Journeyman I am happy that this thread was started, I have been having similar issues as well. Recently got a new pc, downloaded Inquisition, downloaded DAI mod manager (first time modding Inquisition) and related parts. And then the issues begin;starting with its inability to accept the file path for the game. I spent days pouring myself over the internet reading any and all available information I started realizing that for the most part almost all of the information and an impressively large amount of the mods were either posted or last updated around 2015. Many forums that came up for the issues I was searching were all from around the same time. It felt that there was this intense dive just approaching 2016. I started wondering if the reason for some of my problems were due to the lack of current activity withing the DAI modding community. I then found Frosty Mod Manager, which was significantly more current than DAI Mod Manager. My computer took to running this Manager much better....but then all of my mods were an incompatable file tpye. So now my latest venture is trying to figure out if I need to delete all of my mods and re-download them in a different way. I think what I am getting at as someone who is walking into the DA Series within the past year and has fallen in love, is that the tools and resources out there feel very much out of date from the current patches, updates and bugs. It feels like something isn't catching as I try to make all of these things run cohesively. Have you been able to get it all working since the last post?