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  1. Hi, I just want to know if it's possible to tweak the language settings in the game I had set it to Italian, because it's the closest to Romanian, and my word, it was just so much better I played Yakuza Like a Dragon in English, so I can be a Philistine when I need to I tend to play games while watching a show at the same time, so subtitles usually aren't my go to But in this game, it was just, chef's kiss. Such an improvement. Made the game feel like some old Italian horror movie, or like a Guillermo Del Torro flick (though not Spanish, obvs). What really made it work though, was that my game glitched out, and Ethan was still speaking American English I had no idea it was a glitch, I just thought it was a stroke of genius, to have the player character only have the one voice actor, but to have everyone else speak whatever language you like, to add to the feeling of alienation and disorientation. Amp up the fish out of water. Then, at some point, my controller desynced, and I had to reboot the game, and now Ethan is speaking Italian, and I can't get it back It's not that big a deal, but I'd love to find a mod to get Ethan, Mia, and Chris all using the English dub, with everyone else using the Italian dub There's not that much dialog in the game, and even if you miss some of the subtitled words, it's like, Ethan's Romanian isn't all that perfect after three years, so the subtitles are like him still having to translate in his head, and sometimes he misses stuff. I really like it. And it would be nice to be able to go back. But if that's just, not a thing, or no one knows how or is interested in doing it, fair enough. Just figured I'd ask the scene :)
  2. Hey yall. I have no experience in voice acting but it's something I've wanted to do for years. I have a little experience with stage work, local amateur plays and such (I had Stella dubois tell me she'd always depended on the kindness of strangers in steetcar) but that's it. I offer my services free of charge with total creative commons whatever, don't even need to credit me if you don't want, would just be happy to have a go and get a little experience in the game. I'm Australian if that helps, I think the Mandalorians were meant to have Aussie accents so anyone doing a starwars mod might be interested in that. I can do a couple of decent cartoon characters, zoidberg (everyone does Zoidberg), Herbert the pervert from family guy, Cleveland from family guy, that sort of thing. My email address is klm1987@hotmail.com, anyone that's interested give us a buzz. Viva Tamriel!
  3. I don't think it's bad, I think it's great. But I also think it could just be so much better. That's why we are all here aren't we, because it's a great game that could still be so much better. Why would you want to get used to something when you can make it better?
  4. maybe a toboggan would be easier, to animate
  5. Yes, totally yes! I had a post on adding Minecraft elements to the game so you could design your own house's interior, but that would be damn near useless if you couldn't fill it with all the awesome you collect in the world. I would also definitely like to see more cosmetic stuff like paintings, sculptures, rugs, drapes, fireplaces, working chessboards, etc. Maybe even training rooms, like a room that conjures hostile Daedra at the push of a button, and after each one you kill, it someones something stronger. Or a series of rooms filled with patrolling ghosts or draugr or something where you need to sneak around and pick locks/pockets to get through each room and if you get caught all the locks become unlock-able and you have to go back to the start. It could be four rooms arranged so that when you get to the end of the second, you have to climb a ladder and head the other way through the next two rooms, and once you complete the fourth room, you end up back in the first, and the thing goes up a level by making all the locks harder and adding more patrollers, up to say 5 levels, and there could be a different one in each of the bigger houses, or maybe this should just be somewhere else in the city, maybe in the thieves guild.
  6. I'd much prefer to ride one than play. It would be so good to be able to fly over mountains instead of always having to walk around them or mapwalk. I think it should be a shout, unlike the horses so that they come at your beckon instead of having to find them. And I really hope that whoever does this makes it so you can breathe fire, and hopefully there will be decent enough AI for the guards to bring you down, so you can have epic fights trying to destroy cities. Now that I think of it, I want a shout that summons horses, maybe even one that causes a dragon to fly in with a horse in it's claws and drop one off for you, how freaking awesome would that be!
  7. Is it ironic that you only have the console if you don't play on a console? Also, great tip, thanks for that
  8. There are so many great ideas here already, but I think modders will have a tough time finding them in the state they are currently in. Loads of really good ideas are going with less than a hundred views and only a handful of comments before becoming lost in the back pages just because there are too many new posts being added for most of them to get a fair chance. If we could split it into a few characters like Leveling, Texturing, Game play, Quirks (for stuff like mini games during the loading screen which there already is by the way, ), Dragons (even though the only complaint so far seems to be make them harder, I still think they deserve there own forum category) etc. It would make browsing the forums more enjoyable, and more useful to modders, as well as give good ideas a better chance by having them stay on their respective front pages for longer.
  9. Love it. I had felt this game was missing something in it's lack of radial menu's. I still think you ought to be able to provide your own labels and put whatever you want in each category. You had the word favorites in the middle, maybe that could be made into a button that cycles between a few category types, like <Type> (basically what you had) <Element> (sorted by what offensive magic effects they hold, i.e. shock, fire, ice, poison, stun, flee, soul trap, etc) <School> (Sorted by which school of magic the item uses, i.e. Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Conjuring, etc) <Hot-keys> (So you can get to your hot-keys while the game is paused basically) <Custom 1> <Custom 2>. If you like the idea, could you make up a series of images showing what it might look like. I'm not much of a modder but I think I'd like to get into it for this game, and for me this would be the first thing I'd like to work on.
  10. I've seen some mods that change the general look of the game, it would be nice if someone could link together four of them to represent seasons, along with changes in frequency for different weather types, maybe even changes in the kind of wild life your likely to see. And if your feeling crazy, maybe even a mod to change the position of the sun making for shorter days in winter and longer ones in summer. Along with a changing view of the stars.
  11. Wow that ended up being a long post. I really can't seem to help myself :P
  12. Sounds really exciting dude, can't wait to see it. If I friend you can you let me know when it comes out, I assume it wont be for some time yet. Also my mining idea involved creating new levels, so apart from the door, used as a gate way to the new map like with all the other dungeons, the main world wouldn't be affected. Also there wouldn't need to be new animations or anything, you would start of in just a very small space and the level would be filled with meter cubed blocks of terrain shaped objects that don't move and disappear when you hit them, some of which will contain ore to mine. I don't think that's impossible, depending on how well the game can deal with a billion individual blocks (If a cubic kilometer space is filled with cubic meter blocks) instead of one big block with some holes cut in it. It would be great if someone could design textures to be rocky and uneven if not touching other blocks but flat if they are so it doesn't look like a perfectly carved out cube each time but it wouldn't be necessary. Then after that, if one could write some algorithms to carve out some underground caves, with randomly seeded monsters with some treasure chests and stuff. I think one of the most difficult parts would be in placing the blocks elsewhere in the dungeon, which one will need to do if they hope to build something that they are going to like, as it would need to snap to a grid for it to work at all. If the whole 2 dimensional surface of the world, ignoring differences in altitude, could be mapped to a grid work of these kilometer cubed spaces, none of which come into existence until you place one of these portal doors on the ground (only allowable in non mountainous wilderness) or the walls and ceilings (only allowable at the edge of the underground spaces), one would be able to build giant tunnel networks all across Skyrim. The doorways don't have to be any good, maybe it would be easier just to have a black hole texture, and you could ignore all the existing dungeons and general height changes by just saying that they all start bellow the lowest altitude in the game for no real reason. One big problem would be when you build a portal on the roof somewhere in the underground, since there would need to be a map of all the places you can and can't put one. It wouldn't necessarily be to hard (though quite laborious) for the cities and mountains, but once your getting down to streams and trees and just the little structures around Skyrim, it would be a really big job to work out everywhere you can and can't place a portal, hell it'll be pretty damn hard to do it even above ground. It would be the same 2d map of allowable spaces just placed over the ground of Skyrim and the ceiling of the underground. I don't know I'm not a modder, but to me that's probably the biggest deal breaker, but there's some very talented modders out there, maybe one of them will find a way to get around it.
  13. Adhome put out this macro creator to do stuff like that, so with one button you can put away your spell or 2nd weapon, pull out a shield if you want, and then block all by pressing ctrl+(0-9). Sounds like what you're looking for.
  14. I have to say I disagree on this one. I really like the new system of one button for left hand and one for right. If you have a single handed weapon, you still use your other hand to hold the weapon if you want to block, or you use a shield. You have to choose if you want to keep the hand free for blocking, or put another weapon in it/keep a spell ready in it. RPG's are supposed to be about finding the path of least resistance, and if you remove all the resistance, where's the fun in finding the path? Of course that's the beauty of mods, my opinion doesn't matter for s*** to you guys because if you want it, then it's good for you and there's no need for me to take part. I've actually spent more of the past 4 days or so here than actually in the game because I'm more excited about what the game is going to be than what it already is. The potential is staggering.
  15. Yeah I knew you could do that but it's really just not effective, also I found that whenever I pulled out my bow, then tried to hot-key switch it to a sword and shield, the bow would for some reason just lose it's hot-key, maybe that's just me. I wrote another post on this topic more fully detailing my idea's if you want to check it out. I included a link to this one since it's what inspired me to start typing.
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