that attacks and help you beat it up with his shovel, iron dagger what ever. Put a fear effect on the dragons attack to cause these lesser mortals to flee. and buff them or something cause they are too easy. Doorway blocking sort of reminds me of KINGPIN that game where you would come up with innovative ideas of how to get past your companions. normally i use a shout but it really shouldnt be like this should it? Could you get muffle to mask your foot step sounds? I am able to walk silently but there is someone following me i'm ever so sure of it! talking about stealth, it needs work, everyone seems to be related to the falmer, no one can see me. or detects me. And whats with pickpocketing surely someone would notice if i stripped them of all their items and left them naked in the street. Do what you can I'm not asking for a miracle but as soon as the CK comes out I will defo have a go to improve the game too