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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Hey there, I am really missing the option to assign my rookies a class, instead of the game doing it automatically. I spend so much time creating my soldiers in the character pool and then they get a different class than what I designed them for - big bummer. Would really appreciate it =) Thank you!
  2. No one has a solution =( damn then i have to get rid of the weather patch, is this affection realvision somehow?
  3. Herp Derp you are right about the modlist, but CoT is installed already... http://picload.org/image/owrglgl/skyrim2.png No matter what i try... it does not work -.- :(((
  4. Hey! I just reinstalled some mods and stuff and used boss for the load order but i get Crashes to Desktop on startup now. After some disableing / enableing i can 100% say that it is CoT Weather Patch but i do not find any incompatibilities in my load order compared to what is suggested on the mods page, is anyone else able to find the pesky problem? :smile: Tyvm! http://picload.org/image/owrglgd/skyrim.png
  5. Hey thanks that's a bummer :/ Will try the optimized DLC, ENBoost is already included in my ENB thx alot.
  6. Hey! I recently came back to Skyrim (this time finally ready for a long playthrough :D) and i installed a couple of good old mods on a fresh install ( I have a fresh backup folder of Skyrim which i can just copy paste :D). At first i loadede all the updated versions of the mods i was using a year ago and i had terrible fps (around 20-30 in exteriors) and a lot of slowdownes. So i decideded to make a fresh start, reinstalled skyrim and only use the mods i really want. At the moment i am using Skyrim HD 1.5-1.6 cause i feel like I need at least one full texture mod, is there any alternative which is maybe more performance friendly? ( I am using light). My problem now is that i get huge fps drops which stay persistent until game restart or alt tab which totally breaks immersion and is annoying beyond imagination. I am running the game on: gtx 570 phantom i5-750 @ 3,6 ghz 8 GB DDR RAM @ 1080p My mods: http://picload.org/image/opiwcow/mods1.png I am also using Realvision ENB and follwed the instruction down to the last detail. Works wonders :smile: Beside those super low fps moments i am running around 70+ FPS in interiors and 40-50 FPS in exteriors which feels pretty solid. I have read that this is a VRAM issue and can not be solved. Either I use no texture Mods (like one that does a lot like in my example the skyrim HD light) or i get a new graphics card. Is it really THAT bad? No workaround, solution - anything? Hope we can find a way around this :smile: Thanks a lot for any help and if i have forgotten anything just let me know and i will give you more details. Edit: Dont worry about the deactivated mods or closed catergories in the screen, they were never activated or anything ;)
  7. Anyone got a save with 100% female and africa as main city? toolbox does not work anymore :( ty!
  8. Hi! I am looking for two mods that do the following: 1) I want one to remove the left hud elements where i can click on to select my next soldier and all that stuff that you normally do with keyboard bindings. 2) I want a mod or the know how for what to change in an .ini file to change the starting armor set and color in the first mission and set this as "new standard armor" (e.g. instead of armorset 1 i want 2 and instead of color 1 (yellow) i want 5 (white). Would highly appreciate if anyone could help me :) Thanks alot!
  9. Hey! I want to use custom names that get shuffeled on every new game so i can see the names i like. I have heared that e.g. america get's 20% canadian names which would be bad cause i only want to have edit one nation and then set the nation probabilty to 100% by the tollboxkit on the nexussite. (So i save myself alot of work :smile: ). As i like the english flag, is there any kinda "crossnaming" from other countries if you set the names to be taken 100% from england? Also is there any list to see which lands also are 100% "of their own" in regard to their names? Thank you very much :smile: Love this site! Edit: Oh yeah if i am already here: Is there any way to set the default armor look to sth else in any ini file? like armorset 2 and blue (17)?
  10. Hi, i am looking for a save game with the following properties: - Classic - Ironman - North America - 4 Females as starting characters - Any Map - First Map, No missions or moves done. I have started way over 100 games now and never got a full femaile sqaud, but like 10% full males. Females just look better :biggrin: Highly appreciate your help! Thx alot!
  11. Hey! I am looking for a mod that would blend in well with my other mods: http://img1.picload.org/image/dwppllw/page1.jpg http://img1.picload.org/image/dwpplcr/page2.jpg In particullar i am trying to fight shadow strips while still using rcrn 3.6. I have read in an old thread, that using custom rock textures may help. As i do not want to replace much textures and only the different rock textures and try to keep the resolution like in bethesdas hd mod (to not get less frames) i hope you can help me find a mod suiting my need :)
  12. Sorry for the little bit of necro but i have this problem too :/ Have you fixed yours? If so how? :) Would really appreciate an answer! thx!
  13. Ok :) Then one last suggestion: Settings the classes like gender distribution to % so you can get one of each after the first mission. would that be possible? Otherwise like an option where you can select the class manually after they got promoted. Thanks agan :D
  14. Alright awesome! Thanks for the quick clarification :) I want to suggest the addition for another feature: Locked Armor Customization Options. For example settings the color for Armor always on 11 or setting the race to one specific everytime as well as which armorset to use 1/2 all the time etc. Would that be possible and could you add this feature?
  15. Alright I have one more questions then: If i set the gender probability to 100% female I will get 4 females at the start of the first mission if I understand that correctly. But so will be all my other recruits that i get afterwards right? If so can I change that the way that i get 100% female in my starting mission and like 75% later on? Thanks :)
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