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Everything posted by MichaelEssien
You know I have been downloading Bethesda mods from nexus for many years, since Oblivion anyway. And one thing I always avoided was the quests because none of them where ever any good, they were always poor and not much thought was put into it. Plus they were also so buggy which didn't help. Then about a year ago I got back into the Fallout series, completed New Vegas again and thought I would shot some mods on, then I saw that Bounties was one of the most endorsed mods, I thought I would try it out and my oh my. What a game, really impressive. The mod itself was better than most of the game, it was so entertaining and I liked the whole wild western style concept it had going on. It really was a work of art when you look at it from that perspective. The best mod I've ever downloaded from nexus, and I've downloaded about a thousand over the years surely. But what made it so good was the fact that no one was ever able to do anything like this. I used to download every mod for Oblivion, Fallout 3 even Morrowind. Mods like just a new NPC who roams around doing nothing, I liked the atmosphere of a bigger game, but not once would I bother myself with the quest ones because they were just so disappointing. However Bounties is really quite something isnt it. Hats off to someguy, great modder and I wish him all the best, I'm just really grateful for the experience I had with his mods.
No one here should be hurt or angry, the New Vegas Bounties where a great experience and we should be grateful for your hard work and efforts. I think I know where you're coming from, the way you explained yourself I kind of felt as though I can relate. I have constantly been setting myself back on my own projects (my book not mods) I get this great inspiration out of nowhere. It can come from music, something I see in my life or even something off a TV show or film and I am inspired. But then I look back on it another day and I ask myself what the hell is this? And then I change my whole concept and scratch out all the scripts and scenes I've written and I completely change everything. When you're inspired you just ponder so much that eventually you have sequels and other stories and theories that lead on from it. Then that inspiration is gone and you just don't want to go back to it so you either drop it all together and get on with your personal life or you pick up another lump of inspiration from something else so bizarre and next thing you know you've done it again. Like someone said on the thread it's a gift and a curse, but anyway best of luck to you man and I hope you get to where you want to be.
Ah I see, I only played a bit of Fallout 2, and that was a very long time ago when i was little. My dad used to play those first two games a lot, and I remember making a character once and having a go at it but I can't remember much. I can only remember starting off in some temple sort of thing and you fight some huge rad roach. I definitely agree about the Enclave, it was silly to bring them back into it. However I really like Caesars Legion, I thought that was constructed really well, I thought the likes of the Burned man and Caeser himself where very iconic individuals. I'm hoping to see the Legion in the next Fallout, as for the BOS I like them, I wouldn't mind keeping them around. So I do agree the story against the Enclave was quite s***, considering how they just came back all of a sudden and had so much power. I do find Caesars Legion a much bigger foe, that's if you're fighting against them. What I really loved about the fight between the Legion and the NCR, it's almost as if humanity from a thousand years ago vs's humanity to this very day, now it can be about corrupt polliticans and fighting over petty things. Whereas then it was more about loyalty and swearing oathes, as now it's oppertunity. But yeah the rivalry is a lot better in New Vegas, just what really pissed me off what not having any background, it would've been nice to find out something about yourself, and that's something what I didn't like about the game. The lack of background for you was a deliberate design choice on the part of the game developers, it's so that you can essentially role-play whatever back story you want for your character, with no real constraints. In Fallout 3 (and 1, and 2) you are kind of restricted in what sort of back story you can put to your character, which might channel you down a particular path. It doesn't mean you have to like it, but it is a deliberate choice, not a mistake, oversight, or laziness. Aye I understand what you mean, I suppose some people like that. It's strange because I'm one who uses my imagination rather than playing games for gameplay, but I would still prefer it to be one main storyline, although I understand what you mean, some might not like that. I don't hate it, it's a fun story led post apocalyptic shooter that was great with enough mods. What I want though is a Fallout RPG and I honestly don't think Bethesda are capable of delivering one. Bethesda are great at building interesting environments but nothing else, my ideal game would be one where Bethesda built the world and then handed it over to Obsidian so they could do the actual content. Ain't played many other Obsidian games, Knights of the old republic 2 I played, It had better gameplay than the first, but Bioware as always was the better game due to the story. Morrowind was one of my most favourite games I've ever played, it was such an independant game with so much to do in it. I've played the game so many times and I still don't think I have done everything, I also loved how you could just do anything you want and there was nothing in your way, like essential characters for instance. I wish Fallout was more like that, as I think it can be too easy at times as it just tells you and points you in every direction and where to go. However I did like hardcore mode that was a really good thing they did, made the game much better with that.
Ah I see, I only played a bit of Fallout 2, and that was a very long time ago when i was little. My dad used to play those first two games a lot, and I remember making a character once and having a go at it but I can't remember much. I can only remember starting off in some temple sort of thing and you fight some huge rad roach. I definitely agree about the Enclave, it was silly to bring them back into it. However I really like Caesars Legion, I thought that was constructed really well, I thought the likes of the Burned man and Caeser himself where very iconic individuals. I'm hoping to see the Legion in the next Fallout, as for the BOS I like them, I wouldn't mind keeping them around. So I do agree the story against the Enclave was quite s#*!, considering how they just came back all of a sudden and had so much power. I do find Caesars Legion a much bigger foe, that's if you're fighting against them. What I really loved about the fight between the Legion and the NCR, it's almost as if humanity from a thousand years ago vs's humanity to this very day, now it can be about corrupt polliticans and fighting over petty things. Whereas then it was more about loyalty and swearing oathes, as now it's oppertunity. But yeah the rivalry is a lot better in New Vegas, just what really pissed me off what not having any background, it would've been nice to find out something about yourself, and that's something what I didn't like about the game.
Can I just ask, what's all the hate for Fallout 3? I thought it was a very good game, the story was good, it had some decent side quests, the map was very good also. The weapons where incredibly blunt I'll agree but I still liked the whole game in general, I thought it was really well done. As for writing I'm not to sure if I can even remember, I must've played it about 2 or 3 years ago I haven't touched it since. But I do prefer it to New Vegas even though I do just play Vegas now. I respect peoples opinions I'm just curious about it.
What I really loved about Fallout 3 was that your character had background. In New Vegas it was almost like the Elder Scrolls games where you're just there. Yes there is some background in New Vegas but not much, I think it would be cool if you had more purpose, almost as if you had family again and you had to find out what happened to them. Sort of like Fallout 3, I thought that added real emotion to the story. I would like Fallout 4 to have a good story again and you have to find out what happened, and actually have some relatives or people who knew what you where before the beginning of the game. However I find the game far too easy when it comes to quests, you should have to find your own way rather than a marker showing you where to go and what to do. The only challenge in quests in the last two games where fighting things. And also more interesting locations and interesting quests, like the special type Oblivion had with the psycopathe Glathir and those strange but really good instances. New Vegas semed kinda dull for that, it's like they just rely on modders on purpose. Oh and just one more thing! Please make some good DLC's this time, the DLC's for New Vegas where horrible, whereas the DLC's for Fallout 3 where just kick ass.
This would never happen at all, it would also never have the time, but just for the sake of imagining, the thought of having a Bounties 4 with a Jason Bourne type story would be great. Since you're now working for the NCR, and reading all the articles which are in NVBII it seems that the media are heating up a big conspiracy against this hitman that is you, if anyones bothered to read them anyway. It would be interesting for a typical corrupt pollitician to order to take your character out after this trilogy is finished, and you're now on the run from the NCR. Obviously this couldn't be so one dimensional in that case, as you could be currenlty helping the NCR at Hoover Dam and you would be walking in NCR territory an awful lot. But you wouldn't have to keep it like that, in the Inheritance the main guy mentions that the NCR has corrupt polliticans in it's organization. That's interesting, if they seem to be asking your character to take people out and then the people are comig onto them, they will want to kill you so there's no evidence of that. So most NCR wont even know who you are, it can be that casual, only one or two polliticians are hiring secret men after you, so you working with the NCR will have no affect at all and it would actually make sense and be relevant. Just a thought anyway, I think that would be really interesting.
What is it what you are most in need of? As in roles it doesn't seem you are in big need of voice actors, however it does seem to be a lack of roles somewhere, where would that be?
I love this mod and I'll have to say that the writing is sublime. The speeches of all characters are very good and crafted to almost perfection. I'm a writer myself and I would love to work with someone like Someguy on some of these mods. Although I'm not much of a talented modder myself, however I am learning as I do find this interesting. I remember downloading quests from fallout 3 and they where just very poor, new vegas the quests have really stepped up from the modders, this one definitely. Playing New Vegas bounties was a great experience and I have to thank the people who made the mod. I'm not currenlty playing The Inheritence, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've been talking to 'Bradley' and the writing is very good, the scripts have been well thought out I can tell, just from asking him certain questions I can tell he is his own man and not just the same s#*! as everyone else.
Yes same i had this problem, when i did the very first quest for the legion, when you have to take out the bandits at that fort, just before you take the oath. Unfortunately to say i don't know how to fix it, i loaded again and did the whole mission again, but if you way through the game i really don't know, if your on PC, should easily be a way to get it fixed, however a console, i'm not to sure about it.
Crashing in the same exact place every time! T_T
MichaelEssien replied to Sultra's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
In some places in the world it already is tomorrow ;) Okay cheers buddy, i was getting very confused haha!. -
Crashing in the same exact place every time! T_T
MichaelEssien replied to Sultra's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
How are you on the game already?, isn't it released tomorrow?.