Since it was released, the CK has crashed when I try to do just about anything. I know it's temperamental, but this is way beyond that. I can load into the Commonwealth Sanctuary cells most of the time, but if I try and load into another cell, it crashes. Even if I pan to another cell, outside of Sanctuary, it crashes. If I try and drag anything into the scene it crashes. For some reason the Sanctuary cells seem to be stable, I can move around those easily, but every single time i try and load outside of those cells, it crashes. I have no idea about what could be wrong. I'm hoping it's something in an .ini file, or a setting I missed, because the CK is unusable for me that way it is now. I (usually) spend way more time modding a Bethesda game than I do playing it, I've got 1026 hours in FO4, and the CK was a huge factor in my buying the game, so this has really sucked. I've never gotten an answer anywhere I've asked, including here, but damn I really would like to use the CK. thanks for any possible idea anyone might have. Edit. the actual code I get when it crashes is: An unhandled win32 exception occured in CreationKit.exe[1224]. am using 32 gb RAM, a nvidia 1060, and an i7 4.0 ghz.