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  1. Still noticing people having this problem. Bumping just in case it can help anyone else.
  2. I've had the same trouble. I think it might have to be reset every time your computer is restarted, or, more likely, when your game settings are changed from the configuration menu. Quite annoying, but I am glad to hear it at least works.
  3. Because this has helped a few people I will bump it again, just because I know how frustrating it is to not be able to find much information on this topic.
  4. This is a link to my thread from earlier on, what I believe may be this same thing. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/457904-stretchywarped-foliage-and-grass/ Scroll down to the possible fix. I wish you luck.
  5. POSSIBLE FIX: About twenty minutes ago I delved back into my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files to attempt a last ditch "solve the puzzle" effort. My settings look like Frankensteins' Monster, but I believe I have found a solution. In SkyrimPrefs.ini there is, on line 116 under Terrain Manager, the text fTreeLoadDistance=12500 (the number may be different for you.) I changed this fTreeLoadDistance=12500 to fTreeLoadDistance=0 and it seems to have COMPLETELY gotten rid of the stretchy textures for me. (As I am no expert, I don't really know what this does to the game, I just know, in my case, it has solved the problem.) If you are having this problem you will need to open SkyrimPrefs.ini in Notepad++ (or a similar program, completely free) and find fTreeLoadDistance. Set it to fTreeLoadDistance=0 and it SHOULD solve this problem. (While perhaps creating another one. Who knows? One step at a time.) If you are still experiencing minor stretchy abominations littered across the floor, open Skyrim.ini with the program you used earlier and find bAllowCreateGrass=1 on line 20. Change this to bAllowCreateGrass=0 and it should clean that up. Now, as I said I do not know the consequences (if there are any) of changing those parameters. I DO know, however, that I tested loading the map several times with no problems, and seemingly no repercussions after doing this. If you do try this as a fix, please post whether or not it worked for you so 1) I can feel all good inside, and 2) so I know whether or not to stop posting in this thread, as I would hate to just take my victory and leave with people still having problems.
  6. I have noticed a majority of the people having this problem are using a laptop with an ATI graphics card, including myself.
  7. Yeah it's pretty frustrating. Hopefully this problem has been addressed to the staff, although, I'm sure it has. It's just that I've noticed this problem is not exactly recognized one of the major bugs due to the fact that it doesn't seem the vast majority is experiencing it, even though it is just as crippling to the gameplay.
  8. I hate to bump my own thread, but I just don't think this problem is seeing as much exposure as it needs to as it's so early into Skyrim's launch.
  9. I have tried changing a lot of options on the pc but without much progress. It would be a good idea for others to try this out though, especially those who are also having this problem on an xbox.
  10. I've seen screenshots of what you're talking about. It might be helpful to turn down your video settings, which is what I did. Unfortunately this did not fix the problem, it just made it slightly easier to navigate.
  11. I'm noticing a possible pattern with laptops.
  12. In Oblivion's case there were so many different kinds of fixes for this that did or didn't work for people, so this might be a possible solution for you. However, for me, cooling down my cpu didn't fix the stretchy madness.
  13. Yes I have a laptop, a Dell Studio, but the graphics card is integrated.
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