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  1. Background of the default loading screen is a basicly rectangle with texture, so you can open it with nifskope and modify it, I think there could be some way to get random and set texture based on this random value, or something like this, if you cant find this mesh I can check full path and send you
  2. Just use bodyslide tool to move this clothing area from body a bit
  3. Hi, sorry I am not sure what you trying to say but I made some progress, the source of the problem was using bgEm (BSEffectShaderProperty), I changed it to bgSm (BSLightingShaderProperty) but with .bgsm material it just don't allow partly transparency (if I set alpha blending = it disappears in game) There is also way, to set "decal" property of material to true, but in result I have even more bad result (partly transparent part are completely invisible on sky) So I think F4 just does not support that without this bug for transparency with sky and far objects, only using 2 layer models can be workaround where it does not look bad or material without blending
  4. Hi, I am trying to achieve material to be partly transparent in some places and non transparent on some other places when you just watch on ground or player face everything works good (see image 1) But when I try to watch on sky initially non transparent part become transparent (see image 2) How I can fix this? I attach material I use, I found it a good example from this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8677 material: https://mega.nz/file/z6pERC5L#lMlMN7LQR6LV__cItwfS1l_IV5fKXQLONlWrw5COio4
  5. I dont know but with this code, item just deleted and there will not be this item on player or container anymore Event OnItemAdded(form itemForm, int count, objectReference itemRef, objectReference sourceContainerRef) RemoveItem(itemForm, count, true)EndEvent
  6. So if I try to use use RemoveItem() on Event OnItemAdded and then additem() to container -> player will have his modded legendary armor and container will have base form of item? thanks
  7. Thanks, But first I dont know how to get ObjRef Also, forgot to mention, I dont need container to have armor with mods, I need only that player wont lose his armor mods so it will be also good for me if item in container will be base form item and player have his moded, legendary armor hope it makes this task simpler
  8. Hi, I am using this for container script: Event OnItemAdded(form itemForm, int count, objectReference itemRef, objectReference sourceContainerRef) PlayerRef.AddItem(itemForm, count, true) EndEvent It works, but It loses legendary and other modifications for armor itemRef is always none, I dont know why I tried this near container but it finds only armor on floor not in container ObjectReference[] containerItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(itemForm, 1000.0)
  9. is there a way to preview the result of editing particles in CK or nifskope? is there particle editor in CK? Or they can be done only manually in nifskope and checked only in the game?
  10. is there a way to preview the result of editing particles in CK or nifskope? is there particle editor in CK? Or they can be done only manually in nifskope and checked only in the game?
  11. Attach your new material with outfit studio to other existing and working model, and try working material on your new model Dont worry about how it will look, you need just to check fact that it is working, that will help you to find what problem you have, bad material or nif
  12. Attach your new material with outfit studio to other existing and working model, and try working material on your new model Dont worry about how it will look, you need just to check fact that it is working, that will help you to find what problem you have, bad material or nif
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