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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by SenoMouri

  1. I'm not exactly an expert with modding but with my past experiences it seems like one of the mods you may have uninstalled edited the scripts of the base game or perhaps the area around fort snowhawk in some drastic way, therefore when you re-enter this area it cannot load something needed in the area, like I say this is just going off of personal experience. I once installed the Warzones mod which created large battleground, but I didn't like it and uninstalled it, now when going near to one of these warzones I get a CTD. So all I can really recommend is that if you do have a previous save with these mods still installed, then reinstall the mods and revert to this save, or a save without any mods you could try revert to, however I am not certain whether this will work or not. You could try using console commands to teleport away from fort Snowhawk to (for example) Whiterun by using the command "COC Whiterun" this way at least you can see whether this crash is purely locational based, and if it is you will just have to do as I do and try to avoid the affected areas. The only other solution that isn't really much of a solution is fully remove all mods and perhaps even uninstall and reinstall skyrim and then start a whole new save, but obviously that is a very drastic measure but as far as I am away, is sometimes the only fix. However, perhaps if you post your mods and load order on here, some more experienced moders can help you work at the problem in a way that avoids any loss of save files.


    I hope I could help, please let me know how you get on.


    I've already tried getting out by using player.moveto on Lydia to get to Whiterun. I'm out now but I keep crashing. I walk up to the College of Winterhold and try to converse with one of the characters but the more I reload the sooner I crash. It's like the CTD itself is following my character wherever he goes.


    But it's alright :P I feel like posting my load order, etc. wouldn't help seeing as it crashes even without the mods. It may just be my Skyrim itself. I'm just gonna grab my friend's copy of the Legendary edition in a few days and try my luck then.


    Thanks anyway dude :P Happy New Year :)

  2. I'm getting real desperate. I have the latest version with all DLCs except for Hearthfire. I've tried reinstalling, and deactivated all my mods but nothing seems to be working. I'm stuck in fort Snowhawk and trying either exit gets my game to crash.

    Since I've deactivated all my mods, I'm wondering if there's any solution that is non-mod related (if possible).

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