To be fair, though, this is exactly where Long Wars difficulty comes from. You're simply vastly outnumbered and the NPCs become bullet sponges. It is true that they have vastly adjusted and improved the AI behaviour and how the campaign works overall, but the actual difficulty really isn't the economy or timegates that slow you down, in the end it comes down to sectoids with 8 health and outsiders with 25 while, on the higher difficulties, the aliens will pretty much one-shot you every time. Long war is indeed best enjoyed on "normal" or "classic", and even then it needs some adjustment. Anything above that is just ridiculous, but to each their own. I personally don't find an EXALT mission "realistic" or "enjoyable" which pits 4 agents against dozens and dozens of EXALTs. While hard or borderline impossible to beat you really start to ask questions that cannot be answered except with "we need it to be super super hard".