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  1. I too just got a redirect to this site just a few minutes ago. I did some research into the domain "networkenhance.co.in", and found that it's a popup scam wherein the user is tricked into allowing notifications to bombard their system with obtrusive links and potentially malware as well. cite: https://www.myantispyware.com/2024/07/08/networkenhance-co-in-mcafee-pop-up-scam-virus-removal-guide/ Per your request, I did a scan with my Windows Defender and came up clean and aside from the initial redirect, I haven't had any other popup issues. Hailing from the Pacific Northwest US and the attack started while browsing the New Vegas Nexus "All Mods" page.
  2. In response to post #122811858. #122812626, #122815254, #122816751 are all replies on the same post. Thank you. There are so many arbitrary names for things just to make mods work that it helps to at least understand where they come from. I know Subnautica since the Living Large update also has a Harmony folder as well.
  3. I hope not to necro this topic, but I want you to know that my problem was solved albeit in an unconventional way. I just launched a different game with MO2, and the API wiped whichever bad configuration was on it. Thanks for the help.
  4. I know this is a big ask, but I was wondering if someone could possibly convert Frontier's clothing based overheating and freezing mechanics into a standalone mod for New Vegas. Frontier introduced some amazing advances in modding, and one of its features was a way your character was affected by how cold or warm it was outside (Based on the ambient temperature) so wearing certain armors became more important than just the raw DT or DR they provided. I have personally wanted something like this ever since Imp of the Perverse first created Ambient Temperature, but I've never figured out how to do it myself.
  5. So, there I was downloading a mod and then out of nowhere I decided I didn't want that particular file. So, to stop the download, when "Open NXM Link Proxy" option showed up, I instead hit CANCEL. This was as I've found out, a mistake. Now every time I hit "Open NXM Link Proxy" after choosing "Download with Manager", I get this error message. I'm using Mod Organizer 2 and have tried reauthorizing the API in the Nexus interface, Revoking the Nexus API in the Mod Organizer interface and Reacquiring it, and even restarting my computer yet nothing has worked. Before I canceled the download like that, the manager download worked fine. Not sure if the handler for the External Link is broken or if there's some INI that needs to be changed. -.. And yes, I clicked the "Associate with links" button many times just to be sure, since that's what the error code told me to do..-
  6. In response to post #56749266. #56749856, #56750106, #56752941 are all replies on the same post. No worries. I came at it without actually reading the News Article, so it could be construed as ignorantly complaining. It's been quite a ride hearing about how NMM updates were breaking things and then how Mod Organizer is the new de facto mod manager then about how Vortex is NMM 2.0 which fixes everything. I just want to make sure that I don't accidentally break my quite extensive mod list, so I'm a bit more wary than usual..
  7. In response to post #56749266. #56749856 is also a reply to the same post. Alright. That clears things up somewhat. Thanks. :)
  8. I'm just curious what the heck "Mod Manager" download means. Is it supposed to mean "Vortex Mod Manager" download and they just forgot to add the name? And why would you reveal the name of the Vortex Mod Manager in a post months earlier to then completely omit it?
  9. Just a heads-up. Bethesda may be the big player when it comes to most public recognition this site gets, but don't forget that EA owns a lot of the other games this site hosts, and they could be an entirely different issue if they don't take kindly to this new system.
  10. In response to post #56098936. #56107421 is also a reply to the same post. One point I can definitely get behind is a "Suggestion" system for mods as it takes me untold amounts of time to find mods I like through the simple search function, and even then a sort of buyer's remorse develops when I see that there are mods no one has heard of with like 100 endorsements that do exactly what I need. Nowadays, I generally just browse the most updated mods to ensure compatibility with more recent versions of the script extenders, but I still miss out on quite a few amazing mods that way.
  11. In response to post #55260398. #55262738 is also a reply to the same post. I totally agree with this assessment. I might be.. um.. presumptuous in saying it, but with some quick resizing on the side of the site elements (Aren't websites fairly easy to resize with new web developemnt tech?), this design would be fine, or at least less difficult for me to use on Desktop.
  12. In response to post #54700723. I wish there was a way to rank my approval of a comment but I suppose this reply must suffice. I am in the same boat regarding the new design. It's just too "busy" and the words over content approach contradicts the entire point of having screenshots for mods. The preview screenshots are even crushed into an aspect ratio that leaves them distorted and more or less useless to use at a glance. I am also at a loss as to why you decided to put all of the mod sections ( Description, Images, Posts, Changes, etc..) into a dropdown menu so that navigating to them is an even more difficult affair. This new design may be "efficient" to use but it is rather painful as well.
  13. In response to post #54698908. #54700933, #54701158, #54701738 are all replies on the same post. I thought you were joking at first, but I wholeheartedly agree. Hot Files is a wonderfully unique thing to Nexusmods and/or a few other modding sites. It is worth so much more to me to keep the identity of a site rather than looking "trendy" to the general public. It's what makes a site for enthusiasts truly theirs.
  14. I would never infer that the hard work was poorly placed, but Mobile sites generally look like a total mess on a desktop, as far as I'm concerned. Would there perhaps be a way to make the new designs the "mobile" version of the site, and have the "full site" reflect the easier usage you see on what we're currently using?
  15. You don't know how good it feels to not only have someone listen to your "testing" feedback, but to also have them be so moved as to change the entire system to fix the problems that were found. I honestly didn't know what to think of the Nexus' leadership or moderators when I first joined here, but just this small post has given me a huge amount of respect for what you guys are doing. :) I will be happy to whitelist your site on my Adblocker once you find a provider who isn't chaotically evil. ;) Thank you so much for listening to us!
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