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Posts posted by mrdamon8r

  1. Raja, a female khajiit, was born in skyrim but abandoned by her parents for reasons unknown. Taken into an orphange in one of skyrims larger cities, she is well taken care of and happy as she grows into an adolecent. She learns to become invisible in the city streets and masters parkour to traverse city rooftops. As she grew, so did her abilities and was contacted by the local city guard at the age of 16. They offered her some money in exchange for some bounties. She accepted and became an assassin. Her first contract went well, the serial killer didnt see Raja hanging on the outer ledge of his balcony or the two dagger blades that pierced his heart coming. After many more bounties had been claimed, and Raja had her seventeenth birthday, she had saved enough money to study alchemy at the local college. She moved out of the orphange and moved into a room on the third floor of a Nordic familys house. She studied hard, and did assassination contracts on the side, but after her first year she had ran out of money and couldnt pay for another. But she needed to eat. And she needed money for rent. So she got a job at the orphange where she had grown up. Her kind heart made her a natural at dealing with abandoned children. But one day, she noticed a little boy being picked on by an older, wealthy boy who was known to cause trouble in the city and had wandered into the orphanage. Raja quickly rushed over and told the older boy to leave and not come back. As she tended to the small boys injuries the older boy returned, but this time with his father, a brutish and ugly city guard. The man began yelling at Raja, insulting her and spitting. He then got so close that Raja could smell the alcohol on his breath. He took a swing with his right arm straight for Raja's head. She ducked, grabed his arm and broke it with her elbow, and gave him an uppercut that knocked him onto his back. He got up and unsheathed the longsword on his left hip. All of his thrusts and slashes were futile, he could not hit the agile khajiit. She dodged his next slash, clawed at the hand holding his sword and cut off two of his fingers. The sword dropped to the ground as the drunk guard stumbled back and pulled out a small knife from the pouch on his side. He looked toward the orphaned children huddled behind an over turned table. He turned and began walking toward them. Raja wouldnt let this man harm anyone today. She picked up the longsword covered in the blood of his mangled hand and plunged it through the side of his chest, coming out the other side. His blood soaked the stone ground of the orphanage courtyard. He dropped to the ground without anymore of a struggle. The children cheered for her but she knew that more guards would come and she would be thrown into prison. She ran home to gather a few essentials. But on the way downstairs from her appartment, she could hear a guard asking the Nord family if she was there. She quickly turned around and ran towards her window. She jumped out and landed on the roof of a two storey building. She jumped from rooftop to rooftop eventually making it out of the city. She hid in the back of a wagon that would make its way across the border to Cyrodiil where she would be safe. But at the border, a guard searched the wagon and found Raja sleeping ontop of a bag of potatoes. She is imediatly restrained but is knocked unconcious by a good blow to the head from an angry potato farmer. She awakes on a wagon as a criminal, being brought to her execution.
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