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Posts posted by Plutoman101

  1. I second google code if you are interested in maintaining download counts. :)


    I've used it extensively for ASIS and SkyProc hosting, the former a java application that works with Skyrim's game data, and the latter the library used to interact with the data (and make it usable). If you aren't interested in uploading source, it's easy to use the download counters, but it's also a convenient place to point people when they want to look at the source (which is good to show the program is harmless). You can license code under various licenses, so no worries on people nabbing the code (well, at least legally nabbing it).

  2. Tip: for private testing like this, I recommend using Dropbox. You can very easily display the public link to the file, people can immediately download w/ no issues. It won't show download counts, of course, but it's a lot less frustrating for people than navigating some of those file hosts.
  3. I would disagree with that. I upload WIP content so I can gather feedback, before it's finished - rather than after. So I can get testing on sections before I call it a done deal. Doesn't mean at all that I'm done making new stuff. :)


    It's contextual, very much so.

  4. Not sure if it was noticed, but the spawn randomizer was released to the public a little while back. I have a few kinks to work out in the code, but none so far relating to that (some GMST's don't export and the global exclusions, + perk/spell inclusions, aren't working fully). Besides 'possibly' making some quest/etc checks, as once in a while a spawn pops up on a new game. o.O


    So feel free to experiment and ask any questions necessary. I'm now getting into full scale development on SkyBash, or Bethsoft link, so I won't be implementing much more into ASIS quite yet. The good news is that SkyBash can fully merge NPC's to the subrecord level (so no conflicts with a mod editing a face, or adding a script, etc), and I've managed to rework some algorithms so it's pretty snippy, too. Tests with 3 large ASIS plugins (2.2mb, 2.9mb, and 5.7mb, merging a few thousand NPC's from each) took only about 6 seconds, of which 4-5 was importing the initial mods. Now that the internal framework is getting set up, a rapid expansion will be possible. Races are mergeable, even, though they haven't been reworked to new algorithms ('tis tomorrow's task).


    Feel free to check it out, there's download links. .15 is the first with new algorithms but it's entirely untested. It'll get more work in tomorrow.


    So... now that I've been all technical, tl;dr, mod merging should be possible fairly soon for everything but cells, worldspaces, navmeshes, and a few other oddities.

  5. Glad to help. :)


    I should also be releasing preliminary versions of SkyBash - a new Bashed Patch, but it'll have NPC support (plus weapons right now, probably armors and a few others by the time I release), so you can be comfortable in linking to it if you need to make edits and make sure they are compatible with other mods.

  6. Oblivion was really easy to build quests for compared with Skyrim. Skyrim is very very buggy with things like the dark face bug, the navmesh bug, and the .wav file voiced dialog bug. (Not to mention the problems with aliases that fail to fill and the general user-hostility and counterintuitiveness of the Papyrus scripting language.) The fact that the voiced dialog is less broken than it was in Oblivion means that many quest mods will have voiced dialog and be longer and harder to build.


    So unfortunately, there are likely to be less quests, adventures, dungeons, and activities for Skyrim.


    Many modders try it out, quit, and vow to never do that sort of modding work again. Sometimes I think it is only the masochistic insane people like myself who will build mods in those categories.


    I would really disagree. Skyrim has a much more powerful language in the form of papyrus, which is more of a true language. The navmesh bug is fixed, the dark face bug just requires a ctrl-f4, and aliases work just fine. In Oblivion, you couldn't even make the lip files in the Construction Set, so I'm not sure where you are getting your information from.


    Skyrim is likely to have more content, and larger content. It's only been 5-6 months since the CK was released, though.

  7. Good to hear. :)


    When my spawn randomizer is released, I'd encourage you guys to check it out. If there's ever any configuration that would be recommended with your project, feel free to distribute any ini files out with whatever settings will optimize ASIS to the purposes of it. That's half the reason they are there - I could always hardcode stuff, but I'd rather leave it open to interpretation for whoever might want to edit them.


    Here's my latest feature which may be of use to you guys if you wanted to utilize it (I tried to spoiler it, as I didn't want to clutter your thread with random ASIS notes, but spoilers don't work here >.<);


    The spawn randomizer will basically implement NPC's into groups, defined in the ini file, and then define NPC's to attach the groups too, also in the ini file. So you could define a group of dremora, the missile, warlock, and melee ones, and attach that group to EncHare, and whenever an EncHare is spawned, it triggers a chance to spawn one of the groups attached to it. When a group is spawned, it randomly decides the size based on settings, and randomly chooses which enemies out of the group. Then it goes on and procs the multi-group chance, where there's a chance of multiple groups (also defined in the ini file). If you add any creatures, a custom ini file could be provided that would utilize those creatures.


    I'm hoping to make it as flexible as possible. I'll track the progress of WiSV and again, feel free to bug me anytime if you have questions, requests for resources, scripts, anything.

  8. Great! If you're going with those goals, then if you need help with stuff, shoot me a PM. My whole idea and workflow is around making stuff work together and smoothly - giving players as much choice as I can give them. It may/may not be of interest to you, but you're welcome to bug me regarding SkyProc, the library I use to import, edit, and export Skyrim plugins. It's open source under GNU GPL v3.
  9. Realistic Lightning with customization


    Realistic Lighting. ;) I know, I made large swathes of it. It'll have no performance hit. The system sounds fairly similar to mine except you run a much higher resolution (and I have a core 2 duo). If you run into issues with performance, try cutting back. ENB will take a hit off of that card regardless though, you'll run into computational backlog. Textures should be fine as long as you stick to 1k versions in most cases. You could handle some 2k textures, but I wouldn't use all 2k.

  10. The only installation programs are pretty much all open source. But the main difference is that having a call from NMM would allow a lot of damage to be done by the large amounts of people willing to mislead others, and it may not be obvious. What's out right now is generally all open-source, or from a big name (such as the nexus), or both.


    What I'd be interested in is just the opening of a directory. So when ASIS is installed, it can automatically open the directory to the ASIS.jar. I'm not interested in opening security risks; but I am interested in ease of use for users.

  11. The reason the script can't be edited is because the perk point potions mod relies upon a custom SKSE plugin. Which, ironically, is the same as Ely's Uncapper, which is an SKSE plugin that just has extra options. Both rewrite executable code, just as SKSE itself does.
  12. NMM works great and all, but it checks for a new version on every start-up. While it can be good, I'd love to see a timer implemented in the options where it could only check for updates the first time it was run each day, each week, or etc. This prevents needless checks, especially for mod authors who are testing and restarting, swapping plugins, and more.


    This is quite likely integrated in with mod update checks; which I think works well for that, too. Understandably it's still in beta and the core is more important, but I hadn't seen it brought up before and I apologize if it has.

  13. So, I've spent the past 4-5 days trying to get this to work. To first clarify; yes, I've set masters, and all that jazz. I've compared and contrasted against various fallout 3 mods, seeing what I've done and haven't done. I've gone through and edited every single weather field to a new value, changing all the night RGB values to near 0, if not absolute 0. I've gone through all the lighting templates, changed them. I've gone through the imagespaces, and the imagespace modifiers, but I'm having a hard time puzzling them out.


    Essentially, interiors don't darken at all. Regardless of what I set the lighting templates too, they don't darken. I've changed all sorts of variables, but from all I can see, it just does nothing. Outside, by modifying weather files, I've managed to make nights darker - momentarily - and then the eyes adjust.


    For testing purposes, I've edited CELL, WTHR, IMGS, IMAD, LTMP, and the LIGH files to make them darker. I went through several cells and checked all the references to edit the light files. Changed ambient inside cell, made sure it linked to a lighting template, checked the lighting template, checked the interior weather file, modified that, checked the imagespace and set eye adjust to 0 (also tried 1, and an absurdly high number, for the heck of it - but the GECK implies that 0 would set the adjusted lum to the actual lum), checked the imagespace modifiers and got lost, but tried a few edits based on what I could glean from the changes in fellout (never copied anything - just used it as a reference file), modified the same subrecords as it modifies.


    At this point, I'm just out of ideas. Nothing tested worked, at all. I don't know if there's something with my game that prevents it from working, but I can't see anything to do more. Any assistance?

  14. So, I've spent the past 4-5 days trying to get this to work. To first clarify; yes, I've set masters, and all that jazz. I've compared and contrasted against various fallout 3 mods, seeing what I've done and haven't done. I've gone through and edited every single weather field to a new value, changing all the night RGB values to near 0, if not absolute 0. I've gone through all the lighting templates, changed them. I've gone through the imagespaces, and the imagespace modifiers, but I'm having a hard time puzzling them out.


    Essentially, interiors don't darken at all. Regardless of what I set the lighting templates too, they don't darken. I've changed all sorts of variables, but from all I can see, it just does nothing. Outside, by modifying weather files, I've managed to make nights darker - momentarily - and then the eyes adjust.


    For testing purposes, I've edited CELL, WTHR, IMGS, IMAD, LTMP, and the LIGH files to make them darker. I went through several cells and checked all the references to edit the light files. Changed ambient inside cell, made sure it linked to a lighting template, checked the lighting template, checked the interior weather file, modified that, checked the imagespace and set eye adjust to 0 (also tried 1, and an absurdly high number, for the heck of it - but the GECK implies that 0 would set the adjusted lum to the actual lum), checked the imagespace modifiers and got lost, but tried a few edits based on what I could glean from the changes in fellout (never copied anything - just used it as a reference file), modified the same subrecords as it modifies.


    At this point, I'm just out of ideas. Nothing tested worked, at all. I don't know if there's something with my game that prevents it from working, but I can't see anything to do more. Any assistance?

  15. Checked out the files and it appears that the BODT subrecord, the first hex set, determines the type. No idea on how to go about making two possible though.


    Beat to the punch, apparently. Seems editing the BODT record to zero's means it can be equipped as a general item. Interesting.

  16. I've always unzipped to a separate location, so I can keep track of what files go with which mods, which mods I've installed, etc. I often use winrar's extract to [zip name] function just because a lot of people do it your way, and it's frustrating as heck.


    So, no, I would vote against this. Just check the file and take the 10 seconds or so.

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