I have no idea why but my trees in the far distance look just awful : http://s21.postimage.org/pdtwxtbg3/enb2013_3_20_19_17_9.jpg Recenetly I had updated my nvidia drivers to the latest version. Had tried out Flora overhaul mod, but removed it because of the FPS loss. I thought there might be some files left, that are causing this problem, so I deleted all the files in the data folder that came with the mod - no change. Then I thought I might have to adjust my LOD setting in the Skyrimprefs.ini. I deleted it so I can start the game with the default settings - no change. Then I thought i might have screwed up the LOD mesh files somehow , so I downloaded Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape. No change here too. I doubt the problem is in the nvidia drivers so I have no clue what's causing this glitch. Any suggestions are welcome.