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  1. Thank you for the info, it's a valuable information where to change these paramters :smile: But it seems you are right and I have to apologize (to LW). I'm pretty sure the chryssalid drops were in the vanilla version as well, I think LW just added some cyberdiscs and mutons and that makes sense when assaulting a battleship. Still, I find airdrops on a flying ship kind of weird :laugh:
  2. Attempting a Gangplank DLC mission in long war and while I appreciate long war gameplay on those, some changes seem a bit curious. Sometimes I feel "more difficult!" just defies logic. For isntance, LW Gangplank adds air-drops of thin-men during your assault. You are sitting on top of a flying battleship. And thin-men airdrop in. Where do those come from? While regular airdrops can be explained by small UFOs dropping "paratroopers" (like EXALT troops get the helicopter sound when they drop in), there are no other UFOs in Gangplank as this is the whole point of the mission story. I'd like to change the mission and remove those drops, if possible. Are those settings in the .ini files as well or are they harder to modify?
  3. @wastehound33 You adress two separate points here. The "how could you miss someone like this" line ignores a very important fact: XCOM and Long War is not a simulation, it is a game. It is closer to a game as a shooter or something like this, it is actually more like a tabletop game you play on the computer. What all those hit chances, even if they are 99%, mean is that you roll dice. And you can get bad rolls, even ten in a row. That's the nature of a game. Now the alien upgrading indeed seems too steep but there's a mod on nexus making only enemy commanders improve via research, the grunts might get more health but they don't upgrade how much damage they do. Because it really is a bit ludicrous to invest so much time and resources into better body armour when that merely restores the status quo at the games' beginning.
  4. To be fair, though, this is exactly where Long Wars difficulty comes from. You're simply vastly outnumbered and the NPCs become bullet sponges. It is true that they have vastly adjusted and improved the AI behaviour and how the campaign works overall, but the actual difficulty really isn't the economy or timegates that slow you down, in the end it comes down to sectoids with 8 health and outsiders with 25 while, on the higher difficulties, the aliens will pretty much one-shot you every time. Long war is indeed best enjoyed on "normal" or "classic", and even then it needs some adjustment. Anything above that is just ridiculous, but to each their own. I personally don't find an EXALT mission "realistic" or "enjoyable" which pits 4 agents against dozens and dozens of EXALTs. While hard or borderline impossible to beat you really start to ask questions that cannot be answered except with "we need it to be super super hard".
  5. I was wondering wether there are commands help me do that? After an impressive onslaught of UFO missions, council missions AND a DLC mission - which I beat with acceptable losses, greatly advanced my campaign progress - I however face a situation of having all my interceptors on weeks of repair time and most of my personnel either wounded for weeks or fatigued. I really enjoy this campaign, had some serious trouble and had some insanely lucky catches. Now, though, I'm unable to take most of the missions that will come up which is not really all that fun, in fact it will probbly seriously screw over everything I did up to this point. But since I don't want to abandon this game I could really use some kind of console command that would set me ready for action again, so I can then stock up an SHIVs and soldiers to avoid a bottleneck like this in the future ^^
  6. Besides the system requirements (I don't fulfill, even though Oblivion runs perfect) is the game itself a "letdown" too?
  7. I'm sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I don't know much about modding oblivion, but I'd like a custom race be adressed as an already existing one. How do I add a script like this into the game? EDIT: Got it: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1519-a-question-about-custom-races/ Sorry again :D
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