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About Xarnac

  1. It could only be truth if things like equality were real, or if ANY form of value was real, but they are not, they are merely a construct of the human imagination, you are in no more of a position to claim humans are equal then they are to claim that they are not. You both use the same equally nonexistent principals and mental constructs to justify your actions, the sole difference is you are on side side and they are on the other, and it is your failure to realize your own arguments flaws that makes you ignorant. But yes it is taboo I was wondering why you brought it in the first place with your ad-hominem attacks against Mormons. Now that's ignorance. Way to prove me right again. Perhaps I'll change Mormon to Sajuukkhar9000 in my first post.
  2. Considering everything above this line is garbage born out of both arrogance and ignorance, due to your inability to see that your own beliefs are flawed because they are equally unjustifiable, I'm not going to respond to it. As for what I did quote however, God, as we view him/her/it, may be a creation of the human brain HOWEVER there is no way to disprove that there is a god. There very well may be a god who started life on earth but we will NEVER be able to disprove it. No, its not arrogant ignorance, everything I said that you didn't quote is the truth. Know more about religion. Arrogant ignorance is not being able to rebuttal anything Ive said, and yet keep telling me that I'm wrong. Anyway, even bringing up religion isn't taboo here? On the official Beth ES forums, you cant talk about it at all. Nor politics, not even in general discussion.
  3. The belief that any one persons personal opinion is any more valid then anyone else's is itself ignorance. Nope. Ignorance is thinking that anybody that isn't white is cursed. Straight out of The Book Of Mormon. Know more about ignorance. This has nothing to do with believing in a higher power, it has to do with ignorance in regards to religious ideologies and dogmatic ignorance. Its as ignorant as the Pentecostals drinking strychnine and letting kids handle poisonous snakes. Has nothing to do with their belief in a supreme being, just their ignorance of how they show it. Not to mention the God concept is a human creation in our brain, a way to cope with knowing our own mortality. Which has been scientifically proven.
  4. I do, I don't agree with their beliefs but they are far from ignorant. They believe Indians and African Americans have no souls and are lesser beings. Fact. How is that not ignorance? They believe that some polygamist idiot is their prophet because he looked into a hat and an Angel told him how Jesus came to America and kicked it with Indians. Ignorance. Know more about Mormons.
  5. the irony, the delicious irony. Not really. Know more about Mormans.
  6. I don't live in the US but i know they show some mormon preperties on the media the last time which store food, is this behinde this comment? Paranoid Morman? EA was spying on people trough Battlefield 3 online registrations and this stuff and I-pads share every data you tip into it. I don't make this up, you can look for this its public news. They were caught doing this! And keep your "lol" man this isn't funny. sajuukkhar9000 Thats why its called user conditions and not owner conditions. I just picked the most ignorant denomination. I could have said Pentecostal crackers as well. Comparing Steam to EA is 'lol' funny.
  7. And they think the best way to dominate the world is flying around and burn towns and villages? They would play out the people against each other and do some more subversive stuff. There was once some sort of dragon cultist Cult, so if would be a dragon i would bring the people to whoreship me. Flying around and burning people is the dumbest thing someone could do in this position. Never read the Art-of-War? -- "but no one could fight them so why should they do lol omgz rofl" They were once defeated so they had to learn something about why. And besides. This on going war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, this was lame. They never tried to use much espionage or undermine towns and fortresses, but do some headfirst attacks. The Thievs guild would be all hanged in a few days if they would bedlam a hole town. The Companions are freaks and the Silverhands tried atleast to eradicate a huge danger to the public safety but.... but hey its just a game. Er, there was espionage and subversive actions in the Civil War. And the Silverhands are bad and kill innocents, The Companions don't.
  8. You like being treated like a kid? EA Games spies on you, Appel sells your address book away and doesn't even tell you. Its the total information awarness age where you don't one something anymore and just beeing the forensic fattening animal for realy baaaad mega companies. And they can take everything away from you just because they say you violated the rules. Three Strikes, No-Fly No-Buy, thats just the beginning. And you think its annoying to rebel against that? This isn't just about steam and videogames. Sounds more like the paranoid rantings of a Morman. There's nothing wrong with Steam. LOL at comparing true evil like EA to Steam. Now you can take it with you when you go, as your time here is at an end. Buddah
  9. Blood on the Ice has to be the buggiest quest in Skyrim.
  10. Needed a little help, maybe. I am using the Steam Store to DL mods, simply for the ease. I would however like to fix the purple stuff/neon fire logs, etc. How does this work with regular mods like the HD fix on Nexus, when coupled with Steam mods? Do I just DL it, put it in Data and I'm good? Thanks. Edit: Nevermid, easier than I thought, and no conflicts so far.
  11. Good thing you weren't around for Morrowind then, if Skyrim is an addiction, ES III was a basic human need.
  12. Yeah, its pretty bland. Even compared to Oblivion, which was at the time IMO the weakest. Wheres the Epic Morrowind writing when you need it.
  13. Lets leave mythology to the actual game, eh?
  14. I was given Shadowmere, didn't even ride her, and now shes disappeared.
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