POSSIBLE FIX: About twenty minutes ago I delved back into my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files to attempt a last ditch "solve the puzzle" effort. My settings look like Frankensteins' Monster, but I believe I have found a solution. In SkyrimPrefs.ini there is, on line 116 under Terrain Manager, the text fTreeLoadDistance=12500 (the number may be different for you.) I changed this fTreeLoadDistance=12500 to fTreeLoadDistance=0 and it seems to have COMPLETELY gotten rid of the stretchy textures for me. (As I am no expert, I don't really know what this does to the game, I just know, in my case, it has solved the problem.) If you are having this problem you will need to open SkyrimPrefs.ini in Notepad++ (or a similar program, completely free) and find fTreeLoadDistance. Set it to fTreeLoadDistance=0 and it SHOULD solve this problem. (While perhaps creating another one. Who knows? One step at a time.) If you are still experiencing minor stretchy abominations littered across the floor, open Skyrim.ini with the program you used earlier and find bAllowCreateGrass=1 on line 20. Change this to bAllowCreateGrass=0 and it should clean that up. Now, as I said I do not know the consequences (if there are any) of changing those parameters. I DO know, however, that I tested loading the map several times with no problems, and seemingly no repercussions after doing this. If you do try this as a fix, please post whether or not it worked for you so 1) I can feel all good inside, and 2) so I know whether or not to stop posting in this thread, as I would hate to just take my victory and leave with people still having problems.