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About Lucevar

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  1. Thank you very much for the tracking changes, this is fantastic :D I remember making some requests along these lines a few months ago and I think you got every single one of them included here - very much appreciated!
  2. Thank you for your replies, M48A5 and chevenga. I was aware of the options you mention, I guess I was just hoping for the sort of granularity chevenga mentioned - being able to choose to track comments or not per file rather than on an "all files or no files" basis. Oh well, guess I'll just have to leave this as a feature request then. :)
  3. Is there an option to track a mod's file uploads without tracking comments made on it? Certain mods have a high volume of comments being made (eg Inigo for Skyrim) that's rather overwhelming to keep track of and it would be ideal if I was only notified when a new file was uploaded. For other mods, such as my own or a few others I'm helping with, being notified of every comment that's made is useful so I'd like to keep that. If there isn't an option to do this, it's a feature I would really, really appreciate.
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