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About hyperactivechild

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  1. No problem chuck, really appreciate the attempt, oh ya, drivers are solid, but nice try :) damanding, that's all i get for a debug code, a window pops and asks if i want to debug in visbasic (i think), but no more code that I could see. Dizzasterjuice, I haven't been able to mess with anything, any time I try and bring an item into the viewport, CK crashes. I have not messed with any of the armor or clothing or npc models at all. Tukster, no man, I haven't been running any ENB stuff. The game itself has be really solid, but the CK hasn't worked at all, ever....I have no idea. I've actually had the same problem through 2 different machines, I just built a new machine, and it has the same problem with the ck that my older machine did. I never had any problems with the Skyrim ck, or the FO3...I just don't get it.
  2. It is still crashing while loading into any cell i try from the cell view window, but thanks for answering chuck. It's gotta be something similar to that though. Actually, I have no idea what is causing the problems, not even a clue.
  3. Since it was released, the CK has crashed when I try to do just about anything. I know it's temperamental, but this is way beyond that. I can load into the Commonwealth Sanctuary cells most of the time, but if I try and load into another cell, it crashes. Even if I pan to another cell, outside of Sanctuary, it crashes. If I try and drag anything into the scene it crashes. For some reason the Sanctuary cells seem to be stable, I can move around those easily, but every single time i try and load outside of those cells, it crashes. I have no idea about what could be wrong. I'm hoping it's something in an .ini file, or a setting I missed, because the CK is unusable for me that way it is now. I (usually) spend way more time modding a Bethesda game than I do playing it, I've got 1026 hours in FO4, and the CK was a huge factor in my buying the game, so this has really sucked. I've never gotten an answer anywhere I've asked, including here, but damn I really would like to use the CK. thanks for any possible idea anyone might have. Edit. the actual code I get when it crashes is: An unhandled win32 exception occured in CreationKit.exe[1224]. am using 32 gb RAM, a nvidia 1060, and an i7 4.0 ghz.
  4. Every time I try to load an interior or exterior cell from the cell view it CTD's (except SancuaryExt). The Status Bar message (bottom right) never changes from 'Done' when the cell name is clicked (again, with the exception of SanctuaryExt), so I'm assuming whatever is supposed to receive the message to load the cell isn't receiving the message, and that pisses the program off and it crashes. I know how temperamental the CK can be, so I'm careful when using it. I (would) let cells load fully before messing around, double click slowly and confidently, etc. I have had cells load before, so I know it's a possibility. My computer is fast enough. i have enough RAM, I have an Nvidia 1060 card. I have no idea why this is happening or how to fix it, but it definitely has put a damper on any modding I want to do. Thanks
  5. I don't have the game running. I treat the CK super careful, let cells load correctly, slow to click on objects, I know it can be temperamental, but it's really hard to use when I can't load certain cells on the map. Sanctuary Ext loads for me everytime.
  6. When I use the cell view > Commonwealth > countycrossing (for example), CK crashes every time. Try to go to the slog, it crashes. Spectacle Island, it crashes. This has been an on going thing for me. My video card drivers are up to date. I did't log out from the game with my toon in the cell I'm trying to edit. This can't be just happening to me, but only found one reference to CK crashing on cell load in a forum search. Any ideas? thanks
  7. Oh well, in any case, I bet they can play some badass bass. (see: Primus)
  8. Anyone know how the Super Mutant Primus got it's name?
  9. Ya, it's the same with my game, and that's the first thing I checked, thought I had a sticking key or something. Thanks though ;)
  10. When I go to place a wire from one pylon to another, I end up picking up the second pylon when the wire is placed, and other times, when i pick up the wire, my toon can't move, but the mouse controls the wire. I assumed it was a Mod problem, but I am still having the problem after going through the mods one at a time. This just started recently, within the last two weeks or so. It makes wiring a settlement a real pain. Sometimes when I place the wire, all of a sudden it will grab everything that wired item is connected to...walls, fencing, floors, i will end up with a huge chuck of whatever I'm working on suddenly selected and moved out of it's spot, with the only response being to hit ESC to drop out of the settlement work mode. Thanks EDIT: I have now lost all building menus except for the expansion cage menu, and the menu for crafting the machines (weapons, etc). No mods whatsoever installed. I found a thread on Bethesda.net that talked about the missing menus, but no concrete ways to fix it.
  11. yes, I compiled the script by 'saving' in the CK. It's a script I've had for awhile and have used before, and yes, the properties are filled in. I'm not sure about the clean save, I'm not sure how to check the mod area if it is free of my mods data. I've used this script for the exact thing I'm trying now a bunch of times in the past with no problems, now I'm going schitzo trying to figure it out. it should be simple: attach the script to the xmarker activator, then 'enable parent' from the on and off versions of the torchs (the 'torch permanent on' and 'torch permanent off' items) I'm checking the 'opposite' box next tot he 'enable parent' for the off torches. thanks
  12. Have they changed scripting recently? I have been attempting to set up an automated light switch, one that I have used before without any problem, but it won't work now. The script I'm using comes from the Creation Kit Wiki, and I haven't made any changes to it. I set it up with the appropriate xmarker activator and 'enable parent' references on the lights, and their 'off' counterparts. thanks
  13. It seems that generating new mip maps was causing the problem, once i switched to using original maps everything was ok thanks guys
  14. I have worked with .dds files before , but never had a problem like this. After editing the image, I go to save as .dds, using DTX5 w/alpha, using existing Mip maps, and the file ends up with only half of the wanted width. example can be seen here When I try to save as 1024 x 1024, end up with a 512 x 1024 image. The image is not reduced by half (ie. squished) but cut in half. help much appreciated thanks
  15. I have worked with .dds files before , but never had a problem like this. After editing the image, I go to save as .dds, using DTX5 w/alpha, using existing Mip maps, and the file ends up with only half of the wanted width. example can be seen here When I try to save as 1024 x 1024, end up with a 512 x 1024 image. The image is not reduced by half (ie. squished) but cut in half. help much appreciated thanks
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