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About TheRealTSG

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  1. I've done what I can think to do and nothing has worked. I am currently finishing up a combat freedom mod. Functionally, it works very well. But I've got two bugs that still need to be worked out. In Third person, it seems the transition after jumping is too quick at time. In First person, two handed weapons are held with one hand and the other in a fist. I know the First person bug is a part of CGO stripped left over. The Grip switch part of CGO still shows itself, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to switch the grip back. And truly get rid of this buggy behavior. If anyone can please help me, I'd be over the moon. My Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/126607?tab=description
  2. Is there a chance of messing up my rig by using those programs? That’s wild. Could you explain that? Sorry, I just don’t get that. And if I were to get an older rig just for modding, where would I find these files/programs, (Behavior Tool, Havok Tool, etc.), and documentation on how to use them? and I can’t figure out how to get OAR to replace animations.
  3. Hello, I can't find anything on how to even begin editing Skyrims HKX behaviors/animations. I have the Skyrim Behavior tool, no clue how to open it. I converted the 0_master.hkx to an .xml. Still no idea on how to edit it. Obviously it's possible, but I literally can't find any sort of help online. Can somebody please point me somewhere or to someone, or just help me? How is there nothing? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/126607?tab=description My issue is with this mod I'm working on. Everything works perfectly other than for whatever reason the jump animations seem to overwrite each other every few jumps and send the character into an A-Pose. I saw in the Animation Logs that the mod files I used from another authors mod used "1hm, 2hm, etc." jump and fall animations instead of mt_jump/fall like every other mod seems to. I'd really like to get to the bottom of this. Maybe I can change something simple so the mod uses no jump animations and the jump animations rely on my custom jump mod? Any help would be extremely helpful.
  4. Bro, can you please help me? I can't figure out how to edit behavior files
  5. It was an issue with the mod "More Natural Encumbrance SSE" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22156?tab=posts It creates this issue due to the way it's scripted. Good mod, but unplayable.
  6. I'm having this extremely strange bug that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. Whenever I press the sprint button right before pressing either "A" or "D" to strafe/move to the left or right my character speeds up like crazy, before slowing down to a regular movement speed. It never happens when sprinting forwards, or moving sideways without sprinting. I genuinely don't know where to look for this sort of issue. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. I've linked my modlist, & a video of this occuring. https://youtu.be/2Laa-1kO_kU?si=Lz3KSMAZgOm5_bSP https://pastebin.com/Bad45iJs
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