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Heroes and champions, eh? There is plenty of that in the actual games and mods that stir the imagination and creativity encouraging others to be their own hero... or villain. Advertising is usually geared toward presentation with an action-oriented response. In the case of the Nexus, my view is they provide the tools and community to foster gaming in all its forms and the desired "buy-in" is community involvement of some sort that results in unique content and art (discourse at the least). I am not understanding how this is any type of defensive strategy. Does Nexus have a bad image to combat? I do not believe it does. How do you envision Nexus becoming the hero and champion and of what? I view this community as artistic and creative on the whole with technical bents to be sure, but I unaware of anything I really want to represent other than the art and enjoyment. Maybe its naive or shortsighted of me, but its the art and enjoyment that are driving me to build some of my ideas into reality, here. On the simple side, this news release, forum, and the last few have been about the future and site redesign. Maybe there will be some hot "news" articles that mimic nightly news somewhat... if that is what some of the demographic wants, then no reason why a redesigned and more active news section can't have some of the conflict oriented news or, even, tabloid styled maybe. Does debate style discourse fit the overall subject, here - Gaming? I am glad you are here, Fred. Always nice to hear from people in the industry that still enjoy having facets of media/entertainment as hobbies, too. Please give me some specifics to think about and why are you here and what keeps you coming back? You damn sure have the Socratic Method down! I am hearing you say something like, "I want something cutting edge... this is boring." I do not disagree that I want cutting edge, as well, in the form of gaming with the site's media vehicle providing many avenues to wander down in exploration. I could definitely get into a Virtual Reality (VR) series on where the technology is at and where it might be going. Do we have any VR mods here, yet? Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Minecraft are all capable of VR... that's cutting edge to me.
The tone and style of the interviewer and softer questions always has a lot to do with how the interview is received by the public. Having a brief or outline of questions to present helps, as does keeping the interviews and interactions in written form. A followup "live" interview after receiving the general Q & A back is a good method. Probably best to remove some of the personalities that show through on video by making them think a bit about what they say and write, while making it known what the goals are for the interviewer and site. Again, I would lean heavily toward tutorial, tools, some personal light biography (including influences and other interest), mod showcasing, and future vision for you and any projects you may want to preview/leak to the public. I would steer away from more than one or two questions relating to current conflicts or issues and be clear that final edit rests with the interviewer and Nexus, so any really offensive personal agendas, prejudices, and the like can be edited out for everyone's sake. Those with harsh personalities benefit from professional editing and an entertaining presentation, even if its not their style. Drama, train wrecks, and taking on the "system" and its "players" gets tiring. There is more than enough of conflict oriented discourse in modern life, governance and politics. I prefer my gaming to take me to Story Land - the places I dreamt about as a child and still look for today and, hopefully, always will tomorrow, along with the best side of the people involved and not too personal.
Trying to reach past authors or original developers is a fine idea. Maybe a "Where Are You, Now" series, every so often, going back in time to see what past mod of the month authors are doing now and how has their vision for gaming changed, their tools, their interest, are their kids into gaming, are they on the third generation of family gamers (we are and soon to be fourth when the kid can use a joystick), these "interviews" could be conducted via standardized email question and answer. Answers could be picked and combined for an interesting read (quarterly maybe). For that matter, involving the community like this on what a standardized interview might look like is a great idea. Same interview formula could be applied to interviews with industry game development players...
In response to post #43549100. #43551735 is also a reply to the same post. One more content suggestion: monthly top ten new nexus downloads exposes. Develop a slightly formulaic process to showcase the best of monthly downloads and their authors, in addition to the standard top ten videos that mainly showcase the mods. A little more personal biography from the authors to give it a human touch would help, immensely, in addition to humor and future projects being sprinkled in the Exposes.
In response to post #43549100. A big second on Millennia! His tutorials of old are priceless and him and his teams' work is all-around top notch. For a feature article request, I would like to hear what third party software modders use, what they used to start, what are some freeware alternatives, and what tools do they see becoming prevelant or needed in the future. I could use a freeware version of a good 3d model painter to use with GIMP and 3ds Max. For future tutorials, original mesh to texture, to game implementation series with a model to mimic similar to Millenia's 2012 shotgun series would be very helpful. Stretch the series to simple new world space, sound, NPC, etc with greater degrees of skill. Most important goal is getting us future modders from initial custom assets/simple mods with new assets to medium skill levels. The last feature, would be some way of tagging and searching for trainers to help a with a group learning modding via chat and video/desktop and to clearly tag teams of people willing to help on projects: writers, artists, composers, voice actors, graphic artists, scripters/coders, etc. A strong focus on tutorials, training, easier access to various modders skillsets and those that are available for potential projects would greatly benefit the community and site, by encouraging and fostering new content and its makers. A system where modders volunteer or make themselves available for a future project, while showing how many past, present and future commitments would be ideal, along with a rating system for "mods in development I have the most interest in" to allow mod authors to pick projects with tons of interest or lesser known ones that are promising. I write... And can come up with more ideas and content related to writing/communications. I will even run it thru word processing and an editor for clarity and professionalism! (Not forum posts though most times)
FO4 War Tags, Enclave XO2, Liberty Prime, all of tumbajamba & azrael_wtf's stuff, all of m's stuff, NAVI brand new power armor, and more... Lot of videos out there for best power armor mods.
I, too, would like to see some redesigns of the Pip-Boy for FO4, now that the needed tools are out. The FO4 Pip-Boy clips with way too many armor and power armor mods. There are currently some mods that allow one to customize the Pip-Boy in-game, including a Framework(!) for customization and the Holographic Pip-Boy. I would still like to see the Readius and other new incarnations in-game FO4. I would love to see a more modern Pip-Boy with a quest type of immersion to unlock it in a new Vault-Tec Vault that continued to work on the Pip-Boy post-apocalypse. A Pip-Boy that has a more sleek and curved screen design with limited physical mechanisms and one that is just an armband with flashlight that projects a holographic image for the activated Pip-Boy screen, along with new animations, would make for a stellar mod! Pip-Boy Customization Framework Holographic Pip-Boy 8000
Hmm, it would be nice to see some new creatures added, unfortunately my skillset is a long ways away from helping with creatures.
The new DLC is quite good, especially with it being in a quest driven format. I still have not completed the main game, as I have been savoring the storylines and building up settlements with half untouched or barely begun.
5 o'clock, here. Break time from the texture turnabout!
Ya know, I should do another totally custom texture piece and see if the error is repeatable or this is a problem with some asset I used (a cubed asset) to make this one. Eureka, the troubleshooting lessons from the SIGINT men in green camo come in handy! Or, at least, its them I picture in my mind bubble prior to planning my next step. I have seven custom pieces in my mod and I want to get to 30-45 prior to my first release. I still need to cement my logo and learn FOMOD. For future projects, I need to learn 3ds from scratch and I will need to use it for one group of pieces for this mod. I am thinking by end of month this will be up and running for everyone. Maybe sooner, if I release and update without mesh editing much. Y'all have been great in helping me learn more (that to my current friends and those that have responded to me on these very boards)! I am so psyched that I have seven items I made in my game and working! Totally rad (radiation for those that need the tag)! ^^ Geek on! Truth to be told 3.5 of the 7 pieces need more work to get them where I want them for release. This stuff takes some time and work, even if the work is fun for the outcome imagined... er, something similar to what I imagine, anyway! ... hsss... more.... skreeetch... to .... erk... report... bzzz,,, later...
I feel foolish for having to ask what seemingly should be a simple problem, but I would be more foolish for taking a shortcut and not learning what exactly I am doing wrong. On a simple in-game wall texture (photo below) I am using to learn custom texture replacement, my texture is flipped 90° on the y axis (assuming its the y axis). I could just rotate the image 90° in GIMP, but I need to know what I am doing wrong and need some help, please. The environment in the bgsm file using Material Editor does not have a cubed .dds. (I thought that might have been the problem, as I am still learning.) Any help is greatly appreciated.
Then again, Nash would be disappointed if we left a Game Theory move out of our gaming... When we share, teach, communicate, and engage with others we raise the level of the game for everyone, including ourselves. No reason not to engage with snark or stick up a "Gone Gaming" sign on your mod pages... Unavailable for support, sorta of thing. Its a huge part of "internal motivation" a kind of quid pro quo. An unspoken benefit - game theory. That said, hearing some people are skipping modders down like debtors that owe others, when modders are unavailable, shows quite a lack of manners to put it lightly. Hard to "ban" those types of people - flippin' sounds like cyber stalking from mainstream news (scary to off-putting). Pretty obvious Neanka is burned out in this element of gaming, right now. And that Talkie Toaster isn't real pleased that someone hunted him down personally outside of where the mod is supported and posted. Doesn't sound like too much fun, at all. You don't need anyone's permission to stop engaging with Nexus, as a whole. Frankly, your level of the game is beyond most and it shows through with quite a good many modders. I, actually, find that element entertaining and will miss that. ^^ Seeing those two elements engage can be something... educational and entertaining!
Neanka, you are appreciated. I really appreciate the work you put into making a great GUI for item menus and world items, etc. With gratitude from OZ. Hopefully, we will see you around on a new endeavor with less updates and maintenance needed. If anyone has it, I would appreciate a link or a PM with the instructions to modify the icons and name them. I was busy with learning on my end and relied on the talented mod author to keep the mod functioning and updated with the improvements. Man, the Keynuker key ring not showing up was just resolved, as well, along with more labeling and icons (or so it seemed). I sure hope Neanka stays in the community and finds a group to work with or enjoys fun to be had with sampling others' mods.