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About JesterKing

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    United States
  1. The NMM is working fine for me. So I'm proud of the work you guys have done!!
  2. You don't have to start over (the minimum level to start is 10) You don't have to beat the main quest either in fact I usually get through dawnguard on new playthroughs before I beat the main quest. The best part is serana. How will the game change? not much but watch out for vampire attacks in cities. I hope I answered your three questions completely.
  3. I love these threads! For the small addition I would like something that would add better romance and friendship. My dragonborn doesn't feel connected to anyone in Skyrim and feels lonely. One follower doesn't cut it for him. Why can't he go drinking with the guys on the weekends or have an actual courtship with a fair lady. For the larger dlc I want to become emperor and fight the thalmor. Think about it: The Dragonborn has the most legitimate claim to the thrown being blessed by the gods and all. And I want to kill the thalmor!
  4. Okay! :) I thought my solution sounded obvious but I just wanted to be sure all possible easy fixes were thought of. :)
  5. Perhaps she's already carrying to much? Followers can't carry everything. They can carry 300 points worth of stuff. :) Edit: You mentioned everything in your inventory is grayed out so you can't give her stuff, but what about her inventory? Try taking things from her to make room. :) Hope this solves the situation
  6. Although I'm a straight guy I usually play as girls, but I think my next character will be a guy to reflect a more ideal form of a guy than me. I'll give him a large stature and heavy armor, sword and shield. I almost always go back to a girl one way or another. Girls just kick butt. :)
  7. I have news for you. Good news. Your solution is simple. NO random dragons appear while on the quest a blade in the dark. There is a global variable that prevents it. Proceed with the main quest to see dragons. :) If you are up to that point in the main quest you'll never see a random dragon again until a blade in the dark is complete. I should know I had the same problem. :biggrin:
  8. Oblivion is my favorite RPG of all time and my first Elder Scrolls. I played it on PS3 and still find it to be better than Skyrim on PC with mods. I probably have too much nostalgia for oblivion to give a fair assessment but then again only the OP will know for him/her self. Everything about Oblivion is dated. My guess is it would be hard to follow Skyrim with Oblivion. But I will leave you with this: If you love/like the style of gameplay that only Bethesda can make, Oblivion might be right up your ally as they are similar. :biggrin:
  9. I once used psb which is populate spell book, but you should NEVER use it. It will give you all the spells in the game whether you should cast them or not. If you try to cast a spell from your spellbook that you shouldn't it might crash your game. Plus sifting through all those spells is a pain without favorites. Never did that again. For screen shots tm and tcl. and prid for getting an npc's id and then moveto player. I really wanted to try settimescale or whatever it is. I heard about the problems it could cause and never used it. But hearing your testimonies I will try it considering that one person has no problems after over 200 hours. Tgm not so much any more. I even ramped up the difficulty to master. It turns out I didn't need tgm... I needed to get better! :biggrin: player.additem is my favorite. Sometimes I want to start out with a mods armor so I get to helgen keep and use that command.
  10. Allegiance: Imperial Race: Nord RL Gender: Male RL age: 24 Location: USA Uni major: Computers Politics: Moderate Combat: Master of everything. If I can level it, it levels (Warrior) B or P: Parthy Guilds: Mages (for the spell buying) Deadra: Gotta collect em all! Fallout Nv: I never played.
  11. I really liked Serana as a person. Serana is the most engaging person in all of Skyrim in my opinion. Although that's not saying much. Hell, the adoring fan had a better personality than anyone in Skyrim except Serana. Long live The Adoring Fan. :laugh:
  12. Before starting dawnguard go catch sanguinare vampiris than before it turns you into a vampire start the dawnguard quest and before you enter the cave let the disease turn you into a vampire, this should fix the problem of turning back into a mortal after using the vampire lord spell. That should be obvious the one that the leader of the dawnguard sends you too. I don't think my fix works with custom races or races that use to be custom but changed back to vanilla. Yeah I had to start over any way because I did not have a save before the cave. So I restarted as a nord.
  13. Before starting dawnguard go catch sanguinare vampiris than before it turns you into a vampire start the dawnguard quest and before you enter the cave let the disease turn you into a vampire, this should fix the problem of turning back into a mortal after using the vampire lord spell. This fix worked for me. Thank you Orangetsu! :) I'll give you a Kudos! :) I can confirm that this strategy works. :)
  14. Before starting dawnguard go catch sanguinare vampiris than before it turns you into a vampire start the dawnguard quest and before you enter the cave let the disease turn you into a vampire, this should fix the problem of turning back into a mortal after using the vampire lord spell. Which Cave? I understand everything else, but which cave?
  15. I will have to try this. Be right Back. :) edit which cave? The fort Dawnguard cave?
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