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Posts posted by TheHermit84

  1. Appreciate the feedback.


    I was in charge of audio editing, mastering, but I didn't join until two years into the project. The main issue for me was that a lot of actors had been cast long before I joined. And at the time, Dracomies didn't have the ear to recognize the minimum standards of audio quality that he does now. If I had been there in the beginning, I could've given better counsel, but that's neither here nor there.


    Although I have a background in music education and performance, having played in a couple of successful bands, editing audio for a video game was quite a different kettle of fish, one with a bit of a learning curve, learning more about what worked and what didn't as I went along. And I'm certainly not naïve enough to think things sound perfect so I welcome constructive criticism.


    Very early on, my focus was on improving the audio quality in a vacuum. I wasn't focusing so much on having it consistent EQ-wise to the base game. The dB and RMS generally was, but not the mix. It wasn't until the last year of development that I realised the audio in BMW sounded much like podcast/audiobook mixing - bassy with louder frequencies in the low end. I tried to mitigate this in the final stages of development cutting most everything below 80Hz, but we risked losing a lot of the nice tones in certain Baritone voices if I went too crazy. Therefore, I didn't over do it. I would often mix male voices differently to higher range female voices, so I'm not sure Knight and Ghost is the best comparison.


    Incidentally, the vanilla audio, whilst it sounds good in-game and is consistent, isn't actually what I would consider superb audio quality. It sounds very thin and I'm certain the same EQ was slapped on for all vanilla NPCs. With that in mind, we didn't have the luxury of having everything recorded in the same studio, with the same equipment, acoustics, and quality control. This made things much more difficult and probably why every voice stands on its own and not part of the greater whole. It's just one of those things, and yes, often I felt like I was trying to polish a turd with some of the earlier audio we received.


    I agree with some of the mentions and I intend to revisit things at a later date. Sadly, I'm just one hermit and I'm busy with the SG2K remaster series at the moment. I'm much happier with the audio in the remasters than I was with BNW. Things are much more consistent and I have much more control over casting decisions.

  2. A few people have been irked by Ranger Jackson's new voice, saying "it's cringe" and all of the other tiresome, uninspired buzzwords -- usually because of the Southern accent.

    Maybe Southern US accents make some people apprehensive for some reason. I don't know. I can only speculate. I've never figured it out, and they've never explained.

    It's up to Dracomies to make any recasting decisions. Personally, I like Jackson.

    If folks would provide examples of sound signatures that they think would be better suited for an NPC, that'd help - like post a video of a film/game character or something.

    At least we'd have a shot at being on the same wavelength, even if we don't make a change because of it.

    Haggerty's original raw audio wasn't great. I did what I could with it. But i'll add it to a list of possible revisions.

    Some people have said that some audio is too quiet. Everything was tailored to vanilla levels (except where shouting occurs, which I increased by a dB or two).

    Mod users must be sure that their audio is set to default vanilla levels. We can't get a complete or accurate picture of their issue if they don't, and I know for a fact that some don't.

  3. Brave New World is over 2 years old.


    During that time the mod has received a lot of welcome praise but also some criticism, the latter often not being all that constructive or specific.

    I would like to know, out of all of the NPCs that were revoiced, who, in your opinion, has sub-par audio quality?

    I'm not hugely interested in whether you dislike a particular voice/accent given to a character (that's subjective), but I am interested in whether you felt some audio had too much sibilance, pops, clicks, distortion, etc.

    I'm speaking only to the audio quality here. The rest is irrelevant to me as not even I was sold on every decision.

    I'm looking to revise things where possible and update any patches towards the end of the year, so now is your chance to speak up.

  4. The idea of Esther having a British accent so long after the war is not that impossible. She could be a descendant of a group of Brits that were caught in the US and isolated is a small area. It has happened before. Just check the local dialect of the inhabitants of Smith Island, MD, Tangier Island, VA and Ocracoke Island, NC. All of the inhabitants retain the British accent hundreds of years after the islands were settled.


    I know the exist, but they're the exception, not the rule.

  5. We won't be adding new lines of dialogue. That's well beyond scope.

    Only revoicing unvoiced dialogue and improving voice acting if the original audio cannot be improved (as some audio sounds as though it was recorded through a shitty telex computer mic).


    As I said in my original post, there are some clues that someguy intended for her to be British, specifically English.

    Americans do not say "Bloody Hell". English do.


    We're not interested in adding anything that alters canon.


    This is only about fixing up the multitude of bugs with dialogue, scripting, navmeshing, meshes, broken quests and so forth.

    Not about reimagining SG2K's mods.


    Esther has to be revoiced because she has a lot of missing dialogue.

    We just felt it right to ask the community what that voice should be because clearly the British accent is divisive.

    We'll go with the majority vote, which as it stands looks as though it's going to be a British accent.

  6. I'd love to lend a hand with this project. I'm that guy who ran the sg2k wiki and made a tweakpage for his mods.

    My actual modding skills are really only based in tinkering atm, but I'm good at finding out what I need to know.


    We could do with another tester to produce lists of bugs we may have missed.

    If interested, add me on Discord and I'll include you in the group: TheHermit#3590

  7. Greetings folks,


    I have a question for all of you someguy2000 mod aficionados (ahem... sodomites - can I still say that here?).


    Now... as a little pre[r]amble, I'm not saying that a remaster of all of someguy2000's mods with audio improvements, missing lines fixed and all bugs squashed isn't coming. You know, maybe it will, maybe someday someone will remaster all of someguy's mods with his expressed permission, of course. But yeah, I'm not saying it isn't coming, it probably is. But if it is, and it definitely is, that person or team who's working on it will need to know what the SG2K mod lovers think of certain proposed changes before they're actualized.


    Case in point: Esther.

    As you will know, Esther is an NPC that is featured in several of SG2K's mods: The Inheritance, New Vegas Bounties II (Epilogue/bonus stuff), and finally, New Vegas Bounties III (I hope you killed her).


    The main issue with Esther is that she is completely unvoiced in New Vegas Bounties III - the original voice actress likely went MIA at the time SG2K was working on it. Moreover, some mod users have, on one hand, commented on her voice in the past - not liking it or feeling that her British accent doesn't quite fit into the Fallout world. And on the other hand, some do like her British accent and will wax lyrical about Tenpenny's supposed "British" voice in Fallout 3 in order to justify Esther's accent - even though Tenpenny doesn't sound British at all. It's a pseudo-British accent portrayed by an American, but I digress...


    If a team wanted to... I dunno, fix the issue of Esther being unvoiced in NVBIII, it'd of course be nice if the voice was consistent across all 3 mods. But said team may wish to find a voice actress with a different accent, perhaps a North American one, if they themselves are of the mind that Esther's British accent doesn't fit.


    Unfortunately, it's difficult to know precisely what SG2K envisioned with her voice. He told me himself that he found it very difficult to find female voice actresses at the time, so perhaps he chose the original VA for Esther out of necessity more than anything else. There are some clues, however, that he may have intended for her to be British all along as she says "Bloody Hell!" a number of times in her script, a phrase that, to my knowledge, isn't widely used in the North American vernacular, if at all.


    So, in this hypothetical scenario ( :wink:) to fix Esther's missing dialogue, a new voice actress would need to revoice all of her dialogue to make it consistent, but the question is, should the revoice stay true to Esther's original British accent, or should she have a generic North American accent, or perhaps the best of both worlds (sort of), a Trans-Atlantic accent? The latter accent would still give her all of that "savoir faire" feeling, I suppose. In any case, I would like to know what you fine people think.


    Now... how do you add a poll on the Nexus? Ah, here we are...

  8. There will be more Skyrim mods, of course (I'm loyal to my TES roots), but 2018 will bring a return to New Vegas, starting with some small-scale projects. I'll announce everything in the New Vegas forums once Thirsk Saga is finalized. Thanks for the support!


    Just be sure to post a link to the project thread of your next New Vegas mod here.

    Finding a thread on here is like finding a needle in a haystack if you don't know what you're looking for.

  9. I realize that the majority of Thirsk Saga adds new world spaces and so don't generally affect the vanilla game as such, but will you be forwarding any needed changes from the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (particularly the fixes made to Dragonborn?

    Also, give me a shout if you want before release and I'll give the mod a rigorous inspection and give the mod a clean if needs be - pretty good where that s#*! is concerned.

  10. LOW BLOW! Work has resumed, thank you very much! All that remains is the last quest, which has blown up in scale. It will take a month or so to get it finished, I reckon.


    It was a low blow, but I still love you, haha! Feature creep was always the reason for Thirsk Saga taking longer than expected -- you can thank the sodomites and their colorful imagination for that.


    Completely off topic, but you should check out the sodomy in Gopher's Better Angels LP if you haven't done already ;)

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