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  1. So in the Skyrim version of Creation Kit, there was a Package one could attach to Actor Aliases that would enable someone to force a creature to attack a person/place/thing. However, in the Fallout version I am having a lot of trouble replicating that. I have practically duplicated the Skyrim base UseCreatureWeapon package to no avail. I've set the Weapon Type to Weapons: NONE just like in the Skyrim version, but no option seems to help force my zombies to simulate attacking a dead body. Was wondering if anyone else had a look at this, or if there is something simple I'm missing. Cheers, kflee.
  2. I think I've run into a snag here. What I want to do is have some Feral Ghouls constantly attack some NCR bodies and chew them up until they notice you. I thought I could use the NVSE useWeapon function, and it seems to work when I make some NPCs attack me. The problem is that ghouls do not actually 'hold' a weapon. getEquippedObject 5 returns the object id of a reference's currently equipped item... instead I get a blank, So I'm kind of stuck. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance: kflee.
  3. As the title says, I want to make a short script that triggers on an actor's death wearing some very volatile armor. Now, I made my custom armor; and I want to make it so that killing these enemies will make the armor start glowing blue and then eventually explode, similar to a walking gas canister. I made a script that is attached to an armor, but I haven't really made any progress in terms of the glowing and exploding, I've read up on shaders but they seem really... undocumented. Is there anyone with experience working with those things that can help me out?
  4. Huh. Wow. You're right! The issue was with one of the SKSE plugins. I will need to figure out which one. Thank you!
  5. I don't know what happened. Whenever I try to start the game up with SKSE, it never even opens Skyrim. The process is there, but it's stuck at 32k memory and doesn't ever start up. However, when I do try to start up the game without SKSE, it works. I've tried verifying game cache and reinstalling SKSE. Nothing works. Any ideas?
  6. This is a very basic problem. Let's say I found some very gorey blood splattered equipment, and that on my character's death I want swap out the shiny armor he usually wears for the rusted, bloody up version of it. Manually in the game, using the player.equipitem after death works, so I brought that over to a script [that doesn't compile, so I need to redo it anyways.] I've also made a quest, but unlike Fallout there is no Script Processing Delay that runs a script periodically. Can anyone help me out here?
  7. Basically any moddable weapon with a silencer fails to shoot. Well, it 'shoots', the ammo is used up, I even hear the sound... But no bullets are coming out from the muzzle. There's the muzzle flash and spent cases leaving the barrel, but no bullets. I cannot shoot anyone. Any ideas?
  8. Hmmm, the script won't save. EDIT: Oh, now it does. Problem is that it doesn't seem to work. EDIT: Got working with the PrintC commands to debug, it seems that Player.getCurrentHealth is always returning 100.000? Wat. Oh, I got it working. Great success. Thank you for helping me out!
  9. I want to start learning the script syntax, and after reading the TES4 Construction Kit it seems easy enough. To begin, I want to try scripting so that whenever my character gets hit, he mutters something as long as he didn't say anything for the last 3 seconds. So, this is what I think I need to do: 1) Create new sound entry. Pointed it to directory full of .wav's and called it MVgetHitSound 2) Create a new script, lets call it MVOnHit ScriptName MVOnHit short currentHP short newHP short doOnce Begin GameMode ;Set up variables: if doOnce == 0 set currentHP to player.GetCurrentHealth set newHP to currentHP set doOnce to 1 endif ;Loop to check when currentHP != newHp if currentHP != newHP set newHP to currentHP player.playsound3d MVgetHitSound endif End 3) Attach script to Player NPC. 4) Skip ???, go straight to profit. However, I'm missing something. I don't know to add a timed delay, nor do I know why this won't werk. Halp plz?
  10. Yes! It finally works. Thanks for your time and patience hah.
  11. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15802 The newest version of it. I'm getting Wrye Bash first haha, probably easier to learn than Unix bash.
  12. Well, what, specifically, are you trying to do? Be SPECIFIC. I have no idea what exactly you are trying to do, so if you want help, you need to tell me exactly what mods you are trying to install, what tools you are using, what guides you are using, etc. In installing MBP and such, I went and installed [in order]: HGEC MBP found on some other site MBP ++ found on this site Manually installed and such. Is that the correct order of installations? Or is that where I did something very very wrong?
  13. Hmmm, is there like a specific order as to how I should install these?
  14. I -was- using the NMM, until I realized most of them didn't install correctly so I began drag-dropping into the DATA folder within my steam oblivion folder. I'm very thankful for you having to put up with this loool. [+kudos]
  15. Is what it looks like atm, I just quickly randomized a character from MBP. That's... not supposed to look like that, right? But, when I try the character out in any HGEC body armor, it 'magically' works. Sometimes.
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